Monday 27 June 2016


Houseboats are to be found on the rivers of all great cities; London is no exception.
They are a charming part of the river scape: more than that, they provide essential low-cost housing in prime residential areas. 
Mr. Andrew Moffat, the developer-owner of Cadogan Pier, came to the Dame’s attention when he and his social climbing family pushed their way forward to welcome Prince William and his wife to Cadogan Pier. 
Little did the Prince know Moffat, an Aberdonian, was attempting to asset strip this historic pier..... so much part of the Thames.

Pushy is a good way to describe the Moffat family.
Their plan is to cast adrift houseboat owners from their Cadogan Pier moorings and re-let to those like the Dame needing a mooring for her Edwardian superyacht,  The SS Hornet-a gift from her Armenian arms dealer 'gentleman friend'.
Moffat’s company, Albyns  specialises in hugely vulgar interior decoration for the ‘international monied set’ with a 'taste by pass'

You can read all about Moffat's greedy plan HERE


  1. His name is Andrew Moffat not Morrow. And about 4 months ago he also bought the Cheyne Pier moorings-the ones by Battersea Bridge.

  2. Thank you so much. The poor old Dame has been very stressed this weekend.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A very sad story. This event is the modern equivalent of the 18th and 19th century enclosures - where wealthy landowners succeeded in stealing the small open fields of the poor. Today the extent to which the super rich are routinely allowed to disadvantage the less well off is a significant cause of Brexit

  5. The Moffats' fortune is very much in decline and deservedly so. Their property development arm is in freefall. 5 Cresswell Place is an utterly tasteless development they did in 2013 , a vulgar over-extension of a mews house, which they placed on the market at a hugely overambitious £40 million. It's worth £12-13m on a good day if you could find a buyer... not helped by an SW5 postcode! It's rumoured to have a personal guarantee on it too....oh dear!! As their financial dominoes tumble, the hope is Cadogan Pier will soon be wrestled from their grasp & end up with a decent owner

  6. I have lived peacefully on a houseboat at CYBC for many years, until the pig Andrew Moffat bought the company. Under his ownership the atmosphere has become a living hell, no boats are selling, he threatens us with lawyer letters and promises to increase fees to suicidal levels. With no protection under law, it was only a matter of time before a pig like Moffat would see an opportunity for exploitation. God help us.

    1. You've lived peacefully at CYBC for years... until the owners actually decided to charge you market value rent. Gulp! The audacity. You should be allowed to reside in central Chelsea without let or hindrance or... rent!! You upper class morons have had it too good for too long... now you're making out that your 'community' is being disrupted because someone has the gaul to charge you the kind of rent / license fee becoming of a pad in the centre of Billionairsville.... Grow up and smell the Thames at low tide you inbred bunch of whining, well-heeled, upper-class, champagne socialist toffs. I'll show you a community in the borough that was destroyed... it's called Grenfell... Don't you dare compare yourselves.... You lit have got it all - and all you want is more. More free living at the heart of Chelsea. I'm going to start to promulgate your pathetic pleas amongst those of us in RBKC who really do have a issue to bleat about. You are all pathetic and you make me sick. If you can't afford to live in the centre of Chelsea - bugger off.

    2. Thanks Andrew for your comment, now get back to your harridan wife Charlotte

  7. You wonder how the Moffats can sleep at night - absolute scum, destroying a much-loved community. I believe in karma, so good to see their awful Cresswell Place scheme going into receivership earlier this month. Hope that hurt financially! A temple to tastelessness as one agent described it

    1. You've lived peacefully at CYBC for years... until the owners actually decided to charge you market value rent. Gulp! The audacity. You should be allowed to reside in central Chelsea without let or hindrance or... rent!! You upper class morons have had it too good for too long... now you're making out that your 'community' is being disrupted because someone has the gaul to charge you the kind of rent / license fee becoming of a pad in the centre of Billionairsville.... Grow up and smell the Thames at low tide you inbred bunch of whining, well-heeled, upper-class, champagne socialist toffs. I'll show you a community in the borough that was destroyed... it's called Grenfell... Don't you dare compare yourselves.... You lit have got it all - and all you want is more. More free living at the heart of Chelsea. I'm going to start to promulgate your pathetic pleas amongst those of us in RBKC who really do have a issue to bleat about. You are all pathetic and you make me sick. If you can't afford to live in the centre of Chelsea - bugger off.

    2. Thanks Andrew for your comment, now get back to your harridan wife Charlotte

  8. Very interesting comments. I am not sure what to make of them. I can say that some of the proposed barge/yacht designs need to be carefully considered. I assume Andrew Moffat has previous experience with seaborne vessels. I would love to have my yacht here, it would indeed take pride of place having crossed the Atlantic several times and a good place to kind of hang up my boots so to speak. Not sure who Mr Anonymous is. Guess we could try guessing. Anycase, love to be managing this site and integrating ideas into joyousness for everyone. 😊


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