Tuesday, 20 November 2018


Buddy and business partner of the horrendous, Sir 'Phil' Green, Richard Caring, become a billionaire by not caring much about others. 
His Caprice Holdings owns Harry's Dolce Vita in Basil St and has been a thorn in the flesh of residents since he opened the bar. Worse, certain council officers have been blatantly complicit in allowing him to get away with breaking every rule in the planning and licensing book. 
Free storage on our pavements!
Fatty Green and Caring

The Dame's planning expert explains Caring clever ploy and says residents need  to urgently OBJECT and get their friends and neighbours to do likewise....

Originally there were just 20 small tables to seat diners were tables so a total of 40 seats  
Now, they want to swop the 20 small tables to 12 large tables
INCREASING seating by more!.....Very devious.

Caring Takeover
with plastic sheeting saying 'I own the pavement'!
Caring is trying this on because he has a problem with his large tables which breach planning consent by extending beyond the 1.6 meters allowed. 
This means there is no footway left for mothers with prams or the disabled with wheelchairs or even pedestrians and after 5.00 pm and on busy weekends pedestrians and others have to battle their way through a forest of chairs...tables....waiters...shopping bags.
His street furniture!

So, it's urgent that we click here and OBJECT  by demanding the Council agree: 

  • only 12 tables provided  they are small and seat a maximum of per table to ensure no extension beyond 1.6 meters so as not to encroach on the footpath
  • Agree to 1 only Waiting Station. Dirty flatware and crockery with food leftovers in the open is unhygienic and unhealthy and attracts pigeons aka 'flying rats' as well as presenting a very unsightly, unattractive streetscape
  • Permanently remove the plastic sheets hanging from the ceiling. They are in breach and ruin the streetscape in a Conservation Area
  • Remove all blankets strewn all over tables and chairs which add to the risk of passers-by tripping over them
  • Remove ALL tables and chairs after closing and store with the restaurant...currently, they litter the street; risk injury to passers-by and ruin the appearance of an elegant and historic area.

1 comment:

  1. Why is he allowed to use ur pavements for commercial purposes?


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