Monday 4 May 2020


Do you like the idea of having your very personal data shared?

If you use Nextdoor that's what you are doing.
You are allowing a multi-billion dollar Californian company access to your very personal stuff they can then flog on to someone trying to sell you stuff.
The average K&C user doubtless thinks Nextdoor is some benevolent, quasi philanthropic community website.
It is most certainly not.... 

It's founder, Nirav Tolia, was charged with felony hit and run after fleeing a crash on California's Highway 101 that left a woman injured. 

The victim's solicitor commented-"It's ironic that the CEO of a company that is holding itself out as trying to promote neighborliness, crime watch and things like that flees the scene of an accident that he caused and doesn't bother to call 911 or stay around to exchange information or see if he caused any injuries"

Tolia served 30 days of community service in lieu of jail time.
In March and April, 2019 Huff Post and Wired reported that Nextdoor paid a firm to improve its image by lobbying for changes to Wikipedia on Nextdoor.

We should all be asking whether local police, our local council etc should be endorsing this site by publishing stuff on it.


  1. I had no idea...what bandits and our police use it!!!!!!!

  2. Thank Goodness for our Dame

  3. Hi Dame
    Are you able to advise exactly what personal data Nextdoor can access share and sell please?
    Many thanks

    1. names, mob numbers, preference, politics etc

  4. Never heard of it. How and where is it promoted in Kensington and Chelsea?

    1. Matthew, I will send you an invite in 4 days. Have been barred for 4 days!. I have your email.

    2. Anon @23:22 How did you get barred? What did you do? Just curious.

      But more to the point, who moderates and bar you? Is it all the residents who self-police each other? Now, that's how they want. Snitching on each other....what a lovely world.

  5. Deeply troubling

    1. It's the mentality which is promoted... 'I have nothing to hide. Want to see what I've eaten for lunch today? Oh I can also send you my private part (not the face though) as well'.

  6. As I've said before "I something is free YOU are the product" (apart from the Dame of course!)

    1. Very true, Wolstan, especially if from Silicon Valley

  7. Mark Gettleson is Nextdoor's 'go to' guy. He's x Lib Dem cllr whose had a few past issues. Anyway, Mark's job is to con...sorry, persuade communities that they are joining some friendly, not for profit community network. This was eventually forced out of Gettleson when he was forced to admit, "As with Facebook and
    Linkedin, the business model is ultimately based on targeted advertising". In other words, users intimate details will harvested in ways they were never made aware of to make the US VC's billions of $. Ladies and Gentlemen of K&C to be conned by these con merchants.

    1. Oh you teaser - what 'past issues', do tell!

    2. Cov_ert_ID_1984 aka Covid-19(84)7 May 2020 at 15:55

      In China, they've gone further with so called 'targetted advertising' and places like a bus stop where advertisement board flashes what you might buy. It relies on tracking you via 5G, currently with smartphones but eventually injecting you with nano microchip via vaccines. You become the Oyster card and You will be switched off from society should 'they' find you inconvenient. You will cease to exist no matter how rich you may be.


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