Friday 1 July 2016


The Dame has had a call from nice Mr Gove fuming about the insolence of Mole.
Being clever, Mr Gove has discovered the best way to dispose of moles is to put broken glass in their runs....very nasty.

The Dame is very  proud of her moleskin coats and, if Mole is not careful, may find Mr Gove and The Dame make use of him in a most uncomfortable way.....
The Dame's  mole wardrobe


  1. The sooner Theresa May becomes PM the better, then things can calm down. And don't forget, she was rejected back in the day by the Kensington Association as their candidate in favour of the useless egomaniac Alan Clarke, again showing poor judgment. Let us hope she bears us no grudges. It is not just Moylan who is upset about Boris, NPB was banking on him becoming PM as well.

    1. The Dame did warn us all months ago that BJ would not cut it.
      I wonder who the old bag is. She seems to be very shrewd.
      Has anyone met the old horror?

  2. Person Familiar With The Situation1 July 2016 at 16:16

    Anyone who meets the Dame will get the surprise of their life

    1. Wing Co Barry Phelps(RAF retd)1 July 2016 at 17:21

      Is she as rich as she pretends? If so, I am would like to be her walker

    2. :-)a I am sure dear Wing Co that the Dame will be delighted to have someone like you to step out with.... and her luncheon bills at the Belvedere, or Harridges?

    3. A surprise? Very much so? has anyone seen my luxurious sette at HP/

    4. Word has it that the Dame often dresses as a man. Always ahead of her time.

    5. Follower of Phelps3 July 2016 at 07:08

      If it is an old man that the Dame dresses as then disgraced ex Cllr Phelps will have no interest in walking duties

  3. Michael Gove has no wish to be PM. He is loyal to his Party and to his Country. Duty is everything.

    The Tory Elders were in a panic about BS. They know that if he is offered to the broader electorate of Conservative members he would be selected as PM. These brain dead Tories are gullible in the extreme.

    So what to do?

    Tory MPs vote for a short list of two. These two names go forward to the Party for the final selection. It became imperative that BS should not be on the short list offered to the wider electorate.

    Anyone who is in any doubt about the deeply flawed character of self seeking BS should read the debunks by Mathew Paris in the Times and ex mistress, Pandora Wyatt of the Spectator.

    The Elders approached MP Gove and urged him, in the interests of the country and the Party, to torpedo the guy. Gove did his duty, at great personal cost to his reputation and prospects.

    In the UK we do things in a civilised way. In other countries (including America) they are more brutal. The guy would have been shot.

    1. Lord Debrett of Holland Park1 July 2016 at 17:23

      Gove is a gentleman: Johnson is very common

    2. It is Petronella Wyatt. Pandora Wyatt does not exist

    3. The whole Johnson clan are a thoroughly disreputable crowd of self seekers and self promoters. Not serious people. They are toxic to themselves and all around them.

  4. This is a very good and healthy re positioning that is going on in the Labour and Conservative Parties. This time next year there will be a new mood and optimism in the UK. The Scots will need to be handled with care and hopefully the menace Farage will have faded away and be ignored for the nuisance that he is.

    1. Wise and thoughtful words

  5. 'Lord' Cockell1 July 2016 at 20:23

    Mr Gove should be very worried and not go into dark places alone.
    Remember, Boris has some very unsavoury and violent friend; friends like the violent Darius Guppy recorded having a telephone discussion with Boris about giving an errant journalist a 'seeing to'. Mr Guppy has a violent reputation having beaten up Earl Spencer. Be warned...Iranians and Turks, like Boris fight dirty.

    1. Cockle knows all about unsavory persons

  6. Kensington Tory2 July 2016 at 11:19

    Gove is out of it. He is back peddling furiously. Can't stop saying "this is not what I wanted".

    Honourable man.

    So we have two girls and two boys in the ring. Two with a track record and two newcomers. Very difficult to predict the outcome. May has the first mover advantage and so far her campaign has been faultless.

    But see May up close and you notice a political machine at work, 24/7. Those narrow eyes darting around like a snake and avoiding contact mercilessly unless there is an advantage to pursue. Energy management in the extreme.

    Is it possible to have "human" politicians?

  7. What a spectacle!

    The Tories have shown a superbly efficient election process. Simple, fast and understandable. Five candidates of quality on the starting grid and an efficient election method.

    By contrast, Labour is a shambles. A Party in self destruct. MP's refusing in public to work with the Leader, the Leader refusing to resign, no one prepared to challenge him, and not a single Labour heavyweight prepared to mount a challenge or even visible on the sidelines.

  8. Corbyn is on track to Downing Street. He has EDC as a devoted supporter.


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