Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Daley bulletin for By Elections

Following the recent shambles of the selection process in the Tory quarter, an email is doing the rounds saying how these two by elections are going to be noticed by the Party centrally.

What Hornet noticed is that it is signed by none other than ex-councillor Mark Daley who previously allured to having moved out of the borough and having nothing to do with local politics following his resignation last year over that Phelps scandal.

Part of his return to active life, the board of the local Conservative Party have seen fit to appoint him as vice-chairman for campaigning and he is going round drumming up support for what should be a relatively easy win for the party.

Louis Mosely, the second choice candidate in Brompton and Sam Mackover in Queens Gate are having their campaigns closely controlled by Jonathan Frazer-Howells. Elections are regulated by how much you can spend and Hornet doubts JFH will allow any of it to go on the RBKC Credit Card, not that he or anyone else he knows has one...

So we need some clarification, is Daley back in the borough, or not? Is this the first step in getting himself back on the council? Dont worry Mark, Hornet has your gmail address but promises not to send it to Phelps.

Whatever next? Barry Phelps turning up at the Mayors shin-dig later this month - now that would be fun.

1 comment:

  1. There is some interesting stuff here.
    The man behind the dismissal of Phelps and Daley was Derek Myers. Sir Cockle tried to evade the issue but Myers was adamant they go immediately.
    Phelps tried to hang on even though he was sent int a room with the proverbial revolver. Mark took his medicine like a man and resigned immediately. Now 'here's the thing'-to use a ghastly Americanism.
    Someone is busy rehabilitating Daley and it must be causing Myers fury. What is going on?


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