Monday 31 January 2022


Dear Hornet,

I have been reading the Hornets Nest for many years and appreciate your balanced view of goings-on in RBKC.

However, I was shocked to see that the piece about Emma Dent Coad's daughter was removed in a New York Second.

If you are going to allow yourself to be threatened by Momentum thugs then you have lost the respect of many readers.

You should immediately put back the post.

A saddened reader.


  1. The truth of the matter is that Momentum is taking over the Labour Party in North Kensington.
    Connie Blott never declared her relationship to her mother and that is plain disgusting

    1. Very sad that talented person who would make a great change for many is dismissed, because of her roots.

  2. Resident of Colville31 January 2022 at 11:37

    Comment (as resident of Colville) : Four candidates made the shortlist for Colville Ward. Mo Bakhtiar plus three newcomers. Ian Henderson and Nadia Nail didn't make it. It would appear that decent councillors are being taken out and replaced with unknowns and Emma's stooges.

    1. The divisions in the party are not always left vs right. Simply being friends with one of the candidates or councillors who isn't part of Team EDC makes someone an outcast. Ordinary members don't get notified of important meetings and events and some of these are when CLP Exec members get elected. Monica Press was spot on about what's happening. She obviously jumped before she was pushed out

    2. Its been suggested that Electoral practices were not followed.

    3. With Dent Coad no surprise. Momentum don't DO democracy!

  3. Sir k*****r S*******r31 January 2022 at 11:46

    It's odd that two of the Colville newcomers are residents of Golborne but don't seem to be after getting selected there, when you consider that Golborne is the safest Labour ward in the entire borough and far safer than Colville is. All eyes will be on Golborne now to see if Connie Blott joins Pat Mason and Sina Lari there

    1. So glad to see that glamour boy Lari Sari is still strutting his stuff. I am a floating voter

    2. Friend of Woodger31 January 2022 at 13:20

      Max is my pash but Sina is a close run thing

    3. North Kensington Resident31 January 2022 at 19:56

      Is Cllr Lari still a poodle of Dent Coad? Could any readers please clarify?

  4. Looks as if Seamus Milne(resident of Colville Ward) is working with Dent Coad

    1. North Kensington is in for a roller coaster ride with Milne and Coad humping away

    2. Why is Milne (son of ex BBC Chairman and product of Winchester and Oxford) slumming it in Colville Ward? Abingdon or Campden (home of Cllr False) would be more fitting.

  5. I am not a Labour supporter but have a fair knowledge of "who is who" in RBKC politics. The information that council hopeful Connie Blott Dent Coad was selected over Ian Henderson is worse than a bad joke. It is barking

    1. Henderson beaten by Blott? What is the Labour selection Committee smoking?

    2. Will Blott be claiming £48K in allowances from RBKC over her four year term on the Council?

      Henderson was worth £48K but Blott is hardly likely to give £48k's worth of value.

  6. Glad to see that the Dame has recanted on the pressure put on her from an unknown source to kill the nepotism story about Princess Blott being the sprog of controversial and divisive ex MP Emma Dent Coad.

    Long live the Dame

    1. This is shocking news - the idea that the Dame herself may be corruptible. Does she need money to help with these inflationary times? Is there a sordid secret in her past that some reptile knows about?

      I am shaken to my core

    2. When the Dame called her friend Lordly Moylan in tears over your groundless accusation His Lordship gracefully replied, 'my dear Dame, don't let the buggers get you down: we all have our dirty little secrets". So reassuring....

    3. I read and read and decided that I have noting to learn from here. All said here is shallow, pointless, melicious gossip by people of leasure. Advice: Get a grip and get a real job than smearing people.

  7. I met the young Dent Coad at the last General Election Count in Kensington Town Hall. Promising young filly. And well spoken too

    1. Sir Jasper Neer-Dowell31 January 2022 at 14:52

      Dammit, Sir...splendid

    2. Lord Thorney-Cator31 January 2022 at 15:16

      May I interpose myself?

    3. Being well spoken always helps hide a multitude of sins.

    4. A public school girl. Of course. Top Labour priority

    5. Hooray Henry is me name7 February 2022 at 10:49

      Attending a Kensington and Chelsea Local Education Authority school would never do for a descendent of Catherine de Medici. Emma, the socialist, used the power of her money to put her daughter through public school.Using money to buy privilege and power is so important as every good socialist knows.

      Emma got a taste for the good life from her first husband a Baronet called Hadley straight from the top drawer.

    6. Hadley? Obviously a proletarian.

  8. Would this be the same Emma Dent Coad, who when asked for a few words for an obituary of Francis O'Connor, one of the founders and stalwart of the Grenfell Action Group, replied that she didn't know what she could contribute. Well perhaps dear, something about your oollaborations with him over the years right up until he died. If Emma could not find words about a great man such as Francis, perhaps she prefers to keep her praise for the Momentum Munchkins.

    1. The Emma Dent Coad Society.5 February 2022 at 20:05

      I agree Peter. Emma Dent Coad is an egocentric, mean minded woman who has achieved very little in public life. Francis O"Connor was a star! I am not familiar with the daughter - is she a chip off the snobbish block

    2. Emma Dent Coad denies being a Marxist. Well, she is definitely into Marxist revisionism if the latest strokes being pulled by her lot in the Kensington Labour Party are anything to go by. She has brought "entryism" to the Kensington Labour Party making her a good Trot.

      She lost the General Election because she was over confident with a very bad strategy.

      Kensington folk feared Corbyn - Marxism is not for Kensington and it seems if the last election is anything to go by it is not for Britain.

    3. Are we being conned?6 February 2022 at 15:58

      Hear, hear, Marxist Review.

      Emma Dent Coad takes us all for fools in the same way that BORIS JOHNSON does. She thinks we will believe her because she lies about her Marxist leanings. She claims that she does not understand what Starmer, the Fabian Socialist, is trying to do, whereas she understands all of Corbyn's (the Marxist) daftness.

      When the electorate shafted Corbyn, Dent Coad went public and said she was voting for Long-Bailey as Labour Party Leader; another hard left person.

      Tell me your company and all that.............

    4. Emma Dent Coad is as stupid as Boris Johnson. It was stupid of her to claim descent from Catherine de Medici, Christopher Columbus and the Borgias when she cannot prove it.

      Stupid of Johnson to lie about parties.

    5. Please get a life. Do some work with special needs kids or animal shelter. It will heal your soul and soften your heart if you all have one. We all know that even if one of Labour on planning committees wants to achieve something good the Tory majority wins. This is all kids talk not grown up intelligent and sensible people talk.

    6. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen23 February 2022 at 10:13

      Dear Emma,

      Thank you for your contribution at 17.34. We live in a democracy. People are allowed to say what they think. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  9. Emma is trying to make a come back. She takes it so personally that she was seen off at the last general election. Jeremy Corbyn cost her seat because of his extreme left wing views and his virulent antisemitism. The trouble is Emma unconditionally supported him.

    1. Coad reported Gymiah to the police for saying something that she did not like. Coad's social media feed says she "an anti-racist campaigner." That being so, why didn't Coad report Corbyn to the police for his "virulent antisemitism."

    2. Labour left wingers were always opposed to anyone reporting a Black person to the police. What did Corbyn make of Emma reporting Gymiah to the Met?

  10. Part of the problem not the solution.11 February 2022 at 11:15

    So Emma Dent-Coad wants to make a comeback to Parliament. She must think she can bring something of value to political life. Eh.................

    Following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, Emma when interviewed by BBC Radio London acknowledged that she had been a Director of the Tenant Management Organisation and that it was thoroughly bad. She went on to say there was nothing she, (an opposition Councillor) could do about it. So there we have it, straight from the horse's mouth, she decided to do nothing because she did not want to do anything.

    Therefore, she was part of the problem because by her own admission she was not part of the solution. What can she possibly bring to the Parliamentary Labour party, very little if her actions on the TMO Board are anything by which to judge.

  11. Parliamentary "Giants"11 February 2022 at 12:02

    11.15 Alan Clark and Michael Portillo were opposition MP's for Kensington and Chelsea. They never told us that they could nothing about the TMO because they were in opposition and not in government.

  12. Incompetence triumphed at the TMO when good people did nothing. How wicked!

  13. Indeed, INCOMPETENCE triumphed at the TMO

    What did Maighread Condon- Simmonds and Emma Dent-Coad do about it? Sweet Fanny Adams, that's what they did.

    Emma Dent Coad knew the TMO was incompetent but to say it in the aftermath of Grenfell was not what I would call timely or purposeful.

    1. Why didn't EDC open her gob about the TMO before the fire at Grenfell Tower? She would have had more credibility if she had have done. Shame.

  14. You've got this spot on. Emma Dent Coad is full of wisdom post Grenfell. Maighread Condon Simmonds And Emma Dent Coad are every bit as much to blame for the TMO disaster as the inadequate, and failing, long serving members of the TMO Board. Shame on Maighread and Emma. Shame on Juliet, Michael and Reg.

  15. A blot on Labour's horizon.15 February 2022 at 13:10

    Dear Dame,

    Could you clear something up for me?

    Has Ian Henderson, the great bloke who saved the Sutton Estate in Chelsea, been deselected as a candidate in the next local election in favour of the Blott girl?

    Looking forward to an early reply.


    For and on behalf of the campaign against Dent Coad.

    1. My God. If this is true, what does the local labour Party think it is doing?

  16. Did Blott's mother orchestrate a complaint against Ian Henderson in the Constituency Labour Party because the Tory, Felicity Buchan MP, made a video of Ian delivering Foodbank supplies to the needy?

    Ian Henderson is a bloke and a half, one in a million bringing vitality and rigour to politics.

    1. EDC is desperate to get back in to parliament. Best salary she has ever had. I worked out how much her parliamentary pension would have been if she served for the full five year term and by how much it was reduced when she got the order of the boot.

  17. We don't need Connie, a slip of girl, carrying on with her mother's antics.

  18. If everyone who voted for Emna Dent Coad in 2019 voted for Sam Gymiah instead, we would not be lumbered with Felicity Buchan today


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