Thursday 14 May 2020


THINK has a good piece on police obsession with social media posting. LINK
Nextdoor, the neighbourhood community site which flogs members' personal data to all and sundry and a founder who fled the scene of an accident is a preferred site.

Every week local police put up some inconsequential nonsense or other. One even had a picture of cherry blossom!

The public neither wants nor need this pointless information and the police should not have the time to waste putting it up.

The public need to see the police coming down hard on crime not harassing harmless sunbathers in our parks.


  1. Amazing to see 6/7 police driving around aimlessly in vans! I thought they were under resourced?

  2. “It is the common peoples duty to police the police.” ― Steven Magee

    “Corrupt and incompetent police officers have a long history of being protected by their colleagues, police internal affairs and the government.” ― Steven Magee

  3. THINK is offline?

  4. They may not be 'propper' policemen, but Special Constables drafted in to swell the numbers at some expense.

  5. Well said, blues and twos posting on Next Door undermines the whole purpose and role of the police, its a bit like the dancing and dressing up they do from time to time.

    Ta for all you do.

    Please continue your scrutiny of RBKC housing management - its a right royal f-up! A culture of bullying and "agreeable" residents getting favours seems all pervasive all over again.


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