Saturday 26 March 2016


Sneakily, the Government has chosen the quiet of Easter to slip out further proposals to sell off that jewel in the crown, The Land Registry. You can read about their shady plans HERE and sign the petition HERE

The Land Registry operates in a quasi-judicial capacity. 
As one expert journalist commented, "Among the Land Registry’s many functions are quasi-judicial decisions on ownership and transfers, granting title and crucially, guaranteeing legal rights on behalf of the state. This is not just of fundamental importance to homeowners, but an essential feature of our economy. The backbone of the system is its freedom from outside influence and commercial interest."

In other words, it's a core function in a property-owning democracy. 
Just imagine if it was flogged off to a load of property developers, or worse the Qatari 'Royal' Family.
The Land Registry is well run and immensely profitable. 
It needs to be protected from predatory merchants of greed.


  1. Kensington Tory26 March 2016 at 12:56

    This is Tory privatization going too far. Osborne has taken leave of his senses. There are certain things that must remain in the hands of Government. Land Registry is one of them.

  2. The day the gories got total control is a day we will regret. They are systematically destroying the infrastructure of anything that is good in this country. They do not give a damn about this country or the people living in it. It's about their own greedy pockets.

  3. Snorter needs to fill the budget black hole Tax payers alliance have made a good suggestion of cutting HS2 & other vanity projects this is time to put pressure on those trying to sell of Land Reg and cut pointless spending.

  4. Suggest our Dame gets in touch with 38-degrees or to bring this fact to the attention on a wider audience and perhaps start a petition..

    1. Do you know We Own It? They're fighting for Land Registry to be kept in the publics hands.

  5. Well said. In order to save a few millions, trillions of pounds' worth of publicly privately owned assets will be put at risk. Who will run a privatised Land Registry? One of our own home grown ultra-dubious public service monoliths? Or perhaps a giant US corporation will obtain the means to manipulate the legal ownership of the land on which your house stands and mine. Maybe Trump will see the UK Land Registry as a business opportunity crying out for his particular talents. The Chinese government may end up controlling the ownership of Hyde Park. Imagine the money to be made from a Hyde Park gated community. No one will miss a few old trees and a pond. The possibilities are endless.

    Osborne has taken leave of his senses, assuming he ever had any. Eton, Oxford and the Bullingdon Club are no substitute for intelligence, common sense and experience of life.

    1. Alas, the reptile never made Eton. It was St Pauls Girls school......

    2. He still gets teased about it.

      You would have thought his dabbling with white powder, like the PM, & ladies of a certain strict occupation beggars belief how he has made it to head of the Treasury. As well as that dodgy bro of his that got struck off.

      He is short sighted but more people are seeing what they are all up to.

      Will the BBC bother reporting this?

  6. You can sign these peititons

    Dame would you be so kind to attach these to your post.

  7. The Dame has added the 38 degrees link: the other doesn't work

    1. Great stuff Dame.

      This old girl is the most democratic thing we have in this borough.

      I think we should all chip in for the SS Hornet to be refurbed,

  8. Dame you need to focus on Hornton street much is happening

  9. Yes Dame, any update on the Cabinet reshuffle?

    1. Fly On The Wall28 March 2016 at 12:05

      Piggy has been busy over Easter. Agonising about change. He is a timid soul and is frightened of making enemies.

  10. Time for puff Fielding to be exhaled

  11. The Chairman of Kensington and Chelsea Conservatives, Cllr Julie Mills, has made her views about puff Fielding clearly known. Piggy should take courage.

    1. So what are Mrs Mills' views on Thieving-Felon? We need to know.

      Piggy must take control, being nice is not enough. The current Cabinet is a laughing stock.

  12. By permitting the old disreputable ways to continue, Mr Piggy has made many more enemies among residents. The public was looking for improvement on many fronts. Instead it's more of the same; now largely for the benefit of a gang of dubious H&F officers.

  13. Cllr Mills has challenged Cllr Fielding Mellen in Piggy's meetings on several occasions. She takes no prisoners. And she is fully aware of his recreational habits which she does not approve of.

    1. The Canadian puffer just died. A dreadful Mayor and a merciful release for the residents of Toronto.

    2. Sad. Heart attack at 46. Too much substance abuse.

  14. The Dames's Investigator29 March 2016 at 07:07

    The team is intensely interested in photos of any of Piggy's Cabinet snorting coke.

    Pictures to please


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