Thursday 13 June 2024



Baroness Hanham...quality

Dear Dame, 

When the dust settles on the result of the General Election, Rishi Sunak will start compiling his Dissolution of Parliament Honours’ List. I do hope that he will think very carefully before he ennobles any of the Tory faithful at Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall. 
I remember Joan Hanham deservedly being elevated to the peerage after serving as Leader of the Council for twenty years. Joan, a paternalistic Tory, improved children’s education in the Royal Borough when the Council took over education responsibilities from the Inner London Education Authority in 1990. She also took a very keen interest in the welfare of the elderly. 
I also have fond memories of the late Councillor, Shireen Ritchie, who was elevated to the peerage in 2010. I recall the marvellous work which she did in protecting girls from female genital mutilation. Joan Hanham and Shireen Ritchie are among the Greats of Kensington and Chelsea’s Town Hall.
I think Rishi Sunak would do well to give Councillor “Dizzy” Lizzie Campbell a wide berth when drawing up his final Honours’ List. Lizzie served on the Board of the now disgraced Tenant Management Organisation along with Councillors Maighread Condon Simmonds, Quentin Marshall and Emma Dent Coad. All of these Councillors knew that the TMO was a disaster - a litany of incompetence and mismanagement long before the dreadful fire at Grenfell Tower - but they were all responsible for letting the plebs, who paid rent, suffer. 
I remember Lizzie sitting with other TMO Board Members on the platform of a meeting convened to expel two Non-Executive Directors of the TMO Board. I shall never forget the scornful expression on Lizzie’s face when the participants of that meeting rose up in revolt against the oppressive Tenant Management Organisation. She appeared to look down on the great unwashed. 
Rishi Sunak should not ennoble any Kensington and Chelsea Councillor who served in the Cabinet during the period that decisions over the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower were made and that includes Dizzy Lizzie Campbell. Campbell was a Cabinet Member when those Grenfell Tower refurbishment decisions were made and is accordingly bound by Collective Responsibility for those decisions which had such horrifying consequences.    




  1. I believe the "disgraced Tenant Management Organisation" also did work on Female Genital Mutilation.If they carried on this activity as badly as they managed Council flats, it would have been a very bad job for them.

    Nice to hear Shireen Ritche remembered. I never had the pleasure of meeting her but I have only ever heard people say that she was a very nice woman.

  2. Qualities to emulate.13 June 2024 at 13:12

    I remember Joan's kindness and compassion. We need a dozen like her to go on the Council now and to make a difference.

  3. The Grenfell disaster: TMO's Robert Black in court = Paula Vennels in court: "I cannot remember"- "I do not know"-"It's someone else's fault"-" I was not aware" etc. and so on
    and being paid a fortune to be fools and liars....SHAME !!!

    1. Yesterday was the seventh anniversary of Grenfell disaster.

      On the subject of ex-Cllrs, RFM was criticised in 2023 for plugging his own psychedelics firm in an article on how it helped him deal with his grief

    2. The inquiry’s final report is due in September, but survivors have already waited too long for justice

    3. The Grenfell Tower fire killed 72 people on 14 June 2017. The anniversary was marked with a silent walk on Fri eve. Prosecute the perpetrators!

    4. Dizzy Campbell said: “This council could and should have done more to keep our residents safe before the fire, and to care for them in the aftermath.”

    5. Seven years on from the disastrous fire, the personal payouts of those who profited from the sale of flammable materials far exceed what their companies have paid to fix them The Times (Paywall)

    6. Sinnerman Rock Re-Emerges | Urban Dandy (June 16, 2024)

  4. On the 7 anniversary of Grenfell EmmaDentCoad brought Jeremy Corbyn to the commemoration - in search of votes for the election one must presume .(The image that springs to mind is that of a couple of vultures) . But this has caused me to ask ' What have either EDC or JC actually ACHIEVED for the Grenfell victims or the wider North Ken community in thise 7 years ?

    It was Judith Blakeman ( at great cost to her own health and wellbeing ) who gave damning testimony to the Public Enquiry whereas EDC's insignificance was such that , despite her being the MP throughout the first 4 years and having served ( without distinction) on the TMO before the fire, the Enquiry declined to call her.

    What North Kensington-now needs more than ever are 'doers' and builders not poseurs and armchair critics.
    As others are saying TIME FOR A CHANGE !

    1. How right you are 21.39. This is not the first time that Emma Dent Coad has paraded around Greenfell Tower with Jeremy Corbyn. I have never forgotten the pathetic Dent Coad walking around the vicinity of Grenfell just after the fire with Corbyn, the socialist most excellent and man of the people.

      People who did not understand parliamentary convention were speaking to Corbyn and clearly expecting him to take the lead and represent them because they knew from bitter experience that Emma Dent Coad was useless.

      Corbyn said, 'Emma is your MP and she will speak out." Little did Corbyn know about that one.

      Emma just bit her lip in sub servevience to her new found left wing idol.

      The man of the people did not have clue about Emma Dent Coad.I approached her when she was on the TMO Board and she did nothing to help. I can still see looking down on me as I explained my situation.

    2. Poseurs les plus excellents18 June 2024 at 10:08

      Corbyn and Coad are poseurs "most excellent"

      Vote Powell.

    3. Corbyn's woman for Grenfell.19 June 2024 at 15:57

      Corbyn's puppet is now joined at at the hip with him.

    4. Dent Coad on Portobello Radio recently

    5. The presenter calls her, Emma Dent "Co-id." She sounds like a blob in a test tube - a covid sample.

  5. Order of the Socialist Turncoat.26 June 2024 at 10:22

    Are you suggesting that EDC should get some sort of honour or award?


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