Monday 14 February 2022


Lordly Moylan in shooting jacket

Yorkshire people are the country's hardest working and most entrepreneurial of people.

Some of our most successful entrepreneurs... James Dyson and Jim Radcliffe have come from this fine county. 

It is one big hive of entrepreneurial activity generating vast tax revenues to fund the life of the likes of Lordly.

In this article, LORDLY MAKES IDIOT OF HIMSELF  by expressing concern that as he embarks on a Yorkshire weekend shooting with the Marquis of B*********CKS he might be upset by meeting crowds of county spongers.

Lordly claims to be a merchant banker: not true. After his short-lived career in the FO(no names: no packdrill) he flogged government debt at County Bank.

He then decided on a career in politics. Sadly, this second career never took off and he ended up as deputy leader of our council.

So, over the last twenty years or so it is Lordly who has survived on government handouts. The Hornet has often pointed out Lordly's expense-grabbing EXPENSES all at the expense of the taxpayer.

Despite coming from solid working-class Birmingham stock Lordly seems to take a delight at sneering at the class he escaped from....such a dreadful snob!


  1. We are in the midst of a "silly period" in Moylan's life. Ever since Raine Spencer died (Daniel was her walker and they could often be seen together taking tea at the Ritz) the Lord has been looking for a new pastime. Past association with Johnson and the current notoriety is giving Daniel scope to tweet silly things and get himself noticed.

    It sounds as though he may be growing out of the fleshpots of Patpong. Instead he seeking attention in the dales of England this may now be a permanent feature of The Lord Moylan society.

    1. It will not endure. Danny will get bored with the trivia. Our boy is craving "super attention" in the midst of a hormone crisis and will surely emulate the more extreme antics of one Michael Gove (Minister in the Government of her Majesty, the Queen) - recently photographed dancing madly at a gay disco.

  2. My man says the jacket is by Henry Poole but the shirt and tie are wrong. My guess is that the shoes are brown. I fear the House has gone to the dogs

    1. Sir, this is not a Henry Poole cloth. It is a synthetic material.

      Henry Poole, Saville Row since 1806

    2. Impertinent cove

  3. Supporter of Moylan15 February 2022 at 07:23

    More trivia on the Hornet

    1. Moylan is the Master of Trivia on his tweeter

  4. Is it true that His Lordship was 'p North looking for a sportin' estate?

    1. She would love that. A brace of Purdies, a Thai beater and a couple of dogs


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