Friday 3 June 2016


It seems that the Friends of Odeon have stirred up a veritable hornet's nest.
Emails are flying back and forward and Planning Supremo, Mr Stallwood, is advising councillors to be wary now a Judicial Review is in the offing.

So where is our Town Clerk in all this? 
Nicholas Holgate, a diffidently charming Cambridge ex-civil servant, seems curiously detached from the Affaire Odeon.

And, interestingly, the Friends are keeping schtum about their plans.
The Dame has put several calls into Cllr Moylan asking for his assessment of the situation, but, 'no answer came the stern reply'....

Can everybody please continue to keep the old Dame 'in the loop'.
All emails are welcomed into her faux Faberge mail box.


  1. Silly old girl. Silly old Odeon. All of you are blowing in the wind.

    1. Ex Cllr Cockell3 June 2016 at 20:53

      You really make a fool of yourself

    2. What a idiot...Not the Dame, but the Anonymous-18:50. Obviously posted after far too many glasses of Blue Nun...


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