Sunday 8 December 2019


Not everybody can get to hustings so sensibly This is North Kensington invites readers to submit questions to the candidates. 
So far Vivien, Felicity, Emma and Sam have agreed.

You can read about this excellent initiative HERE

A constituency beset with knife crime means that the candidates need to come up with some real-world solutions and stop blaming poverty: it's an insult to the dignity of struggling poor people by doing so.
This is all about  building and protecting drug empires...nothing to do with putting food on the table.

The Dame invites the Chelsea & Fulham candidates to put themselves forward and readers to submit questions.


  1. Knock knock who's there.........8 December 2019 at 11:13

    Mr Uberoi came knocking last night, chewing on the doorstep for a minute before pushing a leaflet through the letterbox. We didn't open the door, but suppose the only question would have been the only thing we know about him - jailed for a £120,000 insider trading scam with his dentist father.

  2. Emma Dent Coad's unique ability to alienate people has allowed Kensington to become a three-way marginal and will probably cost Labour the seat. Many Remainers "lent" their vote to Labour in 2017 to remove a Brexit-supporting Tory MP, and a slightly nicer Labour MP would be a strong favourite to hold the seat. Just look at nearby Westminster North, Hammersmith, Hampstead, Ealing Central, Brentford & Isleworth or Battersea. All of these seats have been close run things (or even Tory-held) in the past, but they are now all likely to stay comfortably Labour because they have decent MPs. But not Kensington. The Observer is now recommending that Remainers vote Liberal-Democrat and report that Labour is in third place in Kensington.

    Dent Coad's ability to alienate people is really something. She was removed as Leader of the Labour Group after only a year as she managed to quickly lose the support of a majority of Labour councillors. She also has lost support of many constituents who don't know her personally through her nasty remarks about Prince Harry when she attacked his military service.

    Remainers in Kensington, the choice is clear: Labour has effectively blown their chances, and if you want a Remainer MP in Kensington you need to vote Liberal-Democrat. Please use vote wisely on Thursday.

    1. Smoothing her down10 December 2019 at 07:52

      When she loses, as indeed she must, perhaps her friend Diane Abbott MP "will treat her to a cake in Portcullis House and rub Emma down" once again.

    2. Tea, sympathy and a cake with Diane Abbott MP.

  3. All bets are off9 December 2019 at 12:38

    Here here @09:45
    EDC has not attended any Tenant Consultative Committee meetings with her constituents working to reshape RBKC property management. EDC has however sent a very lofty speaking Mr Bruno to "observe" as certain groups drew to a close! Arrogance or what! A very hands off approach indeed.

    1. She can't live it down........ her time as a Director of the TMO.10 December 2019 at 08:59

      12.38. Nothing new in what you are saying. Emma Dent Coad ignored correspondence from Council tenants who complained to her in her capacity as a Labour Party nominated Director of the TMO. Arrogance! She knew best what was good for Council tenants.

      Does the Dame know if she has ignored any of her parliamentary constituents with whom she disagrees?

      She let Council tenants stew and suffer.

    2. Mr Bruno, who happens to be a Labour support, is a tenant so he has every right to attend the TCC meetings. Aside from the supporter, there has always been one Labour Cllr in attendance who also runs surgery so they are in touch with housing issues. EDC would have been busy attending other high calibre meeting e.g. parliament and she has other things to attend other than just housing so I wouldn't blame her for not attending the TCC meetings.

      There is no regular surgery run by the Cons btw.

    3. Council tenants you have been warned.10 December 2019 at 20:05

      I see. Emma Dent Coad has got her priorities right.

      She prefers to attend "high calibre" parliamentary meetings at the expense of council tenants.

      Nice to know that, for Emma Dent Coad, Corbyn and the Labour Party outrank the interests of poor impoverished Council tenants whom the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has treated like cr*p for decades - including the four year period that Emma was a Director of the TMO.

      The Labour Councillor who attended the TCC meetings is probably one of the ones who voted to depose Emma when she led the opposition group on the Council.

      Council tenants should bear in mind Emma's priorities when they vote on Thursday.

    4. duh @20:05. EDC is a MP, she is supposed to attend parliamentary meetings. Damned if she did/didn't.

    5. Council tenant marking Emma Dent Coad's card12 December 2019 at 05:42

      22.05. Yes, Labour MP's attend parliamentary meetings of the Labour Party but not at the expense of constituents who have been treated disgracefully by the local authority. Emma Dent Coad served on the Board of the TMO for four years. No matter how hard she tries to distance herself form the TMO, she was part of the system that shitted on Council tenants from up on high. She should have the political nouse to realise that the interests of 9, 000 Council tenants in Kensington and Chelsea is more important than crawling round the Labour Party's elite in the like of Jeremy Corbyn and Emma's new found mate, Diane Abbott. I am sure that Corbyn the man of the people would have agreed to bring Emma up to speed on party discussions if she were absent from the the politburo whilst looking after tenants in Kensington.

    6. I've always voted Labour but today I am going to vote to get rid of her. It goes against the grain but I shall have give my vote to Felicity Buchan the Tory.

    7. Emma should attend TCC meetings. Her collusion with the tenant management for four years has left council tenants with a dreadful legacy. As she helped to create the housing management mess, she should at least have the decency to play a full role in sorting it out. But there again, it suits her not to sort it out. She can go on blaming the Tories and use that as a lever for keeping her parliamentary seat and a salary of £79, 000.

    8. Morally derelict.............12 December 2019 at 13:23

      It's morally derelict for Emma Dent-Coad to wash her hands of TCC business. As a former Director of the TMO, she helped to develop the policies and practices of the Tenant Mismanagement Organisation which consistently did Council tenants down. She needs to redeem herself for her contribution to a company that made tenants suffer. If she gets in again, she needs to take a long hard look at herself.

    9. Be it good ol' TMO policies or recently reviewed new policies...the tenants are still suffering. nuff said.

  4. wtf
    "The Liberal Democrat election candidate who wants to legalise heroin but ban most London buses"

    1. I can't remember any other Kensington MP that was so unpopular.10 December 2019 at 07:46

      According to Tribune, The Observer wants to get rid of Emma Dent Coad. Does anyone know why? I can't find it on a Google search. Surely, it is not just to do with Labour's Brexit position. is it to do with her racism, class snobbery and sneering?

  5. Election changing moment10 December 2019 at 10:04

    I've been Labour all my life. I am not voting Labour this time because of the anti-semitism. If I did, I would not be able to look my Jewish neighbour in the eye ever again.

  6. There's no way Labour can win.

    1. If labour loses Kensington, they will not be able to blame Gyimah's negative comments about Emma Dent Coad. John Ashworth has made it clear that Labour is going to lose.

  7. EDC fan of the public school system11 December 2019 at 10:30

    Emma sent all of her children to Christ's Hospital Public School

    Public Schools are for the few not the many to ensure the sense of entitlement is maintained.

    1. EDC is full of common sense. Knows that a good education is the best thing that she give her children. Whats the problem with that?

    2. I'll tell you what is wrong with it 14.40.

      She used money to buy her children educational advantages. As a Marxist, she is supposed to promote the cause of equality and send her children to state schools run by the Council. If her children are failed by the state, as so many are, then that is the hand that life has dealt them. It should be the same if you are a dustman's son from Golborne or the son of Emma Dent Coad MP.

      We should bring her up before a workers' militia who are the only people with the Authority to judge her double standards and bourgeois attitude. Her Quiche Lorraine approach is not socialist.

    3. I love that "her Quiche Lorriane approach" is not socialist

    4. Friends in high places12 December 2019 at 08:30

      Did EDC chose for her children to be educated with the monied elite at private school and Diane Abbot do the same? Are these two more ladies that lunch and play to socialism?

    5. EDC and Abbott are long term thinkers. They know that a good education will equip their kids to carry forward the Socialist cause until the time when State Schools catch up.

      They don't want to waste the chances of their children and take the risk that they will end up on the dole, as dustmen, or in prison

    6. Abbott a thinker? You must be dumb

    7. Son of the proletariat12 December 2019 at 10:49

      Marxist Emma wants her children to enjoy all the trappings of upper class elitism and to come out of Christ's Hospital with the sense of entitlement that only money can buy.

    8. Whats wrong with that? 10.49

      Cant think of a better investment

  8. EDC- Socialist with overtones of Conservatism12 December 2019 at 16:15

    Emma claims to be a Socialist. I challenge her claim left wing credentials. She's not a Socialist, she is a hypocrite - a Socialist with overtones of Conservatism - there's no denying it.

  9. Why are we wasting time frothing about EDC? She is no longer part of the game. Out of sight and hearing for the next 5 years. Felicity Buchan is the new problem - how does she plan to connect up with North Kensington residents?

    Has anyone heard from Ms Buchan? She could start learning from the new MP for Chelsea who just sent out a most informative, gracious and encouraging letter to constituents. But he is a politician......


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