Saturday 25 May 2024


Though the Dame sleeps soundly.....not last night 

She had a scary nightmare.....Sir Keir had keeled over leaving gobby and not-so-clever Angela Rayner as PM!

As this was all happening the Russians and Chinese decided to send a fleet of nuclear-armed warships on a 'friendly' visit to Plymouth. 

What would Angie do next...head a deputation of fellow dimwits to welcome them? Probably.

One thing is sure....Tony Blair for all his faults would never have given this woman a job...she's vacuous.

Blair surrounded himself with smart people.


  1. This blog is full of Tory misogynists who can't bear "uppity" working class women.

    1. ‘Stalinist’ Sunak threatened with legal action for blocking pro-Boris candidates, says the Telegraph.

      Are we in double figures yet? How many gaffes will Sunak be able to do in 6 weeks?

    2. Today, Rischi was at a ‘spoons to prove he is a man of the people before climbing into his millionaire mate's helicopter for a lift back to London. Whoops!

  2. This blog is full of idiot Lefties who think a dimwitted thicko who throws 'mate' around has working class cred. Only stupid people are taken in by her pretensions.

  3. Oh dear touched a nerve!

    1. Oh that your best shot? Truly crushing.

  4. there are 40m between the ages of 18-65. Of those 31m pay tax. 6 m work for the state. Make what you will of these stats

    1. Dear Dame , just because our government has effectively collapsed and despairing Tories are lashing out in panic at the prospect of losing control is no excuse for those who visit your , online salon to descend into trading abuse and name calling. Do please require your correspondents to observe a little decorum . Perhaps it would also be possible for the Dame to summon Ms Raynor to tea at The Royal Garden to discern the real qualities of the democratically elected Deputy leader of the Labour Party ? Gobby, spirited and tenacious she certainly is but l see no evidence that she lacks intelligence . Nobody from her background who drags themselves up to hold the position of power that she currently occupies can be devoid of talent . Dear Lady do please take this formidable woman under your wing and mould her so that she can function in polite society.

    2. Hitler dragged himself up from the gutter as did many others. Rayner plays the 'gobby, spirited and tenacious' in the same affected way that Johnson plays the buffoon and Rees-Mogg, the aristocrat. The Dame is right to 'call out'poseurs. That is why we love the awful old bitch.

    3. Double Barrelled Privilege.26 May 2024 at 11:32

      Why is it "fashionable" when someone who comes from a background that has not enjoyed the privileges that Jacob Rees Mogg and Emma Dent Coad have both benefited from that others describe them as "dragging themselves up from the gutter." This talk is being ascribed to Angela Rayner at the moment.

      My upbringing was humble. My mother had a failed marriage and worked as a barmaid and a hospital cleaner to keep us. I was not "dragged up." I was taught the difference between right and wrong and, had three meals a day. I did not have cardboard in my shoes or no knees in my trousers.

      It is Now "fashionable" for some left wingers to describe my background as "deprived" but I do not think that I was "deprived." I object to this patronising nonsense.

      Like many others, I tried to make something of myself without bleating on about being working class like so many others like to do. I may not have been fabulously successful but I have managed to get by, stay out of trouble with the police and live a decent life.

    4. Bloody good comment

    5. Talk about "Double Barrelled Privilege." Emma
      " the Double Barrelled Socialist" Dent-Coad made sure that her kids were privileged. They went to Public School, one with a very ponced up uniform, so that they would enjoy privileges. Is she a fake - a Socialist Charlatan?

    6. Talking of ‘Hitler’ … Reports grow that Rishi has banned any mention of the film Downfall and any references to bunkers in No.10 and CCHQ.

  5. Priceless Poseurs26 May 2024 at 11:03

    Poseurs? EDC is one of them with her claims of descent from Spanish Royalty just like Rees Mogg is a poseur with his Aristocratic pretences.

  6. Comparing Rayner to Hitler proves my point that some Tories are now only capable of silly , unimaginative abuse .

    1. Not Tory, fool...just don't want some idiot like Rayner running and ruining my life. Got that?

    2. Not really. In what way is Angela Rayner 'an idiot' ?

    3. She would not get far in the private for profit business sector. All she's fit for is as a social worker; Trades Union Oppo and Lab Party where no great demands are made on brain power.

    4. You're really quite dim, aren't you?

    5. Oh....crushing!! You will have me in tears. You are as thick as your hero Angie

  7. Angela Rayner: Police will take no further action against Labour's deputy leader over housing claims

    1. With a GE coming up unsurprising

    2. Manchester police chief too close to the Tories leads to f-up, stupid!

    3. Has Watson told you this or are you just fabricating the comment cos it fits your agenda?

    4. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) has shared information about its investigation into Angela Rayner with HMRC.

      In a statement, GMP said matters involving council tax and personal tax did not fall under its jurisdiction, and it had shared information about the investigation with Stockport Council and HMRC.

    5. Looks like Angie might have trouble with HMRC brewing.

    6. The Tory MPs who led the witchhunt against Rayner should be investigated for wasting police time. As the Manchester police and Tories are so close this is unlikely to happen.

    7. 19:59 Watson is a serious police officer who sorted GMC. Just because he's efficient you think him a funny

    8. 22:20 What a joke!

      1) The last 14 years prove the Tories as deeply inefficient.

      2) Greater Manchester Police chief Stephen Watson, who unexpectedly reopened the investigation into Angela Rayner’s addresses, spoke at the last Tory conference. The appearance raised questions about his political impartiality, as since the event he's garnered Tory support.

  8. Oh dear, the Tories weaponised the Press & Media Pals and their Politicised Police to.

    What did they get for their trouble? Nothing

    They failed with Rayner.

    1. They did's the GE, stupid!

    2. No further action against Rayner. Least surprising news of the day. The way the allegations kept shifting meant even the Tory cheerleaders knew there was really nothing there

  9. Angela Rayner 🌹 on X: "5,000 miles starts here …


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