Monday 4 September 2017


London MEP, ex-shrink, Charles Tannock, had a right old go at the Dame after the wicked old bitch fed his financial affairs to the Sunday Times Insight team. 
You can read all about it here LINK and here LINK
So incensed was 'Shrinkie' Tannock that he threatened to sue all and sundry. 
His ludicrous lawyer, Jonathan Coad from the Lewis Silkin even threatened to sue the ST; wisely they told him to frack 'orf.
That having failed he went to the Press Council who also told him to frack 'orf on the basis his share dealing was a matter of public interest.
The hideous Tannock now reports in the Daily Mail that he is so ashamed of Brexit that he is going to take Oirish nationality. 

Doc wearing dirty old man raincoat

The Dame wonders what the doc will do once he loses his massive income from the EU.
Maybe he feels that there could be some income replacement from the EU mandarins......

The good news is that Shrinkie's share options became worthless!
And don't bother suing the old Dame. 
All her assets are in the Marshall Islands.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    3. She doesn't look too happy here:

  2. Is that the squeaky Cllr Warrick in the picture? And who is the brown chappie?

    1. Yes it is a "drop taken" Warrick
      Guy on the end is Syed Kamall MEP at May 2009 local elections.

      There are over 100 images of Tannock on his web site. Possibly a narcissistic personality (disorder)?

    2. Tannock has a serious personal problem

    3. The biography on his website is a hoot, listing his membership of endless committees and foreign honours:

  3. Oh dear - a basket case
    Well done dear Dame
    You really are the BEST !

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  5. As a longtime reader, I'm not impressed by this "story", Dame. Tannock is doing a great job as MEP and is he bravely speaking out regarding the consequences of Brexit. The Conservatives would be better off with more MEPs willing to speak sense like Charles.

    1. The actual 'story' is about an MEP who did not declare share options in 3 Legs, a once quoted fracking company seeking licences in the EU.
      If you cannot see 1) that Tannock should have declared this potential £300,000 windfall and 2) That 3 Legs might have benefited from his position as a NED then the Dame is lost. You might be in love with 'Charles' but think objectively about his concealment of a quarter of a million £'s worth of bunce.

  6. Someone has compromised our Dame. She has been nobbled. Censorship is operating. A bad day for Democracy.

    1. No, the Dame decided that the evidence was faulty and so, being a fair minded old horror, decided to eradicate any comment relating to that party. The Dame rarely, if ever moderates.

    2. I am glad to know this

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