Saturday, 3 November 2018


Wither, Danny Boys Moylan?
He has been suspiciously quiet since quitting the council. 

Can I be your MP?
Most striving politicals go on Charm Offensives: Danny prefers to go on Self Harm Offensives. 

The rumour is that Danny Boys is on manoeuvres and plans a comeback as Conservative candidate for the Kensington seat. 
Why would anyone want this rude, boorish man as their MP?

He has even appointed Cllr 'Mad As A Cut Snake' Palmer as his campaign manager!

Danny will be one of the 200 or so names jostling for the job with that horrible duo, Cameron and Osborne, elbowing their way forward.

Danny? Give it don't have a chance.


  1. The Grenfell Public Inquiry and the police investigation into the Kensington Odeon planning application will do for Moylan.

  2. Better Moylan than Dent Coad

  3. Better Dent Coad than Moylan

  4. Councillor Palmer3 November 2018 at 18:55

    Personaly, I fink ex cllr Moylan will do an excelent job and I am hoping we acheeve a good outcom

  5. Of course, being a member of Bruges Group......

  6. Better a stray cat than what we have now or those that seem to be proposing to stand , we need someone with a backbone who will stand up for the normal people of the borough and take on the corrupt council

    1. Moylan has never stood up for 'normal' people of RBKC. He has used it as a playground for his idiotic ideas and treated protesting residents with utter contempt

    2. what's new, dear anon? They are all of the same ilk - could not care a f**** about the man in the street..

    3. Like RFM, could he find himself outside of the.... hehehe we shall see.

  7. Marjorie Allingham7 November 2018 at 07:33

    Why would anyone want this rude boorish man as MP?

    For the same reason that people do not want Emma Dent Coad to be their MP. She ridicules and insults those who disagree with her. She drew a picture of black guy being hanged and put it on the internet.

  8. Dear Gracious Virtuous Dame,

    Are Cameron and Osborne really interested in the Kensington parliamentary seat?
    Will they be able to see off Dent Coad?

  9. It is most important that Emma Dent Coad is not re-elected. Moylan would not be the best candidate for making sure that Emma Dent Coad does not get back in.


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