Saturday 29 February 2020


A resident and good friend sent the old Dame this interesting photo of the refuse team collecting rubbish.
We are constantly told by the council that they are helping to save the planet by separating out recyclable rubbish from nonrecyclable.

All mixed up
This picture shows both lots being massed together and presumably going off to some landfill site.

Are we all wasting time and energy separating out household rubbish? Seems so, sadly


1 comment:

  1. I have sometimes wondered this as I see all the bags thrown into the same section of the waste truck. I once went on a visit to a rubbish disposal centre for Lewisham (sad, I know) where I saw that south London rubbish gets separated - by hand! - into recyclables (presumably the stuff in the council recycle bags) and other stuff. The other stuff then gets split between those things that go to incineration and those that go direct to landfill. The heat generated by the incinerator is used to heat homes and the ash is used for construction material. I know RBKC officers aren't supposed to own up to reading this site but it would be encouraging to get some confirmation that this is actually happening in our lovely borough. Otherwise, as the Dame rightly says, we are wasting our time.


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