Wednesday 15 November 2017


The Dame is never afraid to publish and rarely moderates comments, Mr. Carter so is happy to accede to your request. 

Dear Dame, 

You often seem unwilling to critique the sitting member for the Constituency or her predecessor so I hope that you might publish my observations.

Will Jeremy Corbyn withdraw the Labour Whip from Emma Dent Coad MP and suspend the Kensington's first Labour MP from the Party for making a racist remark?

Emma Dent Coad MP was interviewed by Vanessa Feltz on BBC Radio London. She tried to claim that when she described Shaun Bailey, a Black Conservative Politician, as a "token ghetto boy" she was only repeating what people in North Kensington had actually said to her. She stated that the offensive comments that she passed on in a blog was made to her by a Black Afro- Caribbean Grandmother. Surely, a Member of Parliament should know that a racist and offensive remark is a racist and offensive remark regardless of who utters it. I am pleased to say that Vanessa Feltz was having none of Emma's attempt to justify her malfeasance by saying that she was conveying a "narrative" and the offensive comments from her pen were in  "quotation marks."  It was particularly unedifying of Emma to attempt to apologise by saying  that if Shaun Bailey is offended by what she said, she apologises. Vanessa Feltz had to point out to Kensington's first Labour MP that it is not  a question of "IF Shaun Bailey is offended, he has said that he IS offended." Emma should know that apologies should be unconditional with no ifs or buts; no one is impressed by backhanded apologies.  

It strikes me that Emma Dent Coad would do better if she were political, not personal. Hating people just because they are Tories is the childish stuff of Neil Kinnock's 1980's Labour Party where Labour supporters could not just oppose the Tories they had to hate them as well. No wonder Labour was unelectable in those days. It would be better if Emma criticised people's politics by presenting a diametrically opposed point of view in order to win the argument. Denigrating one's political opponents by passing on nasty remarks made to her at street level is not the best strategy. 

Emma repeated in her blog that people described Shaun Bailey to her as a "free-loading scumbag"  "the most hated man in North Kensington" whose "public school buddies would drop him like a hot potato." I hear that Emma Dent Coad sent her children to a fee paying, independent, school -  others have said that it has the status of a public school.      
Kind regards, 

Shane Carter


  1. From all thats been seen and heard of Emma Dent Coad, she does not seem have the most basic skills to qualify her to do the job.

  2. 11.12 Emma Dent Coad's predecessor, Victoria Borwick did not make racist remarks and she was a Tory.

  3. A middle class journalist sorting out a middle class MP15 November 2017 at 11:55

    I heard the interview with Vanessa yesterday. Vanessa shredded her.

  4. Emma Dent Coad MP complained during her interview with Vanessa Feltz that her nasty comments about Shaun Bailey were conveniently resurrected on the day that she launched her "devastating" report on inequalities in the Borough of Kensington.

    Far be it for me to steal Emma's thunder but the findings that she outlines in her report are, at first blush, shocking but do not successfully make the case that a "difference" in the life expectancy of a resident in Kensington's Golborne Ward compared to a counterpart living in the area around Harrods is an inequality. Emma attempts to make the case that structural material factors, poverty and lack of money, are responsible for the differences that exist in the health status of the various social classes living in the Royal Borough. By way of analogy, others have tried to argue that inequality is made out if the chances of a doctor's child going to University are greater compared to those of a dustman's son - at first sight such a claim of inequality is seductive but does not factor in the differences in aspirations among social class groups. A dustman's son may decide to train as a cabinet maker or a chef but to suggest that this proves "inequality' is nothing but convenient.

    If Emma had taken advice from a social policy practitioner, she would have been told that "differences" in health status amongst the "different" social classes presents interesting results but those findings in themselves do not satisfactorily make the case for inequality. The most that Emma can assert is that the lower someone's socio economic status the less healthy they are likely to be, regardless of where they live or resources available to them, but she has no evidence to attribute this solely to economic inequality in the way that she was trying to do on Vanessa Feltz's programme.

    Sir Douglas Black's Report Inequalities in Health, for the 1970's Labour Government sets out the determinants of Health Status - as a range of social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status. Emma does not appear to have factored in to her analysis the determinants of health care status that are not connected with income, wealth or occupation. For example, the "lifestyle" determinants of health care status is something that can be explained by differences amongst various socio-economic groups. For example, smoking, over indulgence in drugs, alcohol, unhealthy foods and the failure to avail oneself of physical exercise can account for a reduction in life expectancy just as much as lack of money. Similarly, the failure to take up promotive and preventative health services offered by the NHS,( and Local Authorities) despite such services being free at the point of access, is a "difference" that can be detected amongst the different socio economic groups; not just by polarising the residents of Golborne Ward and the wealthy living in the vicinity of Harrods.

    I make these comments as someone who voted Labour in the 2017 General Election.

  5. It will be a remarkable achievement if she ends up being a Labour MP for less time than she was leader of the Labour Group.

  6. The Dame never writes anything bad about either Dent Coad or wonders why?

  7. @11.29 I am Black and I am disgusted. Victoria Borwick never once passed on a racist remark or tried to justify it because it came from the mouth of a Black person.

    1. Councillor Emma Dent Coad MP should know that Black people can be judgmental, prejudiced and racist. Repeating racist remarks for a political advantage makes her as bad as the person who started this racist abuse

  8. Shane Carter is a legend, is there a blue plaque up in Elm Park Gardens, if not there should be.

    SHANE CARTER LIVED HERE from ......... to ....... RBKC LIBERATOR

  9. Anonymous at 17.18. I have met Shane Carter. He should be an MP. He speaks more sense than any of them. He understands this Borough and ordinary people. If he stood as an independent, I would vote for him. He tells it like it is.

  10. Shane is fabulous, I have met him too which was an absolute pleasure, such a shame he left RBKC.

  11. Emma is emotional. She pulls people's heartstrings and appeals to base emotions; not good for a politician.

  12. Anger and upset being the lead emotions Cllr Dent Coad inspires.

  13. Oh dear. They just want to attack easy picking?! That's not fair. A small article about EDC was in Metro today on p.2 as well. I take it they are blitzing through a campaign. I hope EDC will brush it off like piece of dirt.

    1. EDC is the piece of dirt repeating racist renarks. She would not allow a Tory to brush off racist criticism so why should she be protected.

  14. 18:26 Here in RBKC we do not want or need easy pickings, all we need is positive leadership from good honourable people.

  15. The wider public is now seeing the sort of behaviour that led to the Labour Group removing Emma Dent Coad as Leader after just a year. She can be quite vicious, and when confronted with evidence of her wrongdoing she doesn't react well. She also has a habit of repeating unsubstantiated claims about other people and then disclaiming responsibility--this is what she did when she smeared Prince Harry. She can be thoroughly nasty and the Labour Group had had enough of it.

  16. 20.13. Well said. Emma Dent Coad is intelligent, self assured and overly confident. Intelligent, self assured and overly confident people know the difference between right and wrong. She knew that she was being racist when she attacked a black politician by supposedly repeating what people said to her. She should take responsibility for her nasty, vicious, actions instead of hiding behind the claim this is what black people were saying to me. For years we listened to Labour attacking Tories for being racist. It is not alright to be racist just because you are Labour.

  17. Looks like Emma Dent Coad is repeating patterns and in turn will incur the same net result as last time - the boot?

  18. How can a Black Conservative constituent be confident that Emma Dent Coad MP will not be nasty about them if they go to her surgery for help with a problem with a Government Department or the Council?

  19. Glad to see the actions of the Labour Group endorsed in this instance.

  20. Will she be hauled up before the Parliamentary Labour Party like O'Mara?
    Will the Constituency Labour Party haul her up and deselect her? Atkinson wants her job.

  21. Sharon Atkin - The Racist Labour Party16 November 2017 at 05:28

    Jeremy Corbyn has decided that he is not going to withdraw the whip from Emma Dent Coad. She should shunned by all right thinking people including MP's.

  22. Racism and double standards16 November 2017 at 06:31

    Theresa May had the decency to order that the Tory whip should be withdrawn from Anne Marie Morris MP for making an unrepeatable racist remark about Black people.

    Anne Marie Morris MP was rightly condemned by Labour MP's Tulip Siddiq and Chukka Umunna. She was even condemned by fellow Tory MP, Heidi Alexander. Heidi Alexander MP did not hold back just because Morris was a Tory. She did the right thing and spoke out like any decent MP would.

    Why haven't these Labour MP's who spoke out against Morris condemned Emma Dent Coad. Sounds like double standards? Racism is condoned if the racist is Labour?

    Look at how sluggish Corbyn was at dealing with Anti-Jewishness in the Labour Party. He is similarly sluggish in dealing with the hatred of Black Tories by one of his own.

    1. Anne Marie Morris MP made a racist remark and suffered the withdrawal of the Tory whip. Unlike Emma Dent Coad MP, Morris did not enhance her racist views by describing a black person as a "scumbag" or "the most hated man in North Kensington." Why would Labour want this poisonous woman who is full of such hatred amongst their number.

  23. Well, we have all had a lot of fun laughing at Dent Coad for remarks she made seven years ago – long before she even dreamed about become an MP at the ripe old age of 62. But why has Shaun Bailey only now decided to make a pompous fuss about all this? At the time of EDC’s blog he was running a Council (ie. Council tax-payer funded) group in Golborne Ward called My Generation. This was a vehicle to promote himself as a credible potential Tory candidate, not a vehicle for doing any good in North Kensington. And it died the moment he moved on to grander work in David Cameron’s office. Being accustomed to being used by the Tories, he is now grandstanding about something of which he was fully aware many, many years ago. Get real, everyone! It’s all just Party Politics

    1. The Racist Labour Party16 November 2017 at 08:15

      07.33. This is the sort of daft thing that Emma Dent Coad MP might write to defend herself. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. Shaun Bailey has not resurrected this matter seven years after it was written. It was made public by Guido Fawkes. She is a racist and a bully.

    2. Funny, looked like Shaun Bailey to me in the photo in the Evening Standard, not Guido Fawkes. Guido was just the initial conduit.

    3. 07.33. You say "we have all had a lot of fun having a good laugh at Dent Coad." I have an excellent sense of humour and do not find racism funny; nor is it a laughing matter.

    4. 08.32. Of course Shaun Bailey was photographed in the Evening Standard after Guido Fawkes resurrected the matter .

  24. Can the Dame get back to important issues, such as questions for the TMO? For example, the Interim Chief Executive, Elaine Elkington, is being paid for by the Council, not by the TMO. She came in at the same time as Robert Black, the real Chief Executive, was moved sideways to work on the TMO’s response to the criminal investigation and the public inquiry – presumably shredding lots of paperwork in the process. Now he has taken redundancy – but how can he be redundant when his old job is filled by another person? How much is his pension and is it being funded by TMO rent and service charge payers? How big was his lump sum compensation for “redundancy”? Ms Elkington is a dab hand at these arrangements. Although sacked by Birmingham City Council, she claims that she took “voluntary redundancy”. In the meantime, TMO staff lower down the food chain have gone, such as Peter Maddison, who had day-to-day responsibility for the Grenfell Tower refurbishment. Is the TMO going to put all the blame on him? How and why did he go? What compensation did he get – presumably to keep his mouth shut? Who funded it? The rent and service charge payers again? Why has the TMO not yet given an interview to the police conducting the criminal investigation? Why did they not voluntarily offer this? These and many more questions are much more important to readers of the Hornet. After all, it is OUR money that continues to be wasted.

  25. @07:49 Thank you for your update on the KCTMO, where did you find this information? Will the Grenfell lawyers be taking action against the KCTMO and its staff?

    From our experiences of Peter Maddison he was appalling at his job and refused to ever communicate where it did not suit him. At the 2016 AGM he looked a nervous wreck.

    1. THE ISSUE IS EMMA DENT COAD'S RACISM16 November 2017 at 08:21

      07.49 Your criticism is unfair. The Dame has done a marvellous job showing up the TMO; no one could have done more. It seems that the issues that you are bringing up are purely for taking the heat off Councillor Emma Dent Coad MP.

      Can we get back to demanding that Emma is suspended from the Labour Party for racism.

    2. 07.49. There are plenty of other pages on the Hornet on which to comment about the TMO. Are you condoning Emma Dent Coad's racist remarks by bring up the TMO.

      Emma Dent Coad MP lacks humility with her so called apology.

    3. Fair comment re Maddison, but should he take the wrap while Jevans and Black escape it?

    4. Back to fair comment about Emma Dent Coad. Of course Corbyn won't suspend her. She tells everyone how left wing she is and no doubt she has tried very hard to convey her left wing credentials to Comrade Jez.

    5. Black Asian and Jewish Labour MP's should band together to request that Corbyn suspends EDC. Otherwise, the Labour Party would be sending out a message that only Tories should be punished for racism.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. How could Emma sign that bit of paper that the Labour Party required of every parliamentary candidate confirming that there is nothing in her past that would cause the party or its Leader embarrassment?

    1. She must have signed it otherwise she would not been accepted to stand for Labour.

  28. Now don't forget that Shaun Bailey claims that Dent Coad followed up her racist remarks on Twitter.

    How can Jeremy Corbyn claim to oppose racism if he does not suspend her pending due process in the Party?

  29. I am an Asian Lesbian. In my experience racist people are quite often homophobic. Is my MP homophobic too?

    1. I have noticed that Asians can be racist at the expense of black people

    2. 14.54 True and vice versa. But how does this help the people of Kensington, including the many Black and Asian people, who now have an MP who has made racist remarks about a black person just because he is a Tory.

  30. EDC's conduct is not in keeping with the values of the Labour Party. Why is Jeremy Corbyn saving her?

  31. Labour politicians love The Labour Party more than the workers, including Blacks, Asians, Jews, LGBTI+ and disabled people, whom they conceptualise and patronise.

    Emma will survive because Jeremy's parliamentary strength will be depleted if he suspends her.

    1. Spitting bile and hatred16 November 2017 at 17:21

      Before this incident, I didn't know what to make of Emma Dent Coad. Some people that I talked to liked her, others loathed her. I concluded that she was an acquired taste and a bit colourless. What a horrid woman she has turned out to be spitting bile and hatred about someone with a different political bias.

    2. I went to school with her. She hasn't changed much.

  32. A socialist, even a champagne one, doesn't need to be abusive or repeat racist remarks to make a political point.Tony Benn never abused anyone and was never racist.

    Emma doesn't think like a socialist and is not one with her superior attitude and class consciousness about her high class Spanish pedigree.

  33. Could someone provide credible evidence that Shaun complained about the remark when it was made?

    1. 00.24 It is irrelevant whether he complained when she made her racist remark. It doesn't mean that he wasn't hurt by it.

      To whom would a powerless Black person complain? Don't say the police because all Black people have experienced racism from them.

    2. CREDIBLE EVIDENCE19 November 2017 at 11:24

      Credible evidence is "Dent-Coad speak."

      She could not provide credible evidence that Shaun Bailey had said far worse about himself before she embarked on her racialist rant.

      We have credible evidence of racism.

    3. 00.24. How stupid you are! How could anyone have evidence that Shaun Bailey complained about Councillor Emma Dent Coad MP at the time the racist remark was made. The only one who could have evidence that Shaun complained at the time of the remark is Shaun Bailey.

      Moylan is known as Danny Boys Moylan.
      Will Emma now be known as Emma Racist Dent Coad.

  34. Actually Emma isn't racist - she is just anti-Shaun Bailey (and who can blame her!). She has a touch of homophobia, however.

  35. 09.46 She is racist, (and according to you homophobic) because she attacked Shaun Bailey because he is a Black Tory. That stupid woman expects Blacks to be Labour and to be shackled to her racist party.

    You cannot have a touch of homophobia, either you are a homophobe or you are not. Just like you cannot be a bit racist.


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