Wednesday 18 May 2022


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Cllr Faulks is offering a Fortnum & Mason hamper to any shopper who 'snaps' a Jubilee-themed window display paid for from the 25% share of Business Rates the council claws back!

The supposed purpose of the exercise is to promote local shops hit by Business Rates and sky high rents.

Now, you might have thought that if you are trying to support local small shops it would be a bad idea to offer a prize from a luxury department store in St James's? 

Lady Faulks disagrees: she is a Fortnums's person!

Why not a hamper with baked products from our very own Clarkes...all baked in N. Ken? 

Or, a selection of Portobello Gin? 

Or even a hamper from Harrods or even Whole Foods in High Street, Ken. Even M&S do a "Kensington Tea Time Hamper".

The Dame will send a signed photograph of herself to whoever suggest other places in Kensington and Chelsea where Lady Faulks could have got a hamper from if she had used common sense. 

Local shops are being crushed by Business Rates of which K&C get 25% and yet no one had the nous to think local.

You could not make it up as Cllr Phelps was wont to say!


  1. Clear The Swamp18 May 2022 at 22:09

    Since when has the Council been a Party Organiser? This is yet another example of a Tory Council that has lost its way. Conservatives used to be the "small Government, low tax" Party. Residents of Kensington and Chelsea are in the grips of a "Nanny State, profligate Party". Driven by bird brains like Faulks and funded by hard earned (and frittered away) Council taxes.

    To make matters worse, we are now in the grips of a recession. Word has not yet reached Hornton Street. Instead the profligate spending of Council Tax continues. The idiots in Hornton Street have set up a "Back Seat Driving Department" to second guess the NHS on Environmental Health and local pharmacy locations. (read: job creation for out of control Officers). A new initiative for the bored self employed working at home to relocate to subsidised full service offices in our libraries (read: job creation for out of control Officers).

    Our late residents of Chelsea (M Thatcher and K Joseph) are turning in their graves. Council Tax is being fluttered away like confetti.

    When will the useless and pointless Tory Councillors get rid of Cllr Campbell? She is a liability to residents, to the Council and to the Conservative Party.


  2. And the Council has set up a center in the Town Hall for residents to walk in and report and register COVID vaccinations obtained abroad. (read: job creation for out of control Officers).

    Where does this information go? Why not just report the information to GPs if it is required? Why is the Council trying to replicate NHS work? (read: job creation for out of control Officers).

    More waste of Council Tax.

    1. Faulks is puffing. Nothing like a puff for a bird brain. Oxygen for the feathers.

    2. Is it true that RBKC have set up an office in the Town Hall to register foreign jabs? According to Mr Google the only council sponsored location is the Science Museum. The council publicised it in their Spring 2022 newsletter. But now it's shut down already. If you still want to get foreign jabs recognised you have to go to Charing X hosp or St Thom's.


  3. After many years of practise, Catherine Faulks has successfully turned stupidity into an art form. Dizzy and Faulks! What a pair? The once mighty RBKC has sunk without trace!

  4. Council Watcher19 May 2022 at 10:49

    There seems to be a department of Officers administering a programme of activities (entertainment, lottery, shadow NHS responsibilities, subsidised activities like cut price Council offices for rent) that is costing a huge amount of Council Tax. What is the political process that authorised this activity? Who sanctioned the budget?

    1. Angry Resident19 May 2022 at 11:24

      Residents and Councillors need to be clear that Cllr Faulks is a menace and serious threat to responsible spending of hard earned Council Tax.

    2. Angry Resident, Faulks is not a "threat" - she is an actuality

  5. Bird brained indeed . Why are such lightweights in cabinet ? They need hard faced business people like former Cllr. Ernie Tomlin or decent coves like Walker Arnott . Time to push Dizzie & co aside & promote the grown ups . Make a start with Taylor Smith & Hammond perhaps ?

    1. Taylor-Smith and Hammond probably thought that they could be useful ward councillors. They then realised the sheer hopelessness of Weale, Dizzy and Faulks and decided they had to stay to support them. I really don't think Kim wants to run the council.


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