Tuesday 12 July 2016


Two visitors from one of the Middle East dictatorships where freedom is virtually non-existent had this to say about life in one of the world's most liberal democracies.
Mohammed Al Madid, 30, a visitor from terrorist supporting, Qatar said: “This part of London is famous for luxury and we come here with our luxury cars in order to spend money, and yet we are treated like criminals.”
Another, a Mr Al Manah, said: “I have been stopped twice just this weekend purely because my car was too loud,( so that ok then?) not because I was driving dangerously.
Supercar driver and his best 'mate'
Stop snivelling like some puerile brat, Al Maneh, and go and get a job. You are a plague and think your money gives you the right to disrupt the lives of others. The calm oasis that was once Knightsbridge has been trashed by the Middle Eastern louts. 
You can read more HERE

Anyway, at long last, the police and council are getting a grip The Dame congratulates them for bearing down on these vulgar, unwanted visitors. 
What Sloane Street needs is a makeover so it no longer exists as a racetrack for owners of supercars.


  1. Well done the police and council for finally coming down on these dreadful Middle Eastern slobs

    1. Does Cllr Moylan have a view/

  2. Noisy looking cars and awful looking little runts behind the wheel. They are most definitely not welcome in London. But they are very welcome to take their money and bad manners elsewhere.

    Istanbul perhaps?

    1. Something nasty lurking under the skin of Furious Tory

  3. RBKC as well as the police have very limited powers. They all drive ob either their own or International licences, obtained for few Dirhams/Riyals, which are recognized here. sadly, there is very little that can be done. I suggest that you just accept the fact and be grateful for the millions they bring with them. An average room at the Dorchester is £4000 a night. They take complete floors. Buddha bar would be shut and many businesses, including MacDonalds will feel the pinch. This Arab Caravanserai is here only for the summer. At the end of which they all return to their rain-less homes.

    1. Mole in a hole12 July 2016 at 11:30

      Sad Badger
      You have no idea. You live in a smelly old sette feeding off the rubbish from the Belvedere.

    2. Mole in a hole describes Sad Badger exactly. Now that the Bentley is calling elsewhere the Badger is in a foul mood

  4. In the coming post-Brexit recession, will not the government do everything to accommodate these sh-oiks and their petro-dollars?

  5. It is hard to stop these ghastly looking people from walking our streets. But if they put a foot wrong (such as revving their cars) they need to be stamped on hard.

    Also, all of us should take every opportunity to make it clear to the low life that they are not welcome and should stay at home or go and crap elsewhere.

  6. They also infest Brompton Road with their disgusting Iranian owned cafes and smelly pipes.
    The stink of their dreadful perfumes as the men walk hand in hand blocking the pavements is ghastly

    1. Supporter of Moylan12 July 2016 at 19:56

      Only ghastly to some people

    2. Can understand why residents are upset by this but Dame some of the comments on here veering towards the xenophobic, homophobic & rascist.

      Their actions upset you not their creed.

    3. Get a grip woman...where has anyone made a derogatory comment about their gay and other religion hating religion?

    4. pish.......

    5. Cllr Daniel Moylan12 July 2016 at 21:48

      I drive a rather luxurious Jaguar motor car with a tasteful, full supple leather interior. Supporter of Moylan, I have no idea whom you might be.
      Have we met at some diplomatic function. Where you a guest with the Italian Ambassador in my building?

  7. I do not like those gold plated noisy ghastly cars. *bling!*
    It shows their mentality and sad one at that.

  8. The Dame has crossed the line. We need to separate out the flash cars and their occasional noise from the visitors whom we welcome.

    1. Well, we must agree to differ. The Dame is an old fashioned thing and goes by the precept, " When in Rome do as the Romans do".
      These people are rude, aggressive, create excessive noise and drive at speeds which are dangerous to other road users, the elderly and the young.
      You welcome them if you must: you would be an exception.
      Try behaving like this in Jeddah and Doha and you would get a beating from the police.

    2. I'm the same as Dame. When in Rome...
      One of my pet hate is a narcissistic culture. The world must go around them. *ahem* No respect for others. You've got the dosh, you are the king! i.e. Cash is their God.

  9. People need to respect our Country, Traditions and Values. If we walked down main street Qatar swigging a bottle of Whiskey - we would be arrested . They people are being asked to keep the noise down - that's all . They act like they own the place. If you don't like it here - go away !


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