Thursday 14 July 2016


A Hammersnith & Fulham internal communication pressaging the end of the unlamented Tri-Borough balls up. 
"Things are changing in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and with that in mind I want to provide clarification on our approach to the current shared service arrangements with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council.
It is a fact that more than half of all council services that are currently delivered to Hammersmith and Fulham's residents are delivered by or from a shared service.
Some of our shared services arrangements with RBKC and WCC have delivered savings and other real benefits.
However, some, such as the SEN Transport Service for disabled children or the BT Agresso managed services programme, have cost us money and have caused significant, and in some cases, on-going problems.
(Take note Cllr E. Campbell. This is a direct attack upon you)
This borough has therefore taken a pragmatic approach that prioritises what works and what best delivers value. LBHF firmly rejects the notion of 'Tri-borough' as an entity, a place or a combination of authorities or the development of a single organisation under combined leadership.
Hammersmith & Fulham Council will not pursue any further integration of services with RBKC and WCC. We are actively seeking opportunities to share services and collaborate with other councils and other organisations.
These are austere times with 66 per cent of government funding having been removed from LBHF's budget since 2010. That means LBHF will always see value in seeking more effective ways of delivering services. This more pragmatic approach will allow us to reform and modernise services with much greater imagination and agility.
LBHF is committed to its staff and recognises its duty of care to both its own employees and to those working in RBKC and WCC to deliver shared services to our residents.
Hammersmith & Fulham Council aspires to be the best council. Our councillors and senior managers recognise that can only happen if the people who work for us are given every possible support and that is something that we will prioritise.
That means we will train and develop our staff, we will improve our work environment and we will seek to deliver ambitious outcomes, that has value and service quality at the core, and will make our residents proud."


  1. Sir Delboy Myers14 July 2016 at 14:48

    The first cracks appearing in a crazy idea. I told Cockell it would be tears before bedtime

  2. They've been banging on about this since they got elected. Hasn't stopped the continued march towards integrated social services and the fact that they perform case work on behalf of one another...

  3. None of this is a surprise to the hornets. We were clear at the outset that the whole idea was PR puff by disgraced ex Cllr Cockell who was hoping for a place in the House Of Lords. The Dame put a stop to that.

  4. Messr Cockell and Meyers' ghastly idea. It never worked and will not work. It is nothing but a SNAFU, as we say....Swimming somewhere in this morass is our ghastly Ms Baillie.... God help us all...

  5. Aww! Poor H&F! Of course NOW they want nothing to do with Tri-borough. Wasn't always the case though. Under the tri-borough banner they have been able to leech off K&C money and resources for a number of years in order to improve their previously abysmal finances. Their proud boast to H&F residents for a number of years of "We are freezing Council Tax" was essentially funded by RBKC.

    Now that they're able to just about stand on their own two feet they are happy to bugger off out of it leaving a long trail of (mainly) RBKC redundancies in their wake and drastically reduced standards in services to residents thanks to their dubious influence on affairs.

    Thanks H&F. Good riddance!

    1. The H&F administration that was fixated on cutting Coucil Tax year after year was the one finally given the boot in 2014. The current administration has yet to demonstrate the "Council Tax cuts at all cost, even if it means selling all the family silver" mentality of its predecessor.

      And whilst the former administration's policy may well have included bleeding K&C dry it was also very much based on cutting as many corners where possible. For example, many of H&F's Council-maintained roads bear a profile resembling that of a mountain range due to a lack of proper maintenance over many years. But that was clearly perfectly fine as long as they could cut Council Tax again and again and again.

      The new administration has no doubt learnt something from those clowns - how not to run a Council. And perhaps that has led to this given that Tri-borough was always a crap idea driven by a bizarre ideology that far too many of our own Councillors buy into rather than anything resembling a sound financial strategy.

  6. Good to see H and F delivering value services to residents - rather than political gerrymandering !

    1. ye, indeed by leaving the marriage.. Like UK leaving the EU. Hooorah...

    2. The H&F administration that was fixated on cutting Coucil Tax year after year was the one finally given the boot in 2014. The current administration has yet to demonstrate the "Council Tax cuts at all cost, even if it means selling all the family silver" mentality of its predecessor.

      And whilst the former administration's policy may well have included bleeding K&C dry it was also very much based on cutting as many corners where possible. For example, many of H&F's Council-maintained roads bear a profile resembling that of a mountain range due to a lack of proper maintenance over many years. But that was clearly perfectly fine as long as they could cut Council Tax again and again and again.

      The new administration has no doubt learnt something from those clowns - how not to run a Council. And perhaps that has led to this given that Tri-borough was always a crap idea driven by a bizarre ideology that far too many of our own Councillors buy into rather than anything resembling a sound financial strategy.

  7. Public Survey for North Kensingston Library ends 30th July 2016

  8. Biography

    Nicholas Holgate
    Executive Director for Finance at Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
    London, United KingdomGovernment Administration
    HM Treasury
    University of Cambridge
    connectionsConnectSend Nicholas InMailMore options

    Executive Director for Finance
    Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

    Director of Welfare Reform
    HM Treasury
    2004 – 2008 (4 years)

    University of Cambridge
    University of Cambridge
    1980 – 1984
    Recommendations Given (2)
    Andrew Richards
    Andrew Richards
    Interim Tri-Borough Corporate Services Portfolio Manager
    I worked with Andrew for several years. He was an excellent colleague: realistic, resourceful and resilient. I would see him as a valuable member of almost any team seeking to accomplish a difficult project or programme of work.
    March 2, 2015, Nicholas managed Andrew indirectly at London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
    Steve James
    Steve James
    Senior Environmental Health Officer and Team Manager: Noise and Nuisance
    Steve was an admirable manager in a sensitive area of the Council's business. He was one of the first in the Council to respond positively and creatively to the Government's idea of employee-led mutuals. I would recommend him as a thoroughly diligent and capable employee.
    September 2, 2011, Nicholas managed Steve indirectly at Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

    University of Cambridge
    United Kingdom


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