Thursday 1 September 2016


Residents' Conference 2016

The KCTMO Board has pleasure in inviting you to the Residents' Conference Saturday 17 September 2016

10am Registration
10.45am - 4.30pm
Royal Garden Hotel
2-24 Kensington High Street
London W8 4PT

This conference is for TMO tenants and leaseholders only. 

To reserve your place at the conference and lunch, please contact the conference information line by 5 September 2016 on 020 8964 6125

August 22, 2016


  1. The deadline to reserve a place has been extended to 9 September.

    450 guests attended the Residents' Conference in 2015.

    1. Do we have time to book a room and have a meeting of concerned TMO victims before the 17th Sept? Someone suggested that they might have access to space at the Chelsea Theatre in World's End? If not we could maybe find somewhere in North Kensington?
      Do we want to prepare a petition calling for a EGM and get residents attending the conference to sign?

    2. I do not know of any other Company that requires its members to book a place to attend the Company AGM. Making Company Members jump through hoops to get in to its AGM is a first and the TMO has dare to go where no other Company has ever gone.

  2. So the formal invitation is for the Conference only and not the AGM?

  3. Please note that the AGM is taking place at 9.30 am, so this invitation is carefully crafted to ensure that no one attends it!

    1. Black would rather no one attends the AGM.

  4. KCTMO AGM - STARTS AT 09:30 ON SATURDAY 17 SEPTEMBER at The Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington High Street

    KCTMO members that have NOT received their voting packs can email or call Daniel Asamoah (Company Secretariat Assistant) to request their VOTING PACK AND PIN NUMBER TO VOTE online (it is too late to receive this by post now) OR call Daniel Asamoah on 020 7605 6352

    or email

    Management of KCTMO voting has been subcontracted out.


  5. There is a confusiion even at the stage of registration. You should have returned your voting paper in the pre-paid envelope, which was included, stating that you will be voting at the AGM. You also need to call the number to be sure that you are registered for the AGM preferably record your call for proof. Email is not much of a problem.

    Another confusion is that someone said while back that as long as majority of us vote for TMO to dissolve, then there will have to be an EGM. If not, we need to have that petition paper ready.

    Confusion is a great tactics to the advantage of TMO. I wish them gone very soon, whole lot of them this year.

    1. Obfuscation by TMO unemployables2 September 2016 at 19:26

      The TMO is brilliant at confusing people particularly if it means saving the TMO and saving that shower of rubbish who call themselves TMO Executive Officers. They want to continue to receive their very high salaries. No other housing place would take them on.

  6. Shall we all meet up at the AGM, can we pick a spot and a time to say hello to one another?

    Perhaps everyone should wear an item of clothing/hat/flower/scarf in the same colour to recognise FTHN - say yellow?

    Suggestions please.


    Thursday 15 September 2016

    Chelsea Worlds End Theatre - Meeting for all tenants/leaseholders

    A meeting room is booked from 19:45 to 20:30 to discuss KCTMO/AGM

    More information to follow shortly.

    1. Well done. Will circulate these details to TMO tenants and leaseholders in the north of the Rotten Borough.

  8. Come to the meeting, the meeting, the greatest meeting on earth3 September 2016 at 05:47

    At Chelsea Theatre on 2nd September at 19.45 hours.

    Signed by
    Smash the TMO Revolutionaries


  9. The game is up for Black, Brown, Jevans, Birch, Maddison, and Brown.

    1. and other 'well meaning' pen pushers like 'housing officers' and list goes on.

      Let's make it a success. Can't be dealing with this shenanigan beyond 2016! One strike and they are gone. Imagine how good that feels ladies and gentlemen.

    2. Showdown at 10.52. Have you forgotten to mention Matthews. She's been there long enough to sort out leaseholder services and she hasn't improved a bloody thing. I know she took over a mess and it is still a mess.

      So its time to see the back of Black Brown Jevans Maddison Birch and Matthews

    3. 16.28. I know that Robert Black refers to Housing Officers but they are more like stressed out Social Workers. Don't bother going to a TMO Housing Officer, they're ridiculous.

    4. I know 09:09, that's why I said whole lot of them needs to go.

  10. What is the K&C Labour Party doing to support those who demand change, from below, at the TMO.

  11. The Kensington and Chelsea Labour Party is a bourgeois party.4 September 2016 at 09:44

    The Labour Party only supports change demanded by those from above. And that includes demands for change at the TMO. They are hand in hand with the Tory elite on the TMO.

  12. What utter nonsense. Isn't this meeting being organised by someone from the Chelsea and Fulham Labour Party?

    1. A disgraceful state of affairs.4 September 2016 at 21:53

      10.47 No.

      The Kensington and Chelsea Labour Councillors, who represent the Local Labour Party, have consistently supported the TMO since its creation in 1996, that is, for 20 years. For the last ten years, Blakeman and Dent Coad have given succour to the TMO by sitting on the TMO Board as Council Nominated Board Members. They should be ashamed of allowing the Tory Council and its TMO to propagate the myth of so called tenant management. Tenants do contribute to the development of policy which suits TMO Executives very well. Dent Coad and Blakeman are not stupid and they are both aware of how things are at the TMO. They should hang their heads in shame.

      This pair of Councillors are well aware of the misery that the TMO inflicts on decent people who live in Council flats. They will never countenance the TMO folding because they are committed hook, line, and sinker to tenants being linked to the state through municipal housing. They fear that the Tories might transfer ownership of the housing stock to a housing association if the TMO folds. Let's face it, RBKC Tories do not want social housing responsibilities. Ideology, tenants dependant on the state for their housing, is more important to these Labour Party zealots than doing the right thing by tenants.

      A friend of mine lives on an estate in Hackney that was transferred from Hackney Council to The Guinness Partnership about thirteen years ago. Guinness spent £ 60 million improving the flats and there has been no looking back for tenants since the council evacuated the estate.

    2. History proves that the Labour Party only allows change when it is granted from above and never when it is demanded from below.

    3. 21.53 makes useful comments. Sadly the only housing association operating in the Royal Borough that is better than the TMO is Octavia. All the others treat their residents far worse than do the TMO.

    4. A disgraceful state of affairs part 25 September 2016 at 10:53

      09.37. We need to set the tenants free from the oppressive and incompetent TMO. We need to cut the bonds with the half baked attempt of municipal socialism in the Royal Borough by insisting that tenants are no longer firmly wedded to the state for their housing. The idea that Local Councillors are held to account for the way Council tenants are treated by the TMO is a pipe dream in the Rotten Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Tory Councillors see Council tenants as a dirty smell under their noses. They do not even hold surgeries that tenants can visit to discuss their housing management problems. Labour Councillors, may hold surgeries, but they do not care so long as people remain bonded to the state, and this Council, for their housing. If they really cared they would stop supporting the TMO by serving on the TMO Board. They should be opposing the TMo at every turn, instead they delude themselves that tenants are taking the lead on housing management policy and that the TMO is doing a good job.

      There is no reason why any number of Housing Associations not operating in the Royal Borough at the moment could not start to operate in K&C. By the way The Guinness Trust operates in K&C and has a proven track record of turning round failed Council Housing in Clapton, London, E5.

    5. The TMO is toxic. It tarnishes and sullies everyone associated with it including two Labour Councillors who have coasted by on the TMO Board.

    6. Makes you wonder what RBKC Labour is for ? Opposition, now there's an idea.

    7. That of course is why the TMO lobbied for Dent Coad to be removed and are now working hard to remove Blakeman. They don't like Labour councillors getting advance notice of their plans and seeing confidential documents.

    8. @21:53 Did the Hackney council tenants remained as council tenants or did they become housing association tenants at that point?

    9. 1200. The tenants in Hackney did not remain tenants of Hackney Council. They became tenants of The Guinness Trust. Now here's what they got:-

      (i) Their Right to Buy discount privileges accrued under Hackney Council were transferred to and incorporated in to their new tenancies with Guinness.

      (ii) Their succession rights with Hackney Council were enshrined in their new tenancies with Guinness.

      (iii) They got a £ 60 million investment on their run down, miserable, dilapidated and dirty Hackney Council Estate.

      (iv) Guinness sacked a bone idle caretaker who had loafed for years under Hackney Council. Guinness followed a full competency and capability assessment procedure. Robert Black has always shied away from competency testing the shower of useless officials languishing at the TMO with their final salary gold plated pensions.

      (v) Leaseholders had their service charge bills capped at £ 10, 000 for all the major works that Guinness had to carry out to bring the housing up to a decent standard; housing that Hackney let go to rack and ruin.

      (vi) They got an end to the sacred cow of municipal socialism and are no longer wedded to the state for their housing.

      Time to get rid of municipal housing in K&C and the TMO, I think it is.

    10. 23.35 Seems it's so much better when you don't have self serving councillors and TMO Board Members running your housing and ruining your life. Also, the Chief Executive of Guinness is a proper housing bloke not an art student.

    11. Thank you 23:35. The thing is TMO/RBKC will sell 97% of housing stock to private sector. That's the plan so we need to act before tenants become homeless and leasesolder lose out the value of their property because there is no way RBKC will pay the market value to kick you lot out. It will be done section by section so that residents of South will not be aware of goings in the North etc. By the time it comes around to you, others may have already dispersed to god knows where. The law is in place now so they can do this. We need to look beyond Robert Black and (T)he (M)afia (O)rganisation. Having a middle person (TMO) is a step we don't need. It's like a treadmill, a wheel that does not take you anywhere. The true problem lies ahead though and people are not aware of what's to come. Don't tell me ignorance is bliss please.

    12. 01.29 I would not dream of telling you that ignorance is bliss. One thing I do know about RBKC and the TMO, having lived in Council housing all my life, is that they always end up doing whatever they want to do regardless of how nasty things become with residents. Don't you remember how they changed the TMO Constitution in 2008 with the intention of making it impossible for members of the TMO to call an EGM ever again or even think about having a showdown with the TMO. And I remember how nasty that became and Helen Evans took the flack but achieved what the Council wanted her to achieve. TMO Residents ended up totally disempowered and have been ever since 2008.

      RBKC Councillors do not give a fig about tenants. The Tories would rather we, tenants, didn't exist and the Labour ones, like all good middle class university educated, are pathetic talking about fighting from within but the Tories make mince meat of them and always come out on top.

    13. 09.52 is an apologist for the Labour Party's Dent Coad and Blakeman. Dent Coad was on that TMO for years and achieved nothing. I know because I was on it with her. Dent Coad has to accept some of the blame for the situation visited on tenants during her time on the Board. I know that I do. You cannot make the claim that the TMO made people's lives a misery but Dent Coad is alright. She knew that the TMO was a disaster and instead of refusing to serve on the TMO and advising the local Labour Group that the party should no longer support the TMO, she went on sitting on the Board. Blakeman is going the same way, it seems.

    14. 08:47 Let me say this, just because TMO has made tenants powerless doesn't mean it has to continue this way. That was back in 2008 to date. Time is a great healer. NOTHING in this world is permanent. Where there is beginning, there is end and new beginning follows for sure. Look at the global elite network collapsing, corruption has been exposed. It is the right time to do this now and we must do our best to not miss this chance. We must also think outside of the box. Let's not get bogged down on the past. We have future to plan. If what we've done hasn't worked, ditch that option. If the Council/TMO is doing what they like, so can we that's why I mentioned about Icelandians who threw out members of the parliament. They did it and we can kick unsavoury councillors and executives out. How? I don't know yet but we'll find the way.

    15. People in Glastonbury did this two years ago.

    16. Article 61

    17. 7.55 What a load of Bolony! Sounds like its straight from the pen of a Labour Councillor hell bent on preserving the municipal socialist dream of tenants being dependant on the state for their housing.

      07.55 is right about one thing> The TMO was not satisfactory in 1997, it was not satisfactory in 2008 and it is even worse today. It has had more second chances than any failing business would ever get.

      Get the TMO out of our lives and let's hope for a better future without the TMO.

    18. 20:51 I can say what I like. It's called freedom of speech. I have no association with labour or con and would not dream of either..

    19. I can also say what I like, it is called a difference of opinion. I apologise for suggesting that you were anything to do with the Labour Party. I should have realised that you are too intelligent to be associated with them or the Con Lot.

    20. That's quite alright 22:06. Appologies accepted. I am hardly an intelligent person but my mates are though. Labour and Conservative party are nothing more than a Punch n Judy show which is controlled by a puppet master i.e. hidden hands. Public's attention is kept busy in the hope that their party will win.

    21. It is quite right to blame to Emma Dent Coad for the situation at the TMO because she was on the TMO for years. Condon Simmonds has been hung out to dry for being on the TMO for years and for the bad job it does. Therefore Dent Coad should be similarly hung out to dry.

    22. Emma DC should be castigated.

  13. Please stay on track.

    This meeting is a pre-meeting to the AGM to discuss no confidence in KCTMO, a meeting to discuss how to best address the problems we all face on a daily basis as tenants/leaseholders.

    There is NO political agenda.

    1. 11.13 By all means meet to discuss lack of confidence in the TMO. When I worked there, they used to say that the rules did not permit members to call for a vote of no confidence in the TMO, its Executives or Staff at an AGM of the TMO. I think you might have to get up a petition calling for an EGM to table a motion of no confidence. I wish you luck. I couldn't work at the TMO.

    2. 11.13 everything is political.

    3. Politics = Poli (many) tics (blood suckers!!)

  14. Fire and Brimstone5 September 2016 at 05:52

    The TMO is fire proof. Members cannot call for a vote of no confidence in the TMO from the floor of the AGM. Robert Black knows that if the AGM is sprightly or slightly stroppy that the Chair can abandon it and order that no more votes are cast. Reform can be demanded from below but is only granted from above. Let us have more of what we had at the very first EGM held in 2008.

    1. ^ The problem is a comment like this kind of statement which commonly used by likes of Daily Fail. Sensational yet no meat to back it up. It is your opinion UNLESS you or someone else who has been involved with TMO stand up to testify. Then we can prove it to the world but until such time, I consider this is what appears to be.

      Does anyone know how to contact Barry McQueen? I emailed him twice from the website but no reply.
      He is brave enough to stand up and tell the truth.

    2. 11.13 You could write to Barry McQueen at Berenger Tower, World's End Estate, SW10. I do not believe that he is a member of the TMO so he would not be able to attend the AGM to sort out Robert Black and the TMO Board. Can you imagine the TMO processing his application to become a member of the TMO before the AGM? LOL

    3. 23:41 Thank you. If I go to World's End Estate, someone will know which flat he lives? He's that famous right? As for membership processing, I know exactly what TMO would do or shall I say will not do. LOL

    4. Rest assured,11.13, there is meat on the bone to back up what I say about the TMO. Robert Black knows that when I have a go at the TMO, I mean business. Someone who used to work there told me that the TMO is scared of me

    5. Good to hear 08:35. Together with your statement and Barry's statemenet, if he so willing, we CAN prove that TMO is corrupt. We just need more solid evidence on the list to crash The Mafia Organisation, more the better.

    6. A good postman is able to deliver a letter to the person named in any block of flats even if the flat number is not shown on the envelope. Address your letter

      Barry McQueen
      Berenger Tower
      Worlds End Estate,
      London SW10

    7. Thank you 22:36.

    8. No one has a go at the TMO better than Mr McQueen. He does like to have a go.

    9. I've heard that Barry McQueen might not be all that well. I am going to the AGM and I shall have as a go as good a go as Barry would have done if he was there.

  15. The TMO tenant conference is an effrontery. The TMO f*cks up repeatedly and then holds a conference which it expects the aggrieved to attend.

    How about the TMO getting it right first time every time

  16. The TMO are the works6 September 2016 at 08:20

    I hope the people who are organising this meeting followed by an AGM Showdown know that they will be put on the TMO Black List. What do I care because I was blacklisted by the TMO years ago

    1. Once you're on the TMO Black List they are unmerciful in making sure that you get the worst service.

    2. Fortunately for us, it is coming to an END. Creeching halt.

    3. 08:20 They will be put on the TMO Black list? They probably are already on the black list and that's why they are going! lol We are in a strong position. We have nothing to fear. We are already on it. lol Only those who think they are not on it fears. Cult organisations uses fear tactics to control its members. They want you to be obedient. When you know the game, go the opposite way! Such act disempowers the control freaks and they get annoyed. lol

  17. Choose FREEDOM over slavery. Very important first step. Without this decision, you will be opening the wrong door.

    1. Enchained to the TMO7 September 2016 at 20:53

      Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.

    2. Freedom is getting rid of the TMO.

    3. Liberty is consigning the the TMO to the dustbin of history

    4. 20:53 That's because he who cooperates. Turn around and drum your own tune. In another words, non-compliance. Job done.

    5. If you want to be free, then don't run and hide. Silence is consent because while you are silent injustice will continue. By our silence we are acquiescing, even agreeing to TMO's mismanagement.

    6. 20.53, 20.56 and 21.05 are clearly very intelligent persons who are interested in Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke and John Stuart Mill. Unfortunately intelligent comments are wasted on the TMO Board and K&C Councillors.

    7. That's quite alright 05:57. What matters is that it's out there. TMO Board and RBKC Councillors can go round and round in circle trying to figure out what it means. London is full of secret codes if you look whats on the streets. It's called hidden in plain sight.

    8. It's probably wifi signal that's frying their brain. Or may be it's flu jab which they keep getting year after year. lol

    9. The TMO is good for larf8 September 2016 at 22:09

      19.53 LOL .

  18. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

  19. TMO = Terrifying abyss of despair

    1. TMO = Terrible Mafia Organisation

    2. TMO = Terrible Mafia Organisation8 September 2016 at 06:13

      I like it. TMO = Terriible Mafia Organisation. Who's the Godfather?
      Terrifying Abyss of Despair is pretty good too.

    3. If there was a theatre play, I'd give the role to Mr Rober Black and see if he could play the part. We'll give him a cigar and a glass of cognac or may be a glass bo bubbly if that's his style.

    4. So you think Robert Black is the Godfather?

    5. Unfortunately, he's not got that kind of charisma since TMO is a collection of people which lacks luster. Anyone more stuitable to suggest 22:13?

    6. 11.33. I must say that I agree with you. Black lacks charisma and is lack lustre in the extreme. The TMO is rough and lacks polish. Sophistication has passed the TMO by.

    7. Black is a sleazy scumbag who is about to experience a great fall.

    8. Charisma and sophistication are not a pre-requisites of Mr Black's position. However COMPETENCE, ABILITY and the DESIRE TO SERVE WELL are essential to his role. Unfortunately we have not seen any evidence of these qualities in Mr Black.

      The responsibility lies with RBKC who DO NOT scrutinise the KCTMO allowing poor practice, avoidance and incompetence to manifest within bureaucracy, just as it did before the last EGM and the subsequent clear out of poor staff and bad practice.

  20. The TMO rang me up yesterday. They asked me if I knew who was behind this. I told them I'm not the local grass.

    1. I wonder why. Do they also keep a hit list along side with the black list?

    2. 17.24. I wouldn't be surprised if the TMO Blacklister has a hit list too. I wonder if we could get a copy of it from our friendly mole on the inside

    3. That would be interesting. Try. We'll protect the identity of the helpers and they might be able to secure a post in the new organisation.

  21. For anyone that hasn't read Mr Black's letter that came with the AGM pack, he says:

    "KCTMO is an organisation that has a mission to deliver excellent resident-led services based on its values of Quality, Working Together, Innovation, Integrity, and Commitment (QWIIC)"


    1. Mr Black, the TMO's ethical incarnation when he joined it in 2009, makes me die.

      THE TMO's values are provide poor quality services, oppose tenants at every turn, be reactionary whenever any intelligent person mentions something, tell lies to get the TMO out of a corner, and I nearly forgot, the staff are only committed to their salaries; and nothing else.


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