Thursday, 27 April 2023
Emma Dent Coad has decided the Labour Party is no longer her party and left to pursue other interests....she is going to become an Inde cllr bit surely she should stand at a byelection so a proper good bye can be given?
Sunday, 23 April 2023
The organisers make this claim..."
"We Suspect RBKC are sitting on TONS of YOUR OBJECTIONS!"
We know there are masses on the RBK&C server
Don't let them get away with it.
Go now to LINK and make your voice heard.
Friday, 21 April 2023
Readers may recall the Dame gave Cllr Jedut a good ticking off for threatening her with 'letters before action'.
Well, this time the Dame is prepared to take her side.
The other day a rather odd comment was posted in the name of Cllr Jedut making rude remarks about the awful Cllr Ali.
It was clearly a crude fake and the Dame's moderators removed it.
However, the Stalinist wing of the Labour Party used it as a pretext to kick Jedut out despite the fact that there is not a scrap of evidence to suggest she is in any way racist or Islamaphobic.
All the evidence seems to suggest her to be hard-working and effective.
Cllr Ali? If you are behind this the Dame will be after you!
Wednesday, 19 April 2023
If you are wondering what career advice to offer your offspring how about being a fat cat local government chap?
Taxpayers Alliance has just published its Council Fat Cat survey. The salaries plus platinum-plated pensions these nonentities collect are just unworldly.
Council leaders like the ineffectual Cllr Campbell claim 'we have to pay these amounts to stop them being lured into the private sector'...she must be truly stupid to belive the 'For Profit' sector would take on these 'Waste your Money' experts.
The only council officers who might be lured into the private sector are planners going to work for DP9.
We have had 11 years of disastrous Toryism- a decade of profligacy and waste.
This latest survey is a crushing indictment of those years.
Monday, 17 April 2023
The Chelsea Society is one of the most powerful Borough voices.
When it attacks a planning application for running a coach and horses through Council planning policy everyone should listen.
This forensic demolition job on the developer's proposal demands full attention.
81 – 103 KING’S ROAD
The Chelsea Society objects to this application. The proposed building would be incompatible with a number of Council policies; would be damaging to the character of the King’s Road and the conservation area opposite to which it is situated; and would be disruptive to the privacy of neighbouring residents.
In addition, the construction traffic management plan would involve an unacceptable level of increased congestion and inconvenience in King’s Road.
Demolition of a serviceable building
The application involves the demolition, apart from the basement, of the whole of the existing building on the site. This building is relatively new, perfectly serviceable and not unattractive in appearance. Its demolition would be contrary to policy GB3 (Whole Life-Cycle Carbon) in the New Local Plan which recommends the retention and refurbishment of existing buildings over demolition and rebuild. There might be an exceptional case for demolition if the new building were to bring social or community benefits which could not be provided in any other way. But this is not the case. It constitutes a supermarket and offices, both of which are already present.
Height, Scale, Bulk and Massing
The proposed building would be at least one storey higher than the existing one and higher than any of the buildings in its immediate vicinity. It is not easy, because of the confusing way in which the design is presented, to estimate exactly how tall the new building would be, but the increase in height would clearly be significant and would give the building an excessively dominant appearance. It would also be materially larger than most other buildings in King’s Road. This would be contrary to Policies CL1, CL 5 and CL12 in the current Local Plan, which requires new buildings to respect the setting of the borough’s townscapes and to resist buildings which are taller than their surroundings; as well as with Policy CD1 (Context and Character) in the new Plan.
Allowing a building of this height and mass to be constructed would contribute to the further “canyonisation” of the King’s Road. It would also be damaging to the view from Chelsea Green down Markham Street to the King’s Road, one of the iconic vistas in the borough (it is bizarre that Council officers made no mention of this view in their pre-application advice). There are elements in the design which are clearly intended to soften the building’s impact, for example, the setting back of the top storey and the slightly curved effect of the façade. But they do not mitigate the overall problem that the building is too large for the site and its context.
The proposed building contains extensive terraces and balconies at the rear which would have a negative impact on the privacy of residents in surrounding streets, notably King Charles 11 Place, and would constitute a source of noise and light pollution. Those residents are rightly concerned that the construction of these terraces and balconies would facilitate a future application for a change of use to residential accommodation which would if granted, accentuate the loss of privacy.
Construction Traffic Management Plan
The plan for managing traffic during the construction phase of the proposed development appears to envisage the blocking off of part of the King’s Road carriageway and its reduction to one way traffic for a period of up to two years.
This is totally unacceptable.
We have seen from the recent experience of the Curzon cinema and King’s Walk projects what the consequences of such a closure would be. There would at times be total gridlock the whole length of the road from Sloane Square to Oakley Street. King’s Road is one of the busiest streets in Chelsea (it is absurdly disingenuous of the applicant to claim that “traffic flows along the King’s Road are low”) and the pollution and damage to air quality caused by this congestion would be a major health risk.
Given that there is no social or community value in the proposed new building, it would be wrong for local residents and local businesses to pay such a high price for the benefit of private interests.
I would be grateful if you would identify the Chelsea Society as the author of this objection when it is published on the Council’s planning website.
Click on image to read his rubbish
The rather good reply to Mr Damil was...
"Legitimate protest cannot and should not be sought to be exterminated for the private profits of a company. Objection in most large property developments tends to be against the developers.
The issue is not so much compensation but the right to develop and its objection within the community that it seeks to alter.
The terms of the communication are outrageous, without any legal foundation and meant to intimidate legitimate democratic freedoms of free speech.
We will not be intimidated and intend to preserve our community within the full protection of free speech and protected by law."
You can email Mr Damil
Friday, 14 April 2023
These are leaders rather than 'the led'.
Having achieved much they can take constructive shots at their peers without the vulnerabilities and frailties clinging to the lesser 'greasy pole climbing' breed.
Felicity Buchan is intelligent, honourable and honest but being ambitious is highly conscious of the need to keep her nose clean.
Is she constant in her loyalties?
No, like the Vicar of Bray, she seems not to have many scruples in switching loyalties.
How anyone could have thought that Truss and Kwarteng were leadership material beats the old Dame.
The fact that Felicity Buchan employs a PR person rather defines her. Can one imagine Rifkind employing a publicist?
How Buchan got selected is no great mystery.
She paid her dues as a long-term Association member and a protegee of Cllr Campbell.
This powerful constituency should not be in the gift of Cllr Campbell.
Thursday, 13 April 2023
"The temperature is rising and the flowers and trees are coming into bloom- so it must be time to hand over the centre of Holland Park over to Holland Park Opera for the whole of the summer?"
Tuesday, 11 April 2023
Dear Dame
I am a constant reader of From The Hornets Nest and I wrote to you about a company called Maker&Son.
They have removed £7,000 from me for a sofa and armchair.
They won't return my money and I now cannot buy a new sofa.
When I looked at their website I saw that they had recruited a Mr Carl Catterall as a marketing man.
I looked up Mr Catterall on Linkedin and found him claiming he had an MBA from Harvard.
It seemed very surprising so I contacted Harvard.
The Registrar told me they had no record of Mr Catterall.
Is it a criminal offence to claim an MBA when you don't or just the actions of a sad loser?
Please keep up the good work
Mrs Daphne (redacted)
This is not just about losing a well-loved store but the creation of yet more multimillion-pound flats dominating the surrounding area. The campaign is drawing support from every and poor.
All are fed up with seeing their wishes shoved to one side by moneymen
Officers and elected representatives of RBK&C should be fighting this tooth and nail.
It should not be left to Jennifer Grossman and the residents to fight this battle on their own.
Councillors are in place to protect residents....they need to do their job.
The Dame has asked Jennifer for a campaign update and she hopes all her readers will get behind Jennifer and her superbly driven campaign. The last post has 100 comments. Jennifer needs similar support.
If councillors won't back residents then at the next election they must be replaced by councillors who will.
Sunday, 2 April 2023
Henderson was treated to some Stalinist discipline at the hands of Cllr Lari.
It seems there's one rule for the moderate Labour group and another for the Stalinist wing for in the image below we see Cllr Lari fratting with the enemy!
One now expects Cllr Lari to report himself and ask for suitable punishment.
We know that this government hates business but isn't this taking things just a bit too far?
Felicity has thrown her weight behind the bill because she loves to follow in the footsteps of those above her.
Independent thinking and Felicity are very much strangers.
In this case, Rishi is backing this bill sponsored by one Wera Hobhouse.
Wera is a very lucky lady.
She lives a luxuriant life on the back of the Bristol slave trading fortune of the Hobhouse family.