Sunday 12 June 2016


Helping the less able
Elizabeth Arnold DL with her helpers
Nick from the Scouts
with his team

Here are just a few pictures of those behind the scenes.

The Dame will soon have a link so all the many other key volunteers can be recognised.


  1. This event was massively attended by senior residents who were nominated by various societies, institutions and organisations in the Royal Borough. The printed programme demonstrated how much organisation and effort had gone into the event and how widespread sponsorship was from businesses in the Royal Borough.

  2. Fly On The Wall13 June 2016 at 07:04

    The MP for Kensington, Victoria Borwick, was the driving force behind the event. A professional Party Organiser in a previous life, she conceived the notion of a celebration for senior citizens in the Town Hall to honour the Queen's 90th Birthday. Victoria obtained the support of the Leader of the Council, Nick Paget-Brown, and built an organisation to deliver the vision. As only this MP can do, she twisted the arm of everyone to contribute and help make the day a success. The police, voluntary organisations, scouts and Air Cadets were out in force, massed choirs sang, there were live video links to the Queens tea party in the Mall, speeches and thank you letters from the Palace.

    Many guests had their photograph taken alongside the Queen in the entrance foyer of the Kenisngton Town Hall

    What a triumph

  3. I have three memories of this great party. First, the look of shear delight on so many senior faces who had scrubbed up, turned up and turned out. Second, our MP Victria Borwick on hands and knees and crawling under a table to retrieve more provisions for the celebrations. And third, larger than life Cllr Gerald Hargreaves rushing around in his Union Jack shoes acting as a perfect host for the many visitors and guests.

    1. Kensington Resident13 June 2016 at 20:17

      Victoria Borwick, MP, and Cllr Gerald Hargreaves, Cabinet Member for Community Relations, demonstrated what a great team they are. Working together, working very hard together, to organise an event for residents who have given so much to Kensington and Chelsea, and using the occasion of the Queen's 90th birthday as an opportunity to hold the party and say "thank you"

      Local politics at their very best. Well done Victoria and Gerald

  4. And I bet Cllr EDC's miserable republican picnic was rained off.

    1. Victoria Borwick knows how to build an organisation. Who to talk with, who to get commitments from, how to create an idea. Lady Elizabeth Arnold, Deputy Lieutenant, did sterling work as Chairman of the Steering Committee. Alanah Cryer, Andrew Wiliams and Lucile Briance also served on the thirteen strong Steering Committee.

      More than fifty local organisations such as Whole Foods, Simpkins, Peter Jones, Trailfinders, Harrods and the Chelsea Arts Club piled in with money, gifts and support.

      More than one hundred local associations such as the Air Cadets, Scouts, Voluntary Organisations, local Business Schools and the Police Cadets were on hand before and during the event

      The Police Choir sang, there was a Parade of Dignitaries, and the Mayor Cllr Elizabeth Rutherford welcomed everyone.

      What a triumph of community action.

    2. EDC's do, minus Corbyn, WAS rained off

  5. EDC and VB have demonstrated over many years that they are passionately interested in their residents who elected them to represent their interests and concerns. What a pity that this tea party was not organised by them both, as an All Party" affair?

    There is very little in local Government that should be treated as Party Political, with the tribes braying their nonsense for too much of the time. Ladies of quality like VB and EDC should take steps when the opportunity arises to practice common sense

    1. This suggestion makes greats ense

    2. EDC and all the Labour councillors were given the opportunity to participate and work with Lady Borwick on this tea party. They did not do so, although Cllrs Healy, Thompson, Bakhtiar and Blakeman ran a very successful Queen's 90th Birthday Street Festival in North Kensington instead.

    3. North Ken Resident14 June 2016 at 20:48

      Excellent, excellent

    4. EDC is a principled republican, so she organised the alternative picnic in Kensington Gardens. Her constituents are not republicans, so the oldies went to the Town Hall. Live and let live.

    5. Following the great British tradition of fortitude against the odds the People's Picnic in Kensington Gardens did indeed go ahead, albeit a little soggy. Unsurprisingly some did not join us due to the weather, but republicans from Croydon, Ruislip and Putney did make it. It was great fun, and we were filmed by Sky News, BBC London and Canadian News.

      My understanding of British values includes free speech. In my opinion the Monarchy is anti-democratic. That is all.

      Thanks as ever for the kind words written here, and elsewhere by the Dame.


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