Friday 22 September 2017


My Dearest Dame,

Moylan is busily trying to pretend he was never part of the K&C power core: he's a liar. 

He was deputy leader for years and had much power and influence.
Danny Boys is still under the delusion that he will be leader of the council so it's time to expose the ‘cosy”
relationship between Daniel Moylan and Terrapin Communications

Cheers, Danny Boy...welcome to the Terrapin
Click to enlarge

Peter Bingle of TerrapinCommunications represent 
Minerva, the owners of the Kensington Odeon site
now mostly demolished despite a campaign with half the adult population of the Royal Borough signing a petition to
save the building. 
There are  A LOT of irregularities in the behaviour of the council / Historic England in this case including a falsified conditions report.
Terrapin was supposed to have consulted the local community during the planning process (they barely paid lip
service to this). 
Peter Bingle (the owner of Terrapin) tweets about his “good friend”  Daniel Moylan 

Daniel Moylan’s hospitality declaration shows he was regularly entertained by Bingle / Terrapin
Moylan loves to use his entertaining declaration to show off to other cllrs how busy and self-important he is. 
Silly show off!
Despite the community demanding to save the Odeon, along with almost every relevant amenity society and a list of celebrities as long as your arm, the Council refused to list it. 
Twice the Friends fought to have the building
listed as an asset of community value.
Moylan went on national television to call the cinema
“a flea pit” and that it “should be demolished”

He had  further hospitality from Bingle on 26th June 2016

Moylan is hugely influential in the Council planning department. 
Surely this relationship with Bingle / Terrapin is more than a conflict of interest?

He has been quoted as saying that he knows what is best for the community ( that he is supposed to represent ) 

Terrapin Communications have been in trouble for  influencing’ councilors in other boroughs:

Mr Bingle features here......Link

Moylan is also friend of Sir Edward Lister ( former deputy mayor of London under Boris Johnson ). Also listed on Moylan’s hospitality sheet

Lister / Moylan were part of Johnson’s inner circle

Also, see attached leaked email between Minerva’s Chief Executive Paul Goswell and Sir Edward Lister about a property deal. Lister, referring to his staff ( all public servants ) says “I will ensure everyone understands that the meeting has to be completely confidential”

RBKC councillors behaviour stinks but I think it even goes higher up to the fish head.
The best hope for the residents would be if commissioners ran RBKC until the elections in 2018 but central government seems to have forgotten our illustrious council

I am not sure if you have seen this newsletter from Grenfell Action Group ( interesting stuff there ) :

Keep up the good work, Dame. You are an inspiration to us, youngsters.....


A reader


  1. Barry Phelps(ex Cllr)22 September 2017 at 12:55

    Moylan should be investigated. How does he live in such style? He has no declared source of income apart from his allowance

    1. The Dames Investigator22 September 2017 at 17:34

      Phelps should know how to answer this question. When he (disgraced ex Cllr Phelps) was Chairman of the Planning Committee and a self declared "poor Councillor" living on his allowance, he was able to buy and refurbish two properties in Kensington (and hide them in an undeclared offshore BVI Trust) and also finance a country house with a loan to his boyfriend.

    2. The Phelps developments were "cash" developments. No mortgages required.

    3. During this "poor" period in his life disgraced ex Cllr Phelps had 27 credit cards and three offshore bank accounts.

      Not bad going on his £10k Councillor allowance. Supporter Cllr Coleridge (Deputy Chairman of the Standards Committee) thought that the Phelps BVI arrangements "are not unusual". However it was an "oversight" not to declare them in the List of Member's interests

    4. And he had/has a bank account at Coutts - which is not cheap.

    5. Follower of Phelps22 September 2017 at 23:20

      Unfortunately Phelps' good friend, disgraced ex Leader Cllr Cockell, never made it to the House of Lords where Phelps was hoping to take tea. The Dame put paid to this little scheme.

    6. A Coutts Account requires assets of at least £1 million and a cash deposit of more than £0.5 million. Chicken(excuse the pun) feed for a K&C Councillor.

      Also the Queen's (excuse the second pun) bank and totally appropriate for the Royal Borough.

  2. What is clear is that this new leader should forbid cllrs from meeting lobbyists.
    This stops corruption

    1. Nonsense. RBKC, its councillors and officers, routinely ignore the law, never mind "instructions" from the useless "Shambles" Campbell.

      Moylan fears his last chance to achieve some sort of immortality is slipping away. His habit of bullying everyone he ever meets renders him uniquely unfit to lead. He should take a long holiday in North Korea. There he can practice the intimidatory arts for a truly appreciative audience.

      It will be interesting to see how often Moylan's name appears in the Grenfell papers. A backbench councillor's allowance is not remotely enough to live on. Substantial additional funding must come from somewhere. In the rotten borough, for a well connected former lead member for planning, this is not a great problem.

      RBKC is already effectively run by commissioners. The middle ranking officers who ran the place have gone. A Tory government dares not admit that within a few weeks its former flagship council went to a left-wing Labour MP, "hosted" the worst civil disaster in the UK since WWII and is run by civil servants. It's not a good look.

    2. that word. lol

  3. Justin Downes is clearly behind this unpleasant campaign against Mr Moylan.
    One of his ancestors was a total rogue and the lover of the Earl of Rochester and deservedly died at the end of a watchman's sword. Another was a friend of Cromwell and basically stole money from Royalists. Both nasty pieces of work.

    1. No, the whole borough is behind the campaign.

      Be afraid. BE VERY AFRAID!

    2. I imagine this comes from Palmer: a total fabrication

    3. 15.49 Well said. Anyone but Moylan.

    4. We all support the Dame whoever you are - even us the'poor' one's. An odious git like you should D0 1.

  4. How extraordinary to bring up the actions of ancestors 22 generations ago as an indication of modern character. That far back we all have 4.2 million ancestors - the population of England and Wales in 1670 was about 4.8 million, so actually everyone must be related to anyone at that date.

    1. Moylan's ancestors were busy in the bogs of Eire.

    2. 14.44 Seriously trying to detract from present reality with a load of schoolboy boring irrelevant claptrap. I just hope you remember the good ol' days when the tories ran RBKC - Cos your not getting in again ( sound of the shredders in the background ) 'Ye shall reapeath the whirlwind '.Still lots of nice 'boys' for Palmer in the nick .

    3. And Moylan shall be busy in the 'bogs' at Pentonville. Bet he can't wait to be someone's 'bitch'

  5. Dame this is very interesting, I would like to add Edward Lister was also connected to Earls Court being demolished refused to rescue it. This council have destroyed all the borough's assets and now they don't have an ally in sight.

    Looking forward to 2018 local election.

  6. What wonderful ancestors to have!

  7. Everything about Bungling Bingle Bunter is a joke, he is the original BB double.

  8. Justin Downes should get a well deserved K for services to the RBKC, we are all behind him.

    1. Not as hard as you may think. It only required a few decent, upstanding citizens to write to the (commission?) and he may be meeting The Queen.

    2. It must be done, Justin Downes for a Knighthood

  9. Phelps and Moylan hate each other. A great mutual loathing. What is behind this?

    We can guess, I think.

  10. Barry Phelps(ex Cllr)23 September 2017 at 08:36

    Dear Dame

    I understand that Cllr Moylan is hugely upset that people are drawing the wrong conclusions from his torrid friendship with Bingers. Bingers and he share an intense interest in the ballet and high art. The events to which Bingers has invited Boys are artistic. For example, the Fitrovia Young Poets Festival where participants dress in Wildean costume. Perfectly harmless and manly.

    1. Ah. Now we know what the Phelps/Moylan rivalry is about!

    2. I take it Fitrovia should be Fitzrovia? I put 'Fitzrovia Young Poets Festival' into Google but got no hits - I am so disappointed, could it be made up? How do I find more about these delightful young poets?

  11. Two chicken Queens

  12. It is not acceptable for councillors to fraternize with agents of developers nor to accept hospitality from them
    and then to try to use their influence to facilitate their
    Moylan has been able to act without challenge for far too long. He is a known bully and his behaviour is unacceptable, immoral and the electorate needs to act to make sure he is out of office in 2018

    1. Also, it is not acceptable for councillors to chase chickens and to circulate pictures of same on the Council computer system


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