Wednesday 23 March 2016


The Dame attended a Citizen making ceremony at the Town Hall yesterday: she was hugely impressed.
It was a credit to the staff and made the old thing quite proud to be British.
The Inducted
The staff from the Registrar's Office were excellent and put everybody at their ease. 

Lady Arnold, our Deputy Lieutenant, did a superb job and, afterwards, at the informal reception, took the time to meet the new citizens, taking a genuine interest in their lives and aspirations.

Well done, all involved.
Her only moan was the fact that Mr Handel's music was played. 
How nice to have had a sample of that great English composer, Mr Elgar


  1. Wasn't Mr Handel an immigrant who became a British citizen? Surely a very appropriate choice!

  2. These events are excellent. Something that the Home Office has got just right. I attended one in Hammersmith a few years ago and my experience was the same as the Dame

  3. The Dame agrees: Mr Handel fits the bill, but how nice to mingle in a little of Mr Elgar's works? So very English.
    Another idea would be dragoon Mr Babbington into giving one of his fascinating talks on facets of Borough history.

    1. Ah, Babbington. What a wonderful name.

    2. It is not the music, Dame. Its the FLAG.......

      You must get out of bed on the right side if you are going to function properly in this society

  4. Fly On The Wall24 March 2016 at 07:14

    Mr Babbington is a fine English gentleman and Hornton Street is most fortunate to have secured his services

  5. These ceremonies are very well planned and executed. Delivered with great dignity and requiring an oath of loyalty to Queen and Country.

  6. Startling to think that these solemn and important ceremonies take place in Kensington Town Hall fronted by mad Cllr Palmer throwing snow balls, wrecker Cllr Coleridge and Eton belly swinging on his demolition ball, smokey Cllr Mellen's head drill, Thai lover Cllr Moylan's personal jet transport and disgraced ex Cllr Cockle's Bentley

  7. What is nice to know that these new 'citizens' now even speak English. credit to the scheme...

  8. Rock FM is wielding the wrecker's ball, not Coleridge.

    1. Porky on the wreckers ball looks like Coleridge to me, not Cllr Mellen.

      Dame, am I mistaken?

    2. Yes it depicts Coleridge - but it is Feilding-Mellen who is knocking down our estates, not Coleridge.

  9. What a difference there is in these ceremonies compared with the animals who set off bombs in our public places. The new citizens are excited and grateful for admission to their new country.

    What goes wrong with the others?

    Dame, could you or your readers tell me what it is that ISIS think is horrible about the West? I do not have the first clue what they are objecting to and trying to destroy.

    1. You can put the blame souly on Bliar's Iraq war which demonised Muslims as well as Arabs. Down to New Labour and other governments not forcing migrants to integrate and be part of the community as a whole.

      Back in 2009-2010 Labour government reported that eastern Europeans did not integrate into our community too.

      Daesh are a frightening creation of the Iraq war, with the American army leaving early and discouraged Iraqis breaking away and creating Daesh, There is nothing to understand as they care about nothing but themselves.

  10. Cant believe that any of this causes an educated kid in Glasgow, or Birmingham or London to quit the UK and go to Syria to learn how to make bombs before returning to the UK to set one off in public and blow themselves up in the process.

    Something really powerful going on. Time we tried to understand what it is all about.

  11. 9/11 happened before the Iraq war.


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