Monday 5 September 2016


Dear Dame

No one appreciates more the role you play in promoting the interests of residents but I feel you have been less than resolute, in calling out Cllr Coleridge, over the mysterious circumstances surrounding the non-award of Asset of Community Value to the Odeon, Kensington High St.

Why so quiet, Dame?

These are the circumstances...

  • Having mishandled the first ACV application the Council agreed to decide on a second ACV application by October 1st.

  • During the month of August discussions took place with two planning officers, Mr. Wade and Mr. Preece who agreed to a meeting with the Friends of the Odeon and their financial supporters BEFORE a decision was to be taken on the ACV
  • The Council KNEW on August 15th that Ritblat intended to demolish the building so why did they go through the charade of pretending to consider the grant of an ACV?

The final, damning question is this...

At a meeting with Bruce Guthrie, Guy Oliver and Cllrs Addenbrooke and Cllr Cyron, Cllr Coleridge made clear that the ultimate decision for the grant of a ACV rested with him. But, despite the ACV not being legally binding on Ritblat,Cllr Coleridge refused to do the very thing that twenty-eight thousand residents had petitioned for.

This leaves a very large ? hanging in the air.....

An admiring follower of the Dame



  1. Also a very large question? About the letter of 27th May and refusal of initial AVC after the SGM in 25th, when quite clearly the Odeon met the criteria to be an AVC. Usually thus gives the community 6 Months to come up with funds, the council voted in favour of AVC being granted on the basis that finances could be proved by 31st May which was complied with. now the. Main arguement from the developers about why it is not eligible for AVC seems to be that it can't be proved that it will be used for social and community use in the next 5 years, well of course not if the whole building is turned into your luxury flats. You couldn't make it up and the whole thing in 1 word Stinks.

  2. For years Coleridge has hidden behind his smooth Etonian facade of charm, smiles and flattery. But in fact, in keeping with his background, he is a scumbag. Two faced, thick skinned and thick (stupid) as well.

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  3. We Should Be Told5 September 2016 at 15:46

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  4. He is also, of course, the cheer-leader behind the campaign to destroy Chelsea by pressing for a Crossrail2 station on King's Road.

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    2. Just look at the nasty smile as Putin swings on the Marlboro School demolition ball. Says it all really.

  5. I see the dear old Dame has been moderating comments about Cllr Coleridge.
    Whose side are you on, Dame?

  6. I guess they were removed, for legal purposes more than anything else. Perhaps some of the information is NOT in the public domain?

  7. Claims made in Evening Standard diary today that UKIP have residents' interests more to heart than the council re Kensington Odeon.

    Borwick's absence from Sundays protest was noticed but Liz Jones prospective UKIP leader present has been recognised.

    Does not look good for Paget-Brown and Borwick when they do not acknowledge residents' concerns, could ukip be getting a leg up in this borough due to the duo sitting on their hands?


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