Thursday 25 February 2016


Has the world gone mad.....
Are 'the people' seriously considering Zac Goldsmith to lead London?
The Dame remembers when Zac's father, the highly unpleasant Jimmy, was the most fervent advocate for European federalism-until he 'turned'.
Frank and Zac
Anyway, turning to his boy.....
Zac proudly boasts that he has never done a proper day's work in his life. 
Those who know him say when you strip away the affability and charm there is not much left.

Still, it shows lots of money and good connections take you a long way in politics.
Maybe, that's why politicians are so despised.

London needs a mayor who has actually done something in his life.....not a dilettante playboy.


  1. Dear Dame, how perceptive you are. Of course Zac's first name is actually Frank. Maybe this cursed him forever.

  2. Aren't the captions the wrong way round? Isn't Frank Spencer a Mummy's Boy?

  3. Yes, and so is Zachary

  4. He also voted to bomb Syria so not the sought of chap for us to even consider Mayor. I think Labour & COns should not be considered by us; it needs to be an independent!

    1. Absolutely correct. We need a cross bencher type. Probably someone with a distinguished career leading big teams

    2. What we well & truly need is someone who is not influenced by developers & private companies, a genuine love of our city and its people. TFL for far too long have got away with huge fairs and huge salaries for clueless staff when they need to only keep the transport system only breaking even.

      All we want from our city are maintained roads, good transport and our heritage not destroyed.

      It's not alot to ask for. Is it?

    3. not much to ask at all? Any suggestions, then??

    4. Pidgeon (lib Dem), Galloway (ind) or Berry (Green) any of these three.

  5. As you obviously dislike Zac There are other candidates to vote for in May. Let's put it another way in an ideal world , who would be your ideal candidate, who has done something in their life. Ideas please.

    1. As a starter....Peter Long, the retired CE of Tui Travel. Or any international business leader of repute. It's an easy question to answer. I am fed up with mediocre politicians, with no people or business management skills playing around with London

    2. Get real - it is either going to be Zac or Sadiq.

    3. Oh come on....we all know that. The point is what would have been a better solution for London....rather than the two quite unsuitable current candidates. Hence the debate

  6. His real names frank - he pays his taxes through an offshore fund - really trust this guy !

  7. This guy is just a puppet. Problem with Housing in London. Lets knock down all the 'really' affordable housing . Yup thats a vote winner Zac or Frank or Goldy or whatever your name is .


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