Friday 17 November 2017


Dear Dame
I have known Emma Dent Coad for a decade.
I have total admiration for her commitment to residents even if that commitment doesn't stretch to her politics.

As far as being a good councillor is concerned her record is unblemished.
I have also met Shaun Bailey and had little time for him. He's a loudmouth and an opportunist.
Cool Shades!

Frankly, there has been bad blood between Dent Coad and Bailey for years. Dent Coad saw him as a 'bandwagoner' but there is more to it and this is not the place to dwell upon that.

Why does Shaun Bailey bang on about being a British Afro-Caribbean? What's the point?
Bim Afolami and Kwasi Kwarteng don't talk about themselves as being British-Nigerian or British-Ghanaian. 
So, if these MP's don't why does Bailey feel the need?

I am deeply suspicious of the man and his motivations. I can quite believe he came up with ghetto tag himself thinking it might enhance his chances of cozying up to Cameron.

Politics is a filthy business made filthier by silly insinuations.
One thing I can be sure of is that Emma Dent Coad doesn't have a racist bone in her body.

Kind regards

(name withheld)


  1. Time to cool it. Shaun Bailey is our representative at the London Assembley and Emma Dent Coad is our representative in Westminster. Unfortunately they both loath each other and in these situations shit comes out.

    The Dame should urge restraint on them both.

    Both have done good things in public service. Emma has done more because she is older and has had more time. Lets try to focus on the good in both of them and less on the rough parts. Like those dreadful sunglasses!

    1. Bailey needs some quiet advice about his sense of dress. Some of the suits he wears, the colours, entirely out of order. Often stands out like a sore thumb.

    2. Ah! The standard Dent Coad look is "disheveled". This is mainstream Labour for their women. And bless her for authenticity. She could smarten up and lose her following

    3. 08.49 Time to cool it for who? Emma, so she can minimize political fall out, no way. She started this, Shaun wrote nothing hateful.

    4. 11.24. She looks very pastie at the moment. She's been wearing that hessian brown thing for years.

  2. Problem is its all too personal, they are paid to be professional and if that is not possible resign be replaced.

  3. Hope they both heed the above comments. as far as I am concerned, I have no time for mouths bigger than mine, Shaun's in this case. amen.

  4. the Hornet publishing this unnamed letter only goes to prove that this blog sees nothing wrong in the dreadful MP and her views

    1. The Dames Investigator17 November 2017 at 13:03

      If she is a cow, we will say so.

  5. Very sad when public representatives start to behave like fish wives

  6. I learned a lot about life in prison. I did time with women from every background imaginable. I saw bad blood and hatred between some of the girls. There was only one occasion that a women attacked an adversary by bring up the colour of the other women's skin. One of the girls who got on with everyone (god knows how she ended up in prison) called the racist women scum. If Emma Dent Coad doesn't have a racist bone in her body like you say what did she think she was doing?

  7. The most honourable thing that Emma can is to resign both of her seats so that by elections are called. She then has two options. Bow out of politics gracefully or defend both seats subject to the Labour Party endorsing her as their candidate. If they don't want her, she could stand as an Independent.

    It might be an idea for the Tory Party to put up Shaun Bailey as a candidate to oppose her.

    Zac Goldsmith and David Davis have both taken this course of action to test local support.

  8. Emma is standing again for the Council next May. You will have your chance to remove her then.

    1. Unfortunately, I can't vote her out next May because I don't live in Golborne Ward. I live in Notting Dale and don't want a racist representing me in the House of Commons. Hopefully she will leave politics now and leave representation to those who conduct themselves properly.

  9. Dear Dame,

    How your correspondent can defend Emmas racism beats me. What is wrong with Shaun Bailey saying he is Black British? Its true.
    By the same token, what is wrong with Emma telling all and sundry about her high class Spanish heritage. Its true.

    I remember Emma creating a fuss on the TMO Board when another Board member was personal about her. She went on about it for ages and caused a lot of trouble. She is a sensitive person who lacks the ability to be respectful of a black persons feelings.

  10. The Dame only very rarely moderates or deletes. Both Shane Carter and Name Withheld have had their say.What can be fairer?

  11. Racism and hatred is in her DNA18 November 2017 at 14:14

    Shaun Bailey has said that the BNP have never abused him as badly as Emma Dent Coad has done. How can she claim not be racist? She adapted the Tory Party logo of a tree and superimposed someone hanging from a gallows in front of it.

  12. North Kensington resident.18 November 2017 at 17:27

    It has been one nasty comment after another from the unpleasant EDC. She is sad and totally unfit to represent us.

  13. She is out of her depth18 November 2017 at 20:57

    I have known Emma Dent Coad for about ten years. She is very good at pretending to know far more than she really does. She is typical of someone who did not study the social and political sciences at university but who was indoctrinated in to socialism by the family. People who understand politics do not find it necessary to abuse their opponents. She abuses people, who disagree with her, by holding them up to ridicule and when that does not work nastiness and insults come to the fore.

    1. Also remember that Dent Coad never in her wildest dreams ever expected to be an MP. And the Labour Party did not have any clue that Kensington could ever fall to Labour. Their big challenge was "who on earth can we get to stand? Is there some donkey that we can bully to stand and do all the hard work to fight an election for a hopeless seat?"

      As we know the result put Dent Coad in shock and caused huge jealousy from her colleagues who thought "Oh shit, that could have been me!".

      So we have an MP who is living on a shoestring of 20 a vote majority. She did nothing to deserve her place in Westminster. The electorate votes people out, they do not vote people in. Kensington has had enough of the Tories.

      The Labour crowd are now thinking that Kensington could become a safe Labour seat. Their movers and shakers are greedy and ambitious for personal power. They will want to get rid of Dent Coad and take the Westminster seat for themselves. Every time Dent Coad puts her foot in her mouth there is rejoicing in Labour that she makes it easier for them to get rid of her so that one of the more able and well connected colleagues can take the seat.

      Kensington is hot property and Dent Coad is probably toast. Every day, it seems, she writes her own epitaph. They dumped her once and will do so again. For sure.

    2. The Tories are so stupid. Threw away a safe seat.

    3. Utter nonsense - there is no way Labour will hold this seat next time if the Tories put up a credible candidate instead of Lady Borwick.

    4. 09.43 Correct me if I am wrong but Victoria, Lady Borwick, unlike the politically correct Emma Dent Coad MP never once abused a black person. I have heard EDC repeatedly say "Moylan is gay" so what who gives a sh*t about race and sexuality? EDC of course.

    5. Supporter of Moylan19 November 2017 at 12:17

      You need to be tough to be a politician. Able to withstand all the verbal abuse and (mostly) lack of reward and recognition for hard work. You just need to be in the game and sometimes chance comes your way. As it did for EDC earlier this year when she got the surprise of her life and was elected MP.

      It is these moments that give politicians a chance to shine. To make a difference. We are waiting for EDC to justify the opportunity that fortune gave her. So far, she has made a terrible start. Nothing to show for it except ongoing abuse to appease all the monkeys on her back.

      Forget the chips Emma, build on the good parts of you and go for it.........

    6. "Who gives a sh*t about race and sexuality?"

      I do. I do not like the Spanish.

    7. Cllr Moylan had plenty of 'rewards'

  14. Time to mark Corbyn's card19 November 2017 at 10:31

    Clive Lewis MP,
    Valerie Vaz MP,
    Keith Vaz MP,
    David Lammy MP,
    Chukku Umunna MP
    Tulip Siddiq MP
    Dawn Butler MP

  15. The photo of the guy in red jumper looks like a thug from All Saints Road

    1. 12.27 This letter supposedly written by the guy in the red jumper looks very similar in writing style to the way EDC writes. I have heard that EDC gets others to send letters to the local rag in their name when she has written it. She plays all sorts of ridiculous games so this is no surprise.

      12.21. I think this is a list of Black and Asian Labour MP's who are being told to call out Dent Coad's racism with Corbyn. Clive Lewis' name on this list is interesting. He recently said that you could not fight racism as a Tory MP. Well we have a Labour MP who makes racist remarks when it suits her.

      18.18. This is a nasty remark about the Spanish.The Spanish are a nationality and ethnic group but they are not a race. Nonetheless it is nasty and EDC must be upset by it. Don't come down to EDC's racialist, ethnocentric, level

  16. Rock Against Racism19 November 2017 at 20:56

    20.07 in response to your post about 18.18
    We should all aspire not to degenerate to Emma Dent Coad's racist and ethnocentric level.

  17. The guy in the red (pink) jumper is Shaun Bailey.

    1. Not swinging at all. I would like my elected Representative at the London Assembly to be more formal in appearance.

      This is not a game. It is a most serious business. The next thing is that we will have Judges turning up to Court wearing jeans and a T shirt. Not on.

  18. 10.38

    I agree. Emma Dent Coad needs to shake off those dowdy feathers that she bought at British Home Stores in the closing down sale. Emily Thornberry MP might be able to give her some personal grooming advice and style counselling.

    I don't know where she would go to get Race Awareness and Equlaities Training. Whatever she thinks, she needs training in race awareness.

    1. Dowdy feathers from BHS!!

      EDC could do with some mentoring from the Dame, who I spied at the last Remembrance Day Parade with a magnificent feather boa. The boa was draped around her scraggy throat with panache and style. Really looked the part.

      There is nothing to match an elegant Chelsea gal.

  19. Shake off those dowdy feathers and fly20 November 2017 at 20:56

    That shiny brown blouse that she is very fond of is 100% polyester and is a C&A Limited Edition. Looking like a bag of rags does not a socialist make.

  20. I think I prefer a dowdy bag of rags than a cool gangster look. Know what I mean?

  21. No I don't know what you mean. They both need to smarten up. On £67, 000 a year she could make more of an effort. Emily Thornberry MP always presents herself with tidy hair, tasteful make up and business dress. She is a good socialist intellectual who is so right on that she is proud to be a lesbian icon.

    1. Can't see EDC embracing a lesbian following or being comfortable with it like Emily Thornberry is.

    2. Are the Golborne Dykes a pop group in Trellick Tower?

  22. 20.56 I love "C & A Limited Edition."

  23. Racist abuse is a disgrace to the Labour Movement.

  24. At the end of the day the lady got in on a protest vote, her behaviour since then and vile comments on several occasions has shown her for what she is , a rather unpleasant politician who feels the North of the borough is the only part worth bothering with and everywhere else is rich and deserves her contempt. I voted for her last time but like many others wont again, enjoy the seat whilst it lasts EDC a shame whilst you think others are bigots that you have ruined what was a good opportunity with your own bigotry.

  25. Labour Councils in London have sacked workers for making racist remarks. The decision to sack has often been referred to members of the Council for approval and left wing members of the Council always approve dismissal. It's all part of their commitment to anti-racism. EDC gets away with her racist rant and her party does nothing about it save for Jeremy giving her pep talk about hateful language.

  26. I think you feel truly sorry for Emma. A very sad unhappy lady.

  27. She should bow out of politics gracefully hanging her head in shame no doubt she will continue disgracefully.

  28. What ghastly values she has.

  29. What a mess, where is the integrity?

  30. She talks a good anti-racist talk and no doubt has Black friends and loves Stevie Wonder too but ........ it all went wrong for Emma Dent Coad, Kensington's first Labour MP with all Party's talk of racial equality.

  31. Dear All

    Can you tell me what is the function of a councillor now?

    The function of a councillor used to be to represent the people of the borough against the council authority, to resolve any issues or problems to do with the local authority.

    Having spoken to a number of councillors in RBKC from varying parties and wards, they now seem part of the authority of RBKC and therefore what is the purpose in their role as a democratically elected body?

    Was it not the case that councillors were elected on a mandate for them to set the tone for the council to implement the wishes of the people that voted them in? This has reversed and now RBKC set the agenda and the councillors follow.

    A new fully independent model is required for the people, one that can act as a true conduit to represent the people against authority, and take their problems and issues to the Hornton Street for resolution.

    With no local press in RBKC any longer, noone is holding the council to account, with exception of the good work of The Dame and The Grenfell Action Group, whose body of work over the past years is vital, showing the inaction and disasterous decisions and consequences created by RBKC, with no robust challenges by councillors to make any difference.

    We must get rid of the cosy set up between Councillors and officials at RBKC Hornton Street.

    Councillors need to be extracted from the council to work at street level and fulfil their roles correctly.

    The role of councillor should not be for personal gain, networking or profiteering from the position.

    Thank you.

    1. An election is coming. Everyone needs to be reminded of these wise words

  32. Very wise words 10.26. I have it on good authority that Councillor Judith Blakeman has been marvellous working with people affected by the fire at Grenfell Tower. She also had the guts to speak out about the shambolic TMO. The rest of them are a shower.

    1. How do we put pressure on the Labour Party to make sure that EDC does not stand for the Council again?

    2. We need to get Dent Coad out of parliament and get Blakeman or Atkinson in

    3. EDC the unacceptable face of Corbyn's Labour Party.

  33. I do not vote Liberal nationally but locally I do as I find Linda Wade very good for her ward , that's how it should be councillors working for their ward not their party leader and working against the residents as it appears is the agenda.

  34. The problem for a leaseholder like myself in RBKC is that Labour are interested in representing tenants and Conservatives interested in high net worth individuals. I fall between two and have no one to represent me, no one is interested in the middle band and people who pay their taxes and contribute to society.

    If the middle band removed their contributions it would be chaos, we carry the burden of the taxation whilst HNWI loophole the system and pay only a proportion of what they should. The lower end meanwhile are often on benefit in subsidised housing.

    UHNWI example Philip Green.

    1. Dent Coad and Hands26 November 2017 at 22:46

      19.42. I agree entirely. People in what you call the "middle band" are the ones who pay through the nose for everything. Labour could give a dam about us and the Tories are only interested in the filthy rich - not that any politician from the Labour or Tory Party would ever admit this. Dent Coad is full of patronising fellow feeling for the sons of the proletarait in the North of Kensington and Hands is only interested in making sure that RBKC conservative interests are protected. He did nothing to bring about the demise of the TMO despite TMO leaseholders in Chelsea reporting dreadful things to him. With Emma's racism and Hands gutlessness, it is time they got the bums rush

  35. EDC has got a gob on her although she is a very bad public speaker. When she makes a point she fails to get the point across through poor delivery. Arthur Scargill, Arthur Cook, Tony Benn and Eric Heffer, all cut their teeth in Marxist schools where left wing rhetoric and speech delivery were mastered. We have not heard a word from EDC since she was exposed as a racialist. The Grenfell people have stopped heralding her as a champion. She was not in the House of Commons yesterday for PMQ's.

  36. I've just read all this. She's one of the less able MP's

  37. Personality clash1 December 2017 at 11:26

    I bet EDC and Moira Samuels, the left wing activist supporting the Grenfell people, are not easy bedfellows. One very domineering woman competing for control with Cllr EDC MP.

    1. Ms Samuels taught my children. She is so matriarchal. She would clash with anyone


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