Friday 29 April 2016


On Tuesday morning, our Planning Committee struck another blow for residents by ignoring the feeble advice of planning officers. Led by residents' new hero, Cllr Mackover, he and colleagues Cllrs Bakhtiar, Campion, Spalding and Williams voted in support of a long-term local resident, against a far richer, and better connected neighbour from Ireland.
A few years ago the family had purchased a
small office building in Blenheim Crescent.
Despite planning permission being refused to develop it as a residential unit they went ahead anyway. 
And,as a final flourish, they added a party terrace to their handsome new home.
Sadly, a neighbour of more modest means found his bedroom was just a few feet from the terrace; whilst the minimum distance allowed is 60 feet.
Enforcement action commenced and then, mysteriously, ceased. Our very rich family immediately sought retrospective planning permission for the rear terrace on their unauthorised house.
Oddly, the senior planning officer, Derek Taylor, had recommended retrospective planning permission be granted.
Mackover and his committee were having none of it and told Mr Taylor to follow through with enforcement

Another neighbour commented, "This was a spectacle that made one proud to be a K & C resident.”


  1. This was a very significant decision. The planning system had been ignored. Instead of enforcing the planning rules, officers chose to smooth the way for the applicants to obtain planning permission, at the expense of long term residents.

    Councillors quite forcefully rejected their own officers' reports and voted to protect a member of the public. Well done.

    This is the way forward for RBKC councillors on major as well as small projects.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cllr Mackover and his colleagues should be congratulated... When is the next election of a Leader?

  4. Planning has allowed people and builders to get away with not following the rules for far too long. Planning laws and conditions are set for a reason - that is to protect residents and allow fairness for everyone. If guys like Derek Taylor aren't prepared to enforce the rules, perhaps it is time they take their leave?

  5. Minor planning lapses are rigorously enforced against certain people and their building developments. Yet more serious transgressions by others are studiously ignored. It's being going on for years. Apparently, this time the planning committee called foul.

    Well done for this, but what about next week's planning committee? And the one after that?

    A serious investigation into who benefits from the repeated failures of due process in planning and planning enforcement, is long overdue.

  6. Just how self-interested are some Conservative councillors? We have heard of a former councillor, big in planning, who seemingly went from being a church mouse to an offshore property mogul. For others, it is not money but social cleansing. One of them is knocking down a social housing estate that is too close to his home. Why should he have to live next door to oiks who put rubbish on his doorstep? And now his children will be educated in a lovely Grade II listed building that used to belong to the public. The Cabinet has just leased it to their school without bothering to see if any other organisation would pay a higher rent.

  7. A former Labour planning councillor is a planning consultant. Agreed about rampant gentrification. A close look at officers is also needed.

    1. Planning committee & officers connections to CapCo & planning advisors DP9 need to be investigated, especially Alison Flight. Seen hugging them back in 2012.

      She either needs to resign from her job or be investigated.

      Why has she okayed the night work of Keltbray at Earls Court when residents already endure 8-6 work 6 days a week with dust in homes and gardens & cars; shaking their homes!

      Mark my words Aouane & Spalding are out on their ears 2018!


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