Monday 9 October 2017


The boss of the V&A says that current security arrangements are, " confusing, dangerous and unsatisfactory"

Tristan Hunt has put forward the idea that the Road should be made traffic free. LINK


  1. Dent Coad was trying to drum up support for this to pedestrianise Exhibition Road on the twitter. She didn't get much support. "Who's up for a petition to RBKC Council to fully pedestrianize Exhibition Road? We can do it! Let me know and I'll get it going." after no suppport for was forthcoming on the twittersphere one responder said "Pedestrianisation not the answer. The £29 million removal of signage and kerbs in 2012 hasn't helped. Make signage clearer".

    The came from EDC "Let's ask for a debate. We don't have to suggest an answer re Exhibition Road. There are lots of possibilities."

    Maybe I'm being unfair to EDC; but this should never have happened waste of local money, Londoner's money. It is a shower! Moylan, Cockell and Boris connived this with the museum big wigs.

    Thank the Lawd for the Dame!

  2. Labour councillors, including Emma Dent Coad - always opposed the Council wasting all this money on this ludicrous project. But this was when the Council was not listening to residents. It is all so, so different now (not).

  3. Exhibition Road for cars, I say!

  4. Our MP should represent her constituents - and 100s if not 1000s of local residents who actually live 24/7 in Exhibition Road are resolutely opposed to both its closure and the V&A's selfish ambitions for self glory and aggrandisement under the guise first of security and now (entirely opportunistically)of 'safety' - for their visitors and their staff mind, not a word about residents who constitute 70% of the road. Residents, live, pay taxes and vote in the Borough and wish to go about their business and access their homes when and how they please - they are not inconveniences to be managed and worked around so someone who has been working in the Borough for all of 5 minutes can carve it up to realise his "dream". The Head of the V&A is a former Labour MP. It must surely be a total coincidence our Labour MP chose today to voice identical views on Twitter ?

    1. Welcome to the world we have lived in in North Kensington for years and years - ever since Joan Hanham ceased to be Leader of the Council.

  5. No coincidence - on the twitter Dent Coad says she met new head of V&A on Friday. No more waste money on this Road. More signs, more barrier, end problems.

  6. For hundreds of years we have been building roads for cars. And pavements for pedestrians. It is a good formula. Tested, tried and successful.

    No need to re invent the wheel. Exhibition Road used to be a successful thoroughfare for vehicles and pedestrians until deranged Cllr Moylan forced though his "shared space" fad. Caused two years of construction chaos for residents and traffic. Wasted £30 million. And now has blood on his hands due to personal injury. (Vehicles and pedestrians colliding).

    Of course our Councillor got plenty of publicity, notoriety, and an architectural Award. Objective achieved at the expense of residents.

    Time to restore the status quo.

    1. We could of course ban all vehicles from our roads and revert to the stone age. And revert to the flat earth.

    2. anon 09:20: This would suit us well. Revert to a period when we, the badgers, were already around. Years before the evolution of the humanoid, who is hell bent to destroy what we have had since God was a child.

  7. Exhibition Road as shared space road should never have happened in the first place. The motivation by Moylan and whoever championed this ridiculous plan, how it got through all the stages, how it was allowed and council tax payers money lost to an unworkable road/pavement format must be scrutinised and made known. It was not Moylan's money being spent. Who actually benefited here?

    Again RBKC not fit for purpose.

  8. In 2010 - 12 Hornton Street ignored protests from the RNIB about the dangers to the visibly impaired of the proposed Exhibitionist Road. At the same time Dr Gordon Taylor, an eminent road engineer, led a group of locals in protest. It was clear that this vanity project would one day cause a serious accident. Now it has. Moylan has never given a toss about mere humanity. His focus is elsewhere. Dr Taylor reappeared on Sunday on BBC. His message: I told you so! It's time to rebuild Exhibitionist Road. It's unlikely to cost us much more than another £29million. That's £200 per head of the Rotten Borough's diminished population.

  9. Moylan must be culpable

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. oh, dear, he IS. But who is going to do anything about it - that is the question.

  10. A case study of hubris. An administration corrupted by absolute power.

  11. YES sad badger, looks like no one is watching, just the Dame of course.

  12. is it not correct that the accident happened because a driver turned left into Exhibition Road which is not allowed. I doubt if pedestrianising or bringing back to what it was will make much difference and one should not blow up what was a simple bad driving situation that can happen anytime. Lots of pedestrians use th street on a regular basis and I do not know of many incidents.

    1. So, only a minor bump so that ok.....are you barmy. It's like a race track.
      Mixing people and cars is a recipe for an even greater tragedy.
      You sound as daft as a brush. You are probably Cllr Palmer. Only he is capable of such idiotic thinking. Pedestrianise the damned thing!

    2. Great, wonderful lets remove every vehicle from every road and there will never be an accident! Actual facts - numbers of accidents on Exhibition Rd have gone DOWN since the changes.....

    3. Proof please, Cllr Moylan


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