Thursday 19 May 2016


What on earth is going on within our local K&C police force?
We are now on the 4th or 5th mediocre Borough Commander in as many years.
The only notable exception was the excellent Chief Superintendant Jason Gwillim. 
Gwillim: top class Borough Commander
Jason lasted just months before being shoved into some paper pushing job-much against the wishes of residents.
If you ran a business the way the Met runs itself you would go bust and your good staff leave.
It's time the Met's boss, Bernard Hogan-Howe got a grip and introduced stability in the ranks: this constant chopping and changing is not just bad for police morale; it undermines the confidence of residents.
And, on the vexed question of leadership....not so many years ago the office of Chief Constable was frequently occupied by senior, retired Army officers
Unlike Hogan-Howe and his ilk, these senior ex-officers were tough with a lifetime of man management in conflict situations.
They may not have had dodgy degrees in 'social criminal behaviour' or 'social anthropology', but they knew how to deploy and manage resources.
We need them back to replace these useless 'new age' police theorists.

Residents are told no resources exist to control the excesses of Middle Eastern visitors, tearing around our streets in their Lamborghini's.

Well, the Dame demands to know why, for so many years, the Met had  teams of officers wasting time ensuring Assange didn't do a bunk from his embassy lair.
It's now been decided they were superfluous and have mysteriously vanished! 
So tens of thousands of police man hours were wasted to no purpose.
As the Dame's disgraced butler, ex Cllr Phelps would say, "you cannot make it up'!


  1. I could not agree more.
    Every time a new one arrives we get nonsensical publicity about how they are relishing the challenge....and then a few months later they go!

  2. who appoints these guys? The Met with some undesirable influence from RBKC?

    1. That's called Freemasonry at work

  3. It's nonsense and immensely wasteful. These senior officers hardly get to know the borough before they disappear. Each time this happens working practices are changed. No one seems to know what they're doing and after half a dozen changes in 8 years or so; no one seems to care very much. In the current climate, this is potentially dangerous.

  4. It's nonsense and immensely wasteful. These senior officers hardly get to know the borough before they disappear. Each time this happens working practices are changed. No one seems to know what they're doing and after half a dozen changes in 8 years or so; no one seems to care very much. In the current climate, this is potentially dangerous.

  5. The local police, according to DI James Stanyer do not consider the supercar menace to be a priority. The local police probably have a low opinion of Knightsbridge dwellers. They probably find our moaning a source of great amusement.

  6. Monsieur Phelps20 May 2016 at 22:53

    This is what the DCI Stanyer wrote about the Hornet's Nest. What on earth it has to be with him and how he feels it appropriate for a serving policeman to be making such value judgements is a mystery. Looks like he has invented a new adjective too!

    "Information from the "hornets nest" needs to be considered appropriately as the author and source chooses to remain anonymous and having reviewed several of the Dames' articles of which I have knowledge I can confirm they are based on subjecture and rumour and incorrect"

  7. Monsieur Phelps: You are entitled to your comments. I am baffled why as a 'Monsieur' you bother with this, typically English blog? Le Soir or perhaps Le Monde should be more appropriate.


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