Friday 26 June 2020


Cllr Elnaghi will be Charing the new Adult Health and Social Care Committee on July 2nd .
Councillor Elnagi has never been to an Adult Health and Social Care Committee!

Should be an interesting watch ......


  1. As nice a person as he is I do not believe him to be a Doctor of IT. At every meeting he is struggling with 'internet issues' and him a Professor of IT ...hmmmm

  2. Spends half the meetings thanking everyone with no substance or depth in what he is doing. Looking forward to the meeting.

  3. He Chairs a Committee at Westway. Clueless. Never knows the answer to anything. Always has to rely on others to answer. Just watch .

  4. Re ANON 11:26. Dear, this is NOTHING new, at RBKC. You do not need to KNOW anything about anything - just look at Quirky Dr Quirk. What does he know about these issues? Or any other issues. He is reputed NOT to REPLY to emails addressed to him... sad.
    I guess the allowances come handy...

  5. Is that it? Great article!


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