Sunday 28 April 2024


Often in Waitrose, you see staff with severe disabilities. Often they are assisted by colleagues.

If they wished they could justifiably stay at home claiming benefits. 

The Dame is just full of admiration for them. 

But what separated them from those who dubiously claim to be so sick they cannot work?

The Dame did question one staff member who could have stayed at home rather than travel miles to work. 

He said he would be bored staying at home and loved coming to work.

There is something seriously wrong with Crazy Britain!


  1. Stop trying to shame people who are unable to work. There are differences between ‘disabilities’ and ‘illnesses’. Not everyone who is ill is disabled, and vice versa. Some people can work with physical disabilities, others cannot. Some people can work while ill, others cannot. It is not your place to judge or make assumptions. There are of course shysters and liars but because of your rhetoric and the rhetoric the government has been using for the last 14 years, the shysters have now been lumped together with those who genuinely cannot work and everyone is being vilified as a result. The cruelty and lack of compassion in this country sickens me.

  2. There is too much compassion in this country for lazy hounds who fake mental conditions in order to scam the system. Many doctors are saying they are fearful of refusing scam notes in case they get attacked. About time those claiming long term 'anxiety and depression' were given a kick in the arse. I bet you are someone who takes out far more than you put in. Though probably you put nothing in. Not many countries are so sympathetic to spongers. 2 million people claiming benefits...incredible

  3. I can't work as I have a mixed physical mental problem and had it for years so I get monthly payment. I have a weight issue and my doctor refused me a certificate saying I should lose weight. I tried but it don't go. I don't want to be penalised. Yeah, I could do something from home but I don't feel motivated. This government is fascist trying to take benefits I deserve

  4. Is there anyone in the country who doesn't have mental 'ealth issues. Why is it that no other country has so many with mental 'ealth issues.. Get a grip!

  5. No one should have to work if they feel mentally challenged by the stress of having to travel. I am clostrophobic sometimes and can't leave home. I had difficulty with my doctor who said I was self diagonosing


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