Sunday 31 March 2024



Well done, Cllr Emma Will and her Parks Team! 

The transformation of the St Luke's Play area in Chelsea is complete.....a credit to Cllr Will and her excellent Parks Team. 

The area surrounding St Luke's is densely populated with housing lacking outside play space.....that is why St Luke's is such a vital community asset.

Cllr Will and the team are now addressing how the courts/pitches can be used in such a way as to maximise football play space at key times. 

A good start has been made.

Getting children and teens off their screens and into the open air is a must. 

Football is a sport that maximises the space and teaches young people teamwork

Good work, Cllr Will and her very dedicated Parks Team.


  1. Agreed. A vast improvement

  2. As a parent living on Sutton Estate we need to see more free use of football access....too much private tennis coaching.

    1. Agreed. The football pitches tend to be block booked well in advance , this leaves locals with very little opportunity to access those facilities. Locals ahould come first ,corporates after.

    2. Could not agree more. Excellent comment. The tennis courts get overbooked by moneymaking leisure coaches at the expense of recreation area deprived kids. The Council needs to stop this blockbooking and free up for our kids

  3. St Luke's is a great resource. The Gardens are lovely and this upgrade to play areas a credit to the council. Well done, all


    1. Saint Luke wrote the third Gospel, which emphasises Christ's compassion for sinners and for those who suffer.

    2. As a local parent i have to say its excellent.

    3. Christians throughout the World greet each other at Easter with: “He is risen “
      “Alleluia, He is risen indeed!”
      We have such hope!

  4. I have to say I was very impressed when I popped by last week.

  5. Why has it not featured in any Council PR

    1. It has featured in Council PR such as: St Luke's Gardens | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

  6. It is great Councillor Emma Will is so supportive of the Notting Hill Carnival. Last August she said: “It’s truly satisfying to witness the success of Carnival and the incredible efforts that went into its smooth operation.”

  7. Too often children cannot play due to a couple of people playing tennis at a time when kids are out of school and need to play. Not right

  8. And hopefully it will finally expunge memories of its unfortunate past.

  9. sincere Congratulations on the St Lukes improvements in the wealthy ward of the Council leader. But would it be churlish to wish that similar improvements could be achieved in Golborne, Earls Court or Notting Barnes wards ? ( by far the most deprived wards in RBKC & even more lacking in open spaces & play areas). When one looks at how much money was squandered on the hideous fountain on 'the Green' it needs to be asked why more of our wealthy borough's treasure cannot be spent on the needy wards than on the , already gilded , wards of the Council's leadership ?
    It cannot just because the Leadership are more diligent in snapping up resources ( After all Cllrs. Lari, Wade and Engnali know a thing or two & are
    hugely articulate their efforts to extract the maximum for their constituents needs). Perhaps someone needs to look again at the formula that dictates how limited resources are distributed across the wards in RBKC ?

  10. As a resident of the Sutton Estate with tow young kids I have to say too much time given to Tennis particularly it seems when the kids want to play football,namely after school and the Holidays. If this is to be deemed a local amenity then the space must be accessible to local kids and not just the corporates.

  11. I live on the Lewis Estate absolute nightmare to book pitches for kids.

  12. At last. I have been going on about this for years. In the old days it was easy just to have a kickabout in the park. Now thats gone can we please have some affordable access to the soccer pitches so we can win another World Cup. As we all know the best players come from working class backgrounds.

  13. I have just been over there. The playground is excellent but the look on the faces of my kids and their friends pushed up against the fence of the soccer pitches watching two adult teams have a kickabout ,whilst they have little chance of getting on the pitches. I believe Mr Bundy of GLL who run the pitches is coining in 250k a year. If this is the case no wonder they allow block bookings to cover the cost of that. Those pitches are on Church land which is supposed to provide and amenity for the locals , not only a gaggle of well paid execs living out their football fantasies, while the kids look on. If GLL is a charity how do they justify the sky high wages of the Chief Exec ,whilst excluding those that the land was meant for ?

  14. Trying to tear my children away from the Playstation is hard enough already. We are constantly being told by Government,Council,Schools, Football Schools to keep our kids active and busy. I do try this at the moment by primarily walking the kids over to Battersea Park from Chelsea so they can have a game of footy. The kids moan at the walk there and back ,but light up when they start ro play footy with their friends. The walk over there is the problem its 30 mins there and back and thats the bit the kids get annoyed with. I can hear them now, why can't we just go to those pitches over the road. I cant exactly say well the Chief Exec is on 250,000 a year so that takes priority , over your local needs. I only get a Saturday off work so I'd rather be using my time with the kids productively instead of hacking all over the place for a kickabout.

  15. How are we ever going to find quality home grown players if they can't find anywhere to kick a ball.


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