Tuesday 5 July 2016


What the hell is the matter with the accident prone TMO?
When you consider a contractor the basic, primary step is due diligence. You do NOT consider 'cowboy builders like Keepmoat

So how did Keepmoat, a company with an appalling reputation 'fix it'?
No one accuses anyone of a trade in brown envelopes, or worse, but it does beg a question or two.

Come on, Holgate, stop being a lazy hound and kick Mr White's ample bottom!

Dear Dame 

You may be interested to know that the KCTMO have entered into a framework agreement for major works with contractor, Keepmoat.  
Please see reviews below showing Keepmoat to be dangerous, over charging, not fit for purpose contractor.  
KCTMO have clearly not done any due diligence or care to work in our best interest.  We are all very concerned at what lies ahead.
A casual internet search throws up these horror stories.

Yours sincerely 

Concerned residents of 60 Slaidburn Street

Extensive Internet links reviewing Keepmoat Property Services show consistently substandard work, incompetence, dishonesty and even death


  1. Shocking. I suspect that the Board were not told of all this when they took the decision to award the contract. That is one of the problems when amateurs run an organisation the size of the TMO, where the CEO is so hands off, he is often absent and leaves things to incompetent underlings.

    1. The CEO and his sidekicks treat the Board like mushrooms - keep them in the dark, feed them shit. It has always been this way. Because the Board, and the resident Board members in particular, are just a side-show to keep the plebs distracted whilst the staff do whatever the hell they like.

    2. It's time to dismantle TMO5 July 2016 at 13:46

      huh? The tenants were not notified of this change either. I must say, I've come across a number of TMO repair guys over the years and generally they are fine. Don't you find it strange that the same pool of repair guys worked for newly incorporated TMO repairs Ltd who were moved around from Morrison and other previous contractor companies who had a contract with KCTMO? How does that work? TMO has just invested about £20K on tools....I guess that was another waste of money...eh?

    3. Keepmoat and TMO Repairs Direct are two different things.

      Last time I looked TMO Repairs Direct only dealt with day-to-day repairs whilst Keepmoat was delivering a large chunk of the major works that are currently taking place on a number of properties.

      There is very probably a story worthy of the Hornet in the long history of the TMO's management of the day-to-day repairs service. However this story is very much about how Keepmoat are arguably not fit to carry out major works on Council properties, and certainly not under the auspices of the much-derided "framework agreements" (aka "money for old rope") the TMO is so fond of. For little or no apparent reason - perhaps that's where we should be looking for brown envelopes?

    4. Who's talking about tenants? We're talking about the TMO Board. The lie that keeps on giving.

    5. Good article

    6. Good article

    7. good article

    8. that is good article

  2. In K & C, virtually very stone one lifts, reveals a deeply unpleasant reality. The council's greatest skill - honed over decades - is to use engage enormous and sustained effort to keep its murky secrets. The Dame continues to shine a light into some very dark places.

  3. Time for the TMO to fold.5 July 2016 at 08:50

    Robert Black is so hands off and laid back it is ridiculous. He sits in an ivory tower and lets TMO proles do their jobs badly.

    1. Come back Gordon! All is forgiven!

      (On second thoughts, perhaps not).

    2. Robert Black should be congratulated for having stuck around for six years. That's longer than most of his predecessors.

      But he should be castigated for doing such a poor job in return for his ever-increasing (£150k+) salary, bonuses and public sector pension.

    3. He certainly doesn't deserve 150K+. How can we bring it down to...say.. 50K? We are going through austerity after all. Can it be done? If yes, why aren't we doing it?

    4. 15.03 Black's predecessors have lasted longer.

      Kingsford was with the Council and TMO for over twenty years.
      Perry was there for seven years.
      Evans was only temporary.
      Black will be there until he crosses a Tory Councillor with power and authority on the Council.

    5. It has just occurred to me. Mr Black has been paid more than David Cameron who has just returned to the borough. See below. How could this have happened?!?


    6. Robert Black should be congratulated for having stuck around for six years. That's longer than most of his predecessors.

    7. Good article

    8. This is a good article

    9. This is a Good Article for me

  4. Perhaps, Councillor Maighread Condon Simmonds might get to the bottom of this.

    1. The only think Councillor Maighread Condon Simmons can get to the bottom of is a glass of wine.

    2. I bet she has a glass or two in the Mona Lisa tonight.

    3. On the house no doubt.

    4. Or at Frantoios

    5. Dinner on the house with political friends.

    6. No bollards, special parking, allow door to open on highway to obstruct pedestrians, etc, etc the cow that keeps on giving.

    7. Maybe she is at the hairdresser or the butcher ???

    8. I've seen and heard her in the Mona Lisa. Indiscrete and loud.

    9. This is a good article

  5. It comes as no surprise to me that the TMO under Robert Black's watchful eye has let a contract to this contractor when all and sundry have gone on line to say how bad Keepmoat is.

    Who was responsible at the TMO evaluating this contractor's bid ?
    Who recommended that the TMO Board let a contract to this not fit for purpose Contractor?
    When we know the answer to these questions, we will then know which head(s) should roll- the buck stops with Black and action rests with the good Holgate.

    1. Would it be possible for you to join our meeting? we hope to arrange one at worlds end open space in front of the theatre?

  6. Why did Mr Black let this contractor loose on council tenants?

    The old, the sick, the poor, and the disabled deserve better.

  7. How much longer do residents have to put up with the TMO.

    Remember :-

    The TMO bullied residents at Grenfall Tower.
    The TMO bullied and persecuted residents on the Cremorne Estate who opposed them over the demolition of the estate to make way for Crossrail 2 .
    Favouritism: A personal friend of Maighread Condon Simmonds won a prize for gardening when she did not even have a garden.
    Favouritism: The same personal friend of Miaghread Condon Simmonds had a key to exclude children from a playground on the Cremorne Estate.
    Major works are consistently poorly executed.
    Repairs not carried out.
    Residents on the ball are blacklisted.
    Leaseholders service charge bills are full of inaccuracies and overcharges.

    If anyone wants to add to this list, please do so.

  8. Maighread's favourite TMO gardening man makes up quotes for Area Review Board projects. Someone should audit his books.

  9. L Good's practical economics6 July 2016 at 12:51

    Robert Black, when he got the top job at the TMO, told anyone who would listen that he would improve the TMO. The frequency with which the Dame exposes TMO inefficiencies, lack of effectiveness, poor housing management practices, poorly executed major works and repairs, the lack of probity around the administration of gardening and other contracts as well as concerns about money and racism shows that he has failed miserably.

    The TMO regardless of its Top Brass Teams, since its creation, has always been a mess in all of the areas mentioned above.

    Black has been at the TMO for around seven years and has received a salary and pension package over that period amounting to £ 1 million.

    Other TMO Executive Directors have, over this seven year period, collectively received salary and pension packages running in to several millions of pounds.

    Are Mr Black and his Executive Directors worth this money it?
    Do they offer value for money? No, of course not.
    Would other people do better? - yes.

    As these high salaries have failed to produce the practical results that Mr Black promised, it is high time that Mr Black and all of the TMO's Executive Directors considered their positions. If they don't do the right thing, the Council should intervene.

    1. TMO leaseholder6 July 2016 at 13:47

      Mr/Ms Good is right. My husband works for a private equity company. He earns the same sort of money that Robert Black earns but he does not have a gold plated Local Government Officer's Final Salary Pension. When I think of the results that my husband has to achieve just to hang on to his job and I compare his work outcomes to the performance of the TMO, I wonder how TMO bosses hang on to their jobs. Our Councillors should do something.

    2. Day of reckoning6 July 2016 at 21:12

      Black is earning the same money that TMO Leaseholder's husband gets in the private sector where nothing less than optimal performance will do. Why is the TMO allowed to under perform without consequences for those who preside over this pathetic organisation.

    3. TMO leaseholder is right. I haven't voted Tory since I was 18 for a Tory Council to nothing about failure of the TMO. The TMO adversely affects the interests of leaseholders. I vote Tory because I thought it was the party of the propertied classes.

    4. So Mr Black and the Directors enjoyed salary increases and possibly bonus while we go through austerity where people are asked to reduce their wages and go without bonus?

      Of course, the directors should be held accountable too. The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea TMO Ltd may have been appointed by the Council to manage the tenants and properties but it's no different from Earls Court Fried Chicken Ltd. As Annon said below, "It's nothing personal, just business." If a customer dies from a food poisoning because a chef has neglected a hygine protocol, it is the company director who goes to jailed. Same applies to KCTMO. Mr Robert Black is just a staff who received hugely inflated salary, unfit for purpose!

      Those that have neglected their duty at the Compalint department should also go. They deserve it. Let's bring in new people who will work for us.

    5. Board Member- a snake in the grass13 July 2016 at 12:12

      Here, here 10.53.

      All TMO Executive Directors need to go pronto. They are all completely useless.

      All TMO Complaints Staff ( and their managers) should have the decency to resign, if they do not they should be dealt with under the capability procedure. Mind you, knowing how bad the TMO is, it probably does not have a capability and poor work procedure. If it does have such a procedure, it has never been used. If it had been used, there would not be so many useless people working in the place.

    6. ..and I'd imagine 2016 Pants On Fire Awards will be presented to Mr Black at this year's AGM. Again!

    7. This is a good article

  10. Bring in Sir John Chilcott to tell it like it is about the TMO.

  11. THE TMO"S FINEST MOMENT6 July 2016 at 22:46

    The TMO has been around for twenty years.

    Can anyone say what was the TMO's finest hour?

    1. No, I cannot say what the TMO's finest hour was.

    2. Petition for an extraordinary meeting to vote out and remove the board, its been done once already, five or so years ago A resounding vote of no confidence - 500 signatures needed. Lets start somewhere!

    3. This is a good article

  12. There will be trouble ahead.....lets face the music and dance7 July 2016 at 21:07

    Slaidburn Street is right. Get a petition up. I heard that a guy in Elm Park Gardens tried to get a petition up a while back to fold up the TMO. Let's do it. Show Black and his pathetic Tenant Directors who is boss.

    1. I know other estates (I've already spoken to them and they complain about the same kind of things discussed here) will gladly sign a petition so if its get going, I go and tell them. 500 should not be a problem.

    2. This is a good article

  13. Here here. Shall we arrange a group meeting at Worlds End open space outside the theatre in a few weeks, once word gets around and for people join in and discuss options?

    1. Yes, if you like. Perhaps, you ask the World's End Residents Association to let you use their clubroom on the estate for the meeting. Robert Black will, of course, send a stooge to report to him so that the TMO may bring the wrath of god down on those who oppose the TMO. I have heard stories that a woman called Brown is a holy terror when things get nasty for the TMO.

    2. There will be trouble ahead.....lets face the music and dance8 July 2016 at 03:51

      If the TMO bullies anyone exercising their democratic right to organise a petition to unseat that useless shower on the TMO Board and bring about the winding up of the TMO, I am sure that Councillor Mackover would be interested in hearing about it.

      It would be good to hold TMO "Top Brass" to account. I have heard the Black Regime fears tenants taking control and that the TMO have employed a worker to increase TMO membership numbers to make it more difficult for tenants to get the signatures required to call an EGM.

    3. Would anyone please add the contact details for the Worlds End RA chairman to this blog please, to try to get things started? Thank you.

    4. Good idea about the meeting Slaidburn Street.
      We should not have TMO staff in the meeting. Having said that, they will probably send a mole to jot down who is in it, and names in the black book and report to you know who.

      Mr Black has enjoyed six years at TMO. There is such thing as seven year itch and let's make it so ladies and gentlemen.

      A picture is worth a thousand words.
      Let them fall.

  14. We found this:


    Official Misconoduct
    Posted about 8 years ago, on 05/08/2008

    Dave Godfrey2 Florence HouseHenry Dickens CourtGeorge Pashley,Company Secretary,RBK&C TMO,375 Kensington High Street,London W14 8QH 12 January 2008 NOTICE OF INTENDED EGM We the undersigned members of the TMO formally request that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) be called to discuss and resolve, the direction and composition of the TMO Board. That in the suspension of the two elected members, the officer and members of the TMO Board demonstrated both a lack of proper judgement and responsibility as company directors, as well as a failure to uphold their own rules as laid out in the Memorandum and Articles of the company. This action brought the Board into conflict with the interests of the tenant members, as the action to suspend was unreasonable. As a consequence, the meeting will be asked to vote on the following: 1. That the suspension of the two TMO Board members be declared null and void and that the two board members in question retake their posts with immediate effect. 2. A vote on no confidence in the chair of the TMO Board. 3. That the individual TMO board members who led and directed the suspension process, namely Juliet Rawlings and Michael Beverley, should be removed from the TMO Board with immediate effect. Yours sincerely, P.P. Dave Godfrey, for and on behalf of the appended signatories. (NOTE: Appx. 120 signed when the required minimum is 50) TMO’S DECEITFUL DEFENCE Tenants will have read, with utter disbelief, the response in the Kensington & Chelsea News by Helen Evans in defence of the TMO. In her letter she has said, “there isn’t a shred of evidence to support my claims against the TMO”. (K&C News 14th Feb ‘08). Helen Evans attempts to evaluate the three star rating, explaining the tangible benefits. The problem with this statement is, it doesn’t promote the fact, that this money wasn’t some sort of prize that was given to us for achieving the three stars. It was simply a vehicle to enable us to ‘borrow’ money, which has to be repaid – but how and by who? She doesn’t dare say. As always, it isn’t what is said, but rather what hasn’t been said. Coincidentally, one of the ‘suspended board members’ who was a tenant-rep from the beginning of the decent-homes, has vocally stated, in his opinion a lot of money has been wasted and if it has been managed properly, a lot, lot more, could have been done. On behalf of the tenants he has consistently challenged this, but unfortunately, he was a lone voice. As for the CRB checks that Helen Evans has referred to, I have been legally advised, that there is absolutely no requirement in law, as directors of the company for them to comply. But, our readers should be informed, that the TMO’s solicitors have already confirmed as much to the CEO! Consequently, the ‘Board’ has had to find ‘other’ unsubstantiated reasons in an attempt to further their cause and wilfully justify their actions. Further proof, if it be needed, can be found in the Kensington News (6th March 2008), wherein Ms. Rawlings, the Chair of the TMO Board, has demonstrated, precisely what the ‘mindset’ of the Board is, e.g.: “if we lose the motion we (the board) won’t work alongside the suspended members, if they are reinstated!” Doesn’t this stupid remark say everything you’ve always suspected about this seedy set-up? Because it is quite clear to the members that what Ms. Rawlings is actually saying, is, I don’t care how the membership votes, we won’t be accepting a majority decision made by the members – this make both Juliet Rawlings and Helen Evans as much at fault as the two suspended board members who were accused of not complying with ‘Collective Responsibility’.

  15. Continued:There is certainly no consistency here, is there? Also, readers have not been told, that the TMO have literally hijacked, (the petitioned for) Members Meeting in place of an EGM of their own. But the tenants are aware of this because they have noted that the ‘paperwork’ that’s been sent to them, informing them of the Boards EGM, doesn’t contain membership numbers nor any specific details of the alleged offences committed by the suspended members – these details, we are assured, will follow later! Additionally, what is now worthy of a note, is that, at a recent ARB meeting a point was raised concerning the final warnings that were given to four other board members, one of whom was, in fact, present at the meeting, when a question arose in regard to why was it, that this person who was given the final warning still remained a TMO board member, when he had committed a serious sexual molestation against a member of the TMO staff. And, as it wasn’t denied, why is he still in situ? Is there a rule for one but not for another? Maybe this isn’t as serious and doesn’t have quite the gravitas as failing to comply with the CRB. In any event, given that this person did comply did comply with the CRB, it didn’t act as prevention in this case did it? Worse still, despite the extensive character assassinations of the two suspended board members by the TMO, they haven’t made known to the membership the wrongdoing of this member, have they? – No, they have been very careful not to let this become known to the membership, I wonder why? We also need to ask, are all the board members aware of this most recent article in the paper and do they support it? However, all this pales into significance, when, Helen Evans proudly proclaims that, even the appointed board councillors have given their total support to both her and the Chair. But, what has now recently come to light is that, at least, one Councillor – an approved board member, no less, has been busy putting pressure on an elderly lady to disassociate herself from the petition, which, she had already signed for. How utterly disgraceful that the TMO should contemplate such behaviour. Clearly, there are no limits that this board will go to, just to get their own way. Judge for yourselves what they’re all about – not what they simply want to tell you. Yours sincerely, A Chair of RA and ARB

  16. Continued .../...
    April 2008To whom it may concern: RE: KCTMO's Pre-privatisation property survey AND surveyors etc. BELOWAside from the TMO Board denying TMO residents a legitimate EGM (of Jan/Feb ‘08) “because the cover letter was attached with a paperclip and not stapled” then staging an unlawful EGM instead, as the elected Chair of the HHRA etc, in keeping with the TMO board's new CBR policy, be advised the KCTMO must produce proof of a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) certification of every surveyor before they visit any TMO property - because ‘they "might" come into contact with: the disabled, children, the elderly and - other vulnerable people’ - OR BE ACCOMPANIED BY A POLICE OFFICER IN UNIFORM AT ALL TIMES. In fact, it is obvious that, in keeping with the TMO board's new CRB policy, the TMO board must require a CRB certification of every TMO employee and all contractors involved that DO come into contact with: the disabled, children, the elderly and - other vulnerable people - OR BE ACCOMPANIED BY A POLICE OFFICER IN UNIFORM AT ALL TIMES. Also be advised that a "letter of authority” from any Tom, Dick or Harriet authorising access for some other Tom, Dick or Harriet is not acceptable, and in breach of the TMO Board's new CRB policy. Therefore, on behalf of the Residents of this property and in keeping with the TMO Board’s new CRB policy, we require proof of CRB checks RE: the above mentioned parties BEFORE they are granted any access whatsoever, or scrap the TMO Board’s new CRB policy altogether.It goes without saying that the standards of the hired help, including the ‘management’, must meet or exceed those of the illustrious and immaculate TMO board. Does it not? A Chair: HH Vice-Chair: KNT-ARB Left to right PUBLIC SERVANTS: Cameron Maclean (RBK&C clerk) Helen Evans (temp TMO CEO) and Juliet Rawlins (TMO Chair), Cllr. Fiona Buxton, Sue Daniels, Rachael Wigley and Jane Woods. Fiona Buxton (centre) chairs this illegal/unlawful TCC (Tenants’ Consultative Committee) held on 17 January 2008 without revealing to the TMO membership the exact location of said TCC meeting; which is the required ‘process’ whereby certain TMO Board, management and Council members appear to be attempting to railroad and/or swindle the “£8 million pension fund deficit” out of TMO residents. ‘Go along to get along’, will no longer suffice. NO ADDRESS ON THIS “NOTICE OF MEETING” IS INCOMPETENCE OR OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT and Ms Buxton, et al, by continuing the meeting after being warned of that – as entered into the minutes, indicates the latter. THE BOARD WAS STUNNED. TWO (E & F) OF THEIR ITEMS WERE REJECTED BY THE MEMBERS, AND THEIR ANNUAL RENEWAL OF THEIR BOGUS EGM & MGT CONtract OF 2002 WAS NEARLY DEFEATED (ITEM D).


  17. I used to live in a TMO property. I sold it and moved to New South Wales. It was a liberating experience to get the TMO out of my life. When I was in London it was corrupt and incompetent. I was involved in trying to hold the TMO to account in 2008. I wish all of those hoping for better the best of luck

    1. Ex Holloway Prisoner9 July 2016 at 07:45

      Living in a TMO place is another prison.

    2. Another prison9 July 2016 at 20:11

      A terrible indictment on the Council and the TMO.

    3. Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains10 July 2016 at 04:54

      Set the tenants free of the oppressive and tyrannical TMO

    4. Within these walls10 July 2016 at 09:16

      A lot of people who work at the TMO would do better in Holloway or Pentonville with a big bunch of keys.

    5. I've done time in Pentonville, Wandsworth and Wormwood Scrubs. The Prison Service does better Resident Engagement work than the TMO.

    6. Jevans, Brown and Birch could be seconded to the Prison Service to learn how to do it. If they go into a prison looking for confrontation , they'll find it and may even come a cropper. When the secondment is over, they will understand resident engagement much better and might even be nicer to tenants.

    7. Jevans Brown and Birch would have to drop the attitude if working in a prison.

    8. If TMO hid the money from the auditor, where is it now? Did they hide because someone wanted to have it for their holiday/cruise money or to fund part of their property investment or something? If so, yeah, imprison would be an appropriate action for those involved? Let's hear it from those in the know please. Is there an evidence so that this won't end up as hearsay?

  18. Who can blame you and yes a neighbour moved for the same reasons after many years of dealing with the TMO which became her second full time job. Any pointers re 2008/Extraordinary Meeting would be most appreciated.
    Thank you.

    1. I sold up and moved too. I know what you mean when you say that dealing with the TMO is like having a second job. I have never come across such a useless good for nothing lot. I cannot think of one person who impressed me.

    2. Didn't Joanne, Dulce, Catherine, and Ewa in the Complaints Department impress you?

    3. The Complaints Section is the biggest joke of all. They tell everyone that they cannot complain about this or complain about that. When they mess up, they mess up spectacularly. They then get a woman, whose name escapes me, to come along and recover the situation. Cringing!

    4. Agree Diana. When you submit a complaint, they don't even reply to you. If it ever gets logged, the case is closed mysteriously. It's total waste of money paying for useless staff who does nothing...well they probably like going on training. LOL

    5. That's it, Diana. The Complaints Team make up the rules about what you are allowed to complain about and what you are not allowed to complain about as they go along. They downgrade every complaint that they don't like or cannot shrug off as an "enquiry" or better still "a request for service" even if you are complaining about service failures. It is all to do with conning the Council and, possibly, the Government that they get few complaints.

    6. How right Down under is about conning.......

  19. Well he would, wouldn't he8 July 2016 at 22:30

    Mr Black sees the TMO through rose tinted glasses

    C Keeler, Former Tenant World's End

    1. He's delusional

    2. They do not log complaints in to massage the figures.

    3. It's a good article

    4. "This is the best article"

  20. Complain to RBKC about KCTMO.

    1. Don't be naive. RBKC doesn't give a sh*t when people complain to them about the TMO. The only exception is Councillor Mackover. Forget complaining to Labour Liberal and other Tory Councillors or to Holgate and his Officers.

  21. We want to petition a vote of no confidence, to call an Extraordinary meeting and we have a great deal of evidence of maladministration to back this up.

    Lets get the ball rolling, we just need 500+ signatures and to agree the same goal.

    Best wishes

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Not sure Mr Black is qualified to run the KCTMO he has only a diploma in painting from an art college as qualification, hardly surprising he doesn't answer any communications

    Robert Black on Linkedin


    Greys School of Art (RGIT) Aberdeen
    Diplloma and Post Graduate, Painting
    1977 – 1982
    Whitehill Secondary School Glasgow
    1971 – 1977
    Whitehill Secondary School, Glasgow
    1971 – 1977

  24. Robert Black on Linkedin

    Chief Executive
    Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organsation (KCTMO)
    May 2009 – Present (7 years 3 months)
    Chief Executive of the only Borough wide TMO, managing almost 10,000 homes in RBKC

    Executive Director of Services
    Circle Anglia
    2004 – March 2009 (5 years)
    Executive Director of Services responsible for services for 45,000 homes across seven companies including asset management

    Assistant Director
    English Churches Housing Group (ECHG)
    1991 – 2004 (13 years)
    Responsible for managing its supporting housing, sheltered housing and genral need properties. To manage the budgets and

    1. Assistant Director
      English Churches Housing Group (ECHG)
      1991 – 2004 (13 years)
      Responsible for managing its supporting housing, sheltered housing and genral need properties. To manage the budgets and businss growth within this area and develop relationships with our key Local Authorites Partners

    2. This is a good article

  25. The question must be asked what did he do between gaining his painting diploma in 1982 and starting work in 1991?

    No extra education or relevant property courses stated. Is he qualified to full fill the role of CEO?


    1. It's called gap years? A long one at that. lol

    2. I now understand why Black's e-mails, on the rare occasions when he sends them, are so poorly crafted and so badly punctuated. Does he have any CSE's or passes at Scottish Ordinary or Higher Grade? Most people in his position hold a degree - Evans and Perry were both graduates.

      Pity he odes not look at the poor paintwork finishes in the common parts of blocks of flats in TMO Management.

    3. Vote of no confidence urgently required, its the last resort, we have a right to expect professional management, after all we are the consumer.

    4. "We are the consumer"
      We should not forget, we pay their wages!
      Really, it's time to stop this piss take.
      They seem to think they are above and can get away with anything, however...

    5. Yes,we have the right to professional management because we pay for it and we don't get what we are paying for from any of that lot at the TMO.

    6. I wonder when Mr Black goes, he will be humming like David Cameron. https://youtu.be/W4bFrQORzUw
      They don't give a toss, do they?

    7. We should have a massive residents street party to celebrate Mr Black's departure. Of course he could attend and we will make sure he will be welcomed. What more can he dream? Early retirement! With kind of wages he was on he can. Actually, would it be possible to recover some of his wages? He failed after all.

    8. Mr Black should have proven CEO experience to be working in his current position and associated qualifications. Sadly he has only a few years middle management experience and an unrelated manual diploma in painting from Art College. How can this be so?

      As an example the CEO of Tesco had no degree but 40 years in the business working up from the shop floor to get to the top. Mr Black does not have that kind of background either to make his appointment viable. What to do? Can we have his wages refunded?

    9. 07:44 Re: wages
      We should at least consider and try!
      Surplus money could be put back into good use for the tenants!

  26. Insight from a mole10 July 2016 at 19:29

    The Chief Executive of an ALMO would normally have the Institute of Housing plus a Bachelor's Degree. Kingsford had the Institute of Housing qualification.

    Juliet Rawlings sat on Black's interview panel. He was not Jean Daintith's first choice of applicant (professionally qualified former RBKC Director of Housing, Health and Adult Care ) or the first choice of one other person on the panel

    1. I think Mr Kingsford also had a specialist qualification in surveying.

      No wonder all of the TMO Executive Team is inadequate. The Chief appears to lack the educational background to identify the best candidates for Executive roles. I think those who talk a good talk get jobs at the TMO but no one gets the sack when they do not deliver.

    2. I have always thought that the best educated and qualified people are not necessarily the best people to do a job.

      When the TMO resorts to bullying, rudeness and seeing people off, one naturally wonders at the qualifications of those in charge. And now we have it.

  27. From our perspective we have seen nothing but failure under his leadership, this must be allowed to continue. His CV indicates that he does not have the capability to manage such a large budget, or manage staff to deliver. Black's Linkedin profile shows that he is poorly qualified, not up to date, with no formal accreditation to be in the role of CEO of a very large public body and overseeing such a large operation/budget.

    Blacks Linkedin page is littered with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and duplication.

    1. I think you'd better take a screenshot of his profile before he run through a spellchecker...now that you mentioned. lol

    2. already done

  28. From our perspective we have seen nothing but failure under his leadership, this must not be allowed to continue. His CV indicates that he does not have the capability to manage such a large budget, or manage staff to deliver. Black's Linkedin profile shows that he is poorly qualified, not up to date, with no formal accreditation to be in the role of CEO of a very large public body and overseeing such a large operation/budget.

    Blacks Linkedin page is littered with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and duplication.

  29. The revelation is shocking to say the least.

    1. Scandalous

    2. It's nothing personal, just business. We need a qualified CEO able to lead, advise staff and look after the interests of residents and housing stock. That is not too much to ask. Something needs to change.

    3. It's nothing personal. I just don't like Black, Brown,Birch, Jevans and Maddison because they have messed up and done a very bad job.

    4. The latter very dubious with RBKC audits.

    5. Instructed officers to hide money from RBKC auditors.

  30. 15.04 says, "The latter very dubious with RBKC audits" Clearly, very few people know what has gone down with money being hidden from RBKC Auditors. The Dame does not know about this seriously irregular situation.

    Will you now SPILL so that the Council and residents may know what went on. That way Holgate will have to act and answer to Councillors AND the court of public opinion.

    I am like a dog with a bone when it comes to exposing corruption.

    1. How can anyone have confidence in the TMO?12 July 2016 at 11:21

      Concealing money from the Auditors whatever next.

      Bullying Grenfall Tower Residents .

      Who was the guy that had to leave the TMO for having pornography on his computer and objectifying women. Vile!

    2. I always knew that the TMO was and is corrupt. I never knew that it employed lewd and disgusting people who turn women in to objects.

    3. Yes but does anyone remember the name of the TMO bloke who was involved in all of this pornography?

      He was very high up in the TMO.

    4. Dear Feminist,
      Are you referring to ex cllr and ex Mayor Barry Phelps? Or has there been a case of TMO staff that I don't know of?

    5. 14.21. NO, I am referring to an Ex-TMO Executive Director whose name escapes me.

      How can women who use the TMO be confident that it is not full of deviant men turning women in to objects by satisfying their sexual needs with pornography.

      How many computer purges has Robert Black ordered to ensure this is not the situation.

    6. Crikey! There were more?!

    7. 09.54 The TMO is very sleazy.

    8. Generalisation is too easy. I have met a few genuine people to be fair. The rest who don't pull their weight, I'd like them to be 'history'. If any TMO staff would like to contribute to the campaign 'VOTE No confident!' please spill the beans to Dame. I'm sure your identity will be protected.

    9. PORNOGRAPHY HOW REVOLTING15 July 2016 at 02:42



    1. Yes, a lot.
      Go to any estate and ask randomly picked TMO resident about KCTMO. Their answer says it all.

  32. Lets get serious about holding KCTMO directors to account with a vote of no confidence - time for change.

  33. Numbers please, how many kind readers are serious about a petition/vote of no confidence in KCTMO to oust CEO Robert Black?

    1. Very difficult to know how many people in any district would sign a petition if asked to do so. I would have thought it impossible for anyone to give any sort of indication. I tell you what Robert Black's TMO has blighted the lives of many not the few.

    2. If five people took care to collect a hundred signatures each, then we will soon have 500 signatures easily. Each person could work with another person who actually lives on an estate etc so technically you could be collecting 50 signatures. We only need another four willing people like me.

    3. Do all signatories need to be a member of the TMO residents association to count?

    4. Good question 19:49. I would imagine they don't have to be a member of the association. Just TMO residents. Can someone with previous experience confirm this?

      I wouldn't mind mocking up a word doc form for people to sign on and up load it to dropbox.

    5. Bring down the TMO14 July 2016 at 21:41

      No, this is not correct.

      Anyone wishing to sign the petition calling for an Extraordinary General Meeting in order to request the winding up of the company or calling for the removal of Directors must be a member of the TMO. Anyone who wishes to sign the petition who is not a member can join the TMO by submitting an application form.

      Members of the Company are entitled to inspect the register of members to establish the identity of members of the company. Contact the TMO Company Secretary.

      The Company Secretary should also advise anyone organising a petition about the format of any petition.

    6. Lets get started!

    7. People can submit their application online.

      I wonder how many members will be attending the AGM in September.

    8. TMO AGM is always very poorly attended. Robert Black and the Council likes it that way.

    9. Lets all go to the TMO AGM

    10. Brave New World15 July 2016 at 09:19

      Each sheet of the petition which TMO Members sign must contain the following information so that each person signing it knows what they are signing. It is very important that the TMO Company Secretary is unable to reject it as an invalid petition especially as it is so difficult to get the signatures required. She will want to reject it so that she does not find herself out of a job and lining up for the dole. May I suggest that you print out a petition and ask the Company Secretary to confirm that a petition in this form, with the required number of signatures, will be accepted.

      PREAMBLE. We the undersigned being Members of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation Limited ("the Company") hereby call for an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to be convened not before 7.30pm on any weekday.

      Examples only

      1. To remove x Non Executive Director from the Board

      2. To express a vote of no confidence in Mr Robert Black Chief Executive Officer and all of the Company's Executive Officers.

      3. To express a vote of no confidence in the Company's Board.

      4. To end the Management Agreement between the Company and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to facilitate the winding up of the Company.

      Note :These resolutions will be debated and voted on by members at the EGM.

    11. If a simple majority of people voting in the AGM Ballot voted against the TMO continuing to manage housing, the TMO would have to call an EGM regarding the winding up of the TMO.

    12. Anon 02:38
      If that's the case, we must work on it to bring more people in. Having more people in one place is easier than knocking on the door or wasting money on stamps.

      Thank you Brave New World.
      I will mock up something later and stick a URL in the comment here or in today's article comment section.

      We should seriously work on this. Surely we can make things better than what we've got now. There must also be genuine TMO staff who are suffering from unfair treatment but unable to voice or correct the situation in fear of getting a sack. If that is you, can we work together anonymously? Everyone raise your hands!

    13. 14.42. Black will have his staff knocking on doors making sure that AGM voting papers are completed in accordance with TMO expectations and returned by post for counting. I would not put it past TMO staff demanding voting papers from hapless tenants who will do anything to get rid of these officials - especially those who have rent arrears.

    14. 17:13 The staff never knocked on my door for voting paper before so I doubt it will happen. I wouldn't trust them collecting papers anyway especially there is a rumour that they 'adjust' statistics and membership numbers.

    15. 17.40 A TMO Senior Manager once knocked on my door and attempted to deceive me in to believing that I was obliged to give personal information to the TMO because the Tenancy Services Authority required the TMO to collect race, ethnicity and sexuality data.

      The con did not work.

    16. Good for you Shane for standing up.
      Know your rights! This goes for the police as well, they ask way too much information which you are no obliged to tell in certain circumstance e.g. name, address, job etc..

  34. A jaw wide open14 July 2016 at 10:53

    Digging some more dirt for bones...
    According to the comment made on this page, KCTMO has broken the law re: Asbestos


  35. If anyone is considering nominating yourself....
    Be the change that you wish to see.

    Power is never given, it's taken.
    Let's take it back.

  36. Time to put the wind up the TMO.14 July 2016 at 12:27

    I've had a leak form the TMO. Black is getting hot under the collar.

  37. RES EXIT FROM THE TMO14 July 2016 at 21:59

    Let's make 2016 the year we get rid of the TMO.

    1. Can you imagine being rid of the TMO this year? It would be nice.

      Knowing Robert Black, he would want some sort of equivalent of Article 50, hoping that it would never be triggered to keep that venial TMO going forever more.

  38. RESIDENT EXITEER14 July 2016 at 22:12

    We can do it. Brexiteers got rid of the EU, we can get rid of the TMO.

  39. What goes in place of the KCTMO if they are removed?

    1. We'd have to run it ourselves. I think it would encourage a community vibe which is lacking in the borough except for Notting Hill area. That area is helped by the carnival which maintains a strong community vibe.

    2. 19.07 It is wrong to put up with the TMO. It has consistently failed for over twenty years. The TMO is a litany of incompetence, fraud and disasters.

      The Council owns the housing stock and the buck stops with them for finding a solution for the effective management of social housing.

      I think 19.07 is indulging in a lazy way of thinking.

    3. 21:05, I don't know why you think I am being lazy having said 'we must do it ourselves'. It doesn't make sense. tbh, I would rather someone manage it for us as I don't have any housing experience but the stress TMO causes me and others is so great to the point that I think we'd have to jump off the cliff and need to do it for ourselves. There are others who are doing it and I will be investing my time finding out pros and cons of their workings in August. I need to deal with my personal TMO stuff first though.

    4. Preferential treatment19 July 2016 at 22:16

      I have felt desperate on occasions when the TMO has been difficult.

      Former Board Member, Michael Beverley, had no complaints about the TMO. He got his repairs done, was given exclusive use of a TMO Community Room to which no one else had a key, enjoyed a generous expenses allowances to supplement his Social Security, was entertained in restaurants and at Ashridhge Hotel in Hertfordshire.

      The TMO looks after its favourites and does down those who go out to work to pay their rent.

    5. Juliet Rawlings told me that Gordon Perry helped her with her problems.

    6. TMO Blues is not such a bad idea you know. There is enough material in the history of that place to create a soap opera. Any idea who to cast as Juliet Rawlings and Michael Beverley?

      We could have Robert Black at the beginning of each episode briefing his staff on how to make people suffer adding "be careful out there."

    7. Mike,

      Would you do TMO Blues in the style of Abigail's Party or Secrets and Lies? Brenda Blethyn could play Juliet superbly just like she played Gloria in your masterpiece Grown Ups.

    8. TMO Blues, Pity Gordon couldn't help anyone else...

      Can anyone nominate themselve for the upcoming board member vote? If so, FTHN reader should nominate themselves with a profile, simple one liner "Avid FTHN reader". Imagine how things will turn around!!

    9. TMO Blues Casting Director25 July 2016 at 09:08

      TMO Blues would be just the most. Brenda Blethyn would do a superb Juliet Rawlings. I don't know who would do Michael Beverley, trying to find an actor who would be able to play a social misfit is a difficult one.

    10. TMO Blues Casting Director should get Stephen Fry to do Michael Beverley. Stephen is a superb actor and he would be able to emulate Michael Beverley's neuroses and idiosyncrasies brilliantly.

  40. The KCTMO budget is 100 Million, that needs serious management organisation.

    1. The ghost of Mr Arthur.17 July 2016 at 07:39

      I know that the TMO Budget in 2008/2009 was £ 3 million. I would be very surprised if the TMO is now paid £ 100 million by the Council to mismanage the housing service.

      However, the TMO is the custodian of the Council's Housing Revenue Account and the money in that Account must be carefully managed by fit and proper persons.

    2. Are you saying that the TMO are unfit and improper persons? If the cap fits wear it, I suppose.

    3. Yes, the TMO are unfit and improper persons, everyone knows it.

  41. Perhaps one nought too many - 10 million.

  42. Public Survey for North Kensingston Library ends 30th July 2016


  43. The TMO was cleared out in 2008. In came, Black followed by Jevans, Birch and some time later Brown and Maddison, Could it be cleared out again? If so would it be any better?

    1. No, the TMO will never improve.

      It was bad under Kingsford, dreadful under Perry, abysmal under Evans and appalling under Black. Time to get rid of it.

    2. I agree with yoyu 08:37. Dissolve TMO!

    3. Ode to the TMO.26 July 2016 at 06:28

      08.37. Do you realise you could turn your conceptual framework about former TMO Chief Executives in to an ode.

      It was bad under Kingsford,
      dreadful under Perry,
      abysmal under Evans,
      and appalling under Black.

    4. Excuse the pun26 July 2016 at 06:35

      The TMO is odious

  44. Have you all registered for the resident membership and ready to attend AGM on 17th September? Tell your neighbours, get connected. We will be taking a vote for EGM so please attend.

  45. YES we will be there

  46. First informal meeting - due to take place on Monday. Looking forward to it. If you are organising a meeting in your estate area, perhaps we could compare notes at some point in the future so that the group will get bigger and bigger with substance i.e. evidence. I think connecting with others is the key. Most of us, e.g. Chelsea residents don't know what's happened in Notting Hill area for example. First, dredge any dirty truth and skeltons, then think what we can do about them. One man's (those that held power) rubbish is gold to others (US).

  47. The end of the month is drawing nigh. 158 posts this month. It would be good if Our Gracious Lady, the Dame, could show up the TMO bimonthly.

  48. keluhkan dan apa yang tidak boleh Anda keluhkan seiring berjalannya waktu. Mereka menurunkan setiap keluhan yang tidak mereka sukai atau tidak dapat diabaikan sebagai "pertanyaan" atau lebih baik lagi "permintaan layanan" bahkan jika Anda mengeluh tentang kegagalan layanan. Ini semua

  49. Have you all registered for the resident membership and ready to attend AGM on 17th September? Tell your neighbours, get connected. We will be taking a vote

  50. This is a good article

  51. This is good article 👍

  52. This is Good article

  53. "This is the best article"

  54. This is a great article

  55. This is the best article

  56. This is the best article

  57. This is the best Article

  58. Great and nice article

  59. This is the best and great article

  60. This is the best article


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