Wednesday 28 March 2018


One of the Dame's super talented friends applied to the K&C Conservative Association to stand as a Conservative candidate at the May elections.

Now, this is a man who has attained much in business and academia: someone whose brainpower one would have thought useful as the Council debates how it will get itself out of the mess it's in.

When the Dame asked her friend how he got on with his various interviews he replied, " I don't know; I never heard back" !

As disgraced boy loving ex mayor and cllr, Barry 'Filthy' Phelps was prone to say, " you could not make it up"


  1. Unless there is a name here the story is just plain rubbish

  2. Oh, do shut up Palmer. His name will doubtless be revealed when he stands for Advance Together!

    1. If the 'billy bunter ' type Palmer is spokes for the Conservatives then they really are in trouble . I thought he'd be too busy playing 'Candy Crush ' Haha - You see we listen Palmer !

  3. "I never heard back" lol typical (non-)response from the Council. Business as usual.

    1. Doesn't know how lucky he is ...

  4. @The Dame - perhaps you could call back RBKC and ask RBKC why no reply and also make an FOI request to find out EXACTLY what happened to the application?

    1. This has nothing to do with RBKC. It is the Conservative Party selection process (or not in this case) for candidates to stand in the local election in May.

      The Dame's story about her "pash" who did not make it is a waste of space unless we know who the person is and have our own chance to take a view about their attractiveness. Publish the CV and a photo!

      Sounds like a dud who did not even get an interview. Lots of those around.

    2. @21:18 RBKC don't reply to your FOI request anymore.
      Look here.

    3. I am appalled and outraged by this behaviour . Who is in charge ?

  5. Candidates for prospective Conservative Councillors need to be Conservatives (obviously) and be prepared to accept Party discipline ie toe the Party line. A mature organisation cannot tolerate wreckers who want to rock the boat or even sink it. Such people are better off spouting on the Hornet.

    It sounds like the Dame is pushing one of the rabble who regularly blog nonsense on this site. In which case, good riddance!

    1. Are you one of the rabble? You seem to take a great interset in the site. Maybe because of the influence the Dame wields?

    2. Long live the 'rabble ' .

    3. K and C tories taking on water .'Nearer my god to thee' being played in Julie Mills living room.

    4. 7.56 'A mature organisation cannot tolerate wreckers who want to rock the boat or even sink it'.

      What about setting fire to it . They are particularly good at that !

  6. Yes, and a practicing Satanist and wife beater. Don't be a dimwit 07:56

    1. No thank you. These types should stay on the Hornet blog.

  7. 'did not hear back'. how sad. But it may confirm that he is a waste of time, not meritting a reply. Dame, dear - be specific.

  8. Cons dont know what they are doing !

  9. Usual frothing on the Hornet. Plebs


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