Saturday 11 November 2017


On 14 September the Kensington Society applied to the 
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea for the designation of an Asset of Community Value (ACV) for the Notting Hill police station, 101 Ladbroke Road.  On the 7 November the Society received the wonderful news that the council “agree that the asset should be listed and have now added it to the List of Community Assets”.  

We cannot stress the importance of this decision and both thank and congratulate the council, Councillor Elizabeth Campbell and the Neighbourhood Planning Team for their faith in the community.  We received over 2,372 signatures protesting the closure and the sale of the site.  It is through this support that our voice was heard.
The Metropolitan Police can appeal against this ruling but in the meantime, the property has the protection of an ACV.
Thank you all for your support and now we have some work to do to ensure the future of the building remains a community asset.


  1. Here we go again. Opportunistic Kensington Society "congratulating Councillor Elizabeth Campbell". They just cannot resist sucking up to anyone in power - no matter how odious that person is.

    Keeping the police station is common sense . And a great reversal of a stupid decision that should never have been taken in the first place. Police and a Council completley out of touch with resident opinion.

    The Kensington Society needs to stop arse licking

  2. It's the Labour Mayor of London who wants to sell it off. He and the Police own it.

    Nothing to do with the Council.

    Now that it's an ACV, the Community gets the first chance to buy it at market rates. Let's hope the Kensington Society can raise the money.

    1. Indeed, let the KS put their money where their big mouths are. Frankly, judging by the public outcry, there was no alternative but let it become ACV. I just hope that the KS and others will maintain their interest in the building and put it to good use, if it closes down as a police station. It is long term investment, rather than a fancy fad that will pass.

  3. One assumes Sadiq will just revert to the old plan to close and sell of Kensington Police station instead , he is already closing the community police offices down and planning to empty Empress State of its 4000 workers which will add to the death of more businesses in the Earls Court area for those businesses still going that have managed to survive Capcos destruction and allegedly new district of London called Earls Court that they advertise ( they seem to forget it was always been called earls Court) .

    So a victory ion one sense but Sadiq will still close down the others and sell them off to developers.


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