Wednesday 24 February 2016


A continuing complaint by residents is the abrupt decline in services after the lately departed, Sir 'Delboy' Myers, persuaded Westminster and Hammersmith & Fulham to combine (certain) services.

When 'Delboy' pushed the idea on councillors he described it as BOLD MOVE
Bold, it may have been, but was it sensible? 
Has it delivered anything worthwhile in terms of cost saving or service improvement? 
Certainly, Social Services under the ghastly Stella Baillie has fallen into a shambolic state.

But what do we all think? 
Certainly, the better class of K&C officers tell the Dame it's a hopeless mess.


  1. Now that noise control has been stripped to nothing residents have to endure the usual noisy late night parties

    1. Noise & nuisance never turn up when Keltbray are shaking our homes in Earls Court. We in the borough do not have services, time to stop paying, that is when they pay attention.

  2. It's been an utter disaster. Typical self serving drivel from a third rate charlatan nominated by his colleagues.

    H&F officers have effectively destroyed everything they've touched. Hands in cookie jars where ever such jars occur. Good RBKC officers have departed in droves. The quality of services has drastically declined.

    The report is a good night time horror story. How much has it all cost us?

  3. Cllrs Rinkers and Mason have been working jointly on a report on procurement for months. I imagine they will have worked out how much time and money has been wasted on dodgy practice. Neither of them will pull any punches.

  4. The answer is "no". It was not a worthwhile exercise. Like Europe, it now needs to be undone.


    1. Unlikely to be done so as front line services press ahead with ever greater integration across all three boroughs.

  5. Interestingly, Delboy was able to boost his final salary pension by implementing tri borough. Not that one is accusing him of being underhand.....

    1. indeed no...sacra bleu...or whatever.. His pension pot is rumored to be 3 Mil..
      As for Baillie: her role on McDonald, Savva, Vickers and all those other nameless sorry sous, unable to speak for themselves... Truly sorry mess

  6. If the finances were truly transparent we would see that the project has cost more than it has saved, especially the ludicrous BT managed services contract. Rinker and Mason are in danger of being muzzled by the powers that be because their report is uncovering horror after horror. The only borough that has achieved any savings from this is Westminster because they were so badly managed. Hammersmith and Fulham have sensibly pulled out of most of the arrangements - apart from those where they benefit at the expense of Westminster and RBKC.

  7. Whoever is Retired Chief Executive is best placed to inform us about this situation.

  8. Residents have no idea how bad things have become. Rinker and Mason should interview RBKC managers and staff about the real impact of this sordid affair then the truth will come out.

  9. Dame much is not right in Hornton street, next week 25 staff are leaving some have had enough others have been forced out. They are been replaced by agency staff and consultants. Eleven months later finances are still in a mess BT are using a system other authorities would not touch with a barge pole. Dame use your contacts in Hornton street also local organisations might be able to help but they will be scared in case the lose their funding which will happen anyway.

  10. Bedlam doesn't begin to describe Hornton street, vast amounts of money is being spent on 'intermin' staff who are actually consultants paid £500 plus per day. There has been a culling of high quality operating departments only to be replaced by flailing bureaucrats who don't know what they are doing and costing more than the original departments. Officers who worked pre tri borough who tried to stay but question or challenge the mad decisions that are taking place are pushed out the door usually due to 'issues relating to their performance. Officers that did care eventually left either because they were intimated or saw the complete demolition of quality services they had developed with local residents and Councillors, by creatures who took over from neighbouring boroughs Hammersmith, Westminster, Camden. Anyone with good management experience would have stopped to question why so many senior competent staff who enabled this Borough to become a five star borough for its services were leaving, instead Councillors ignored it. The Tri Borough is costing a fortune, there are loud whispers that monies from Kensington have been used to 'support the transformation' in the other two utterly mismanaged boroughs. Hornton street is now run effectively by Thugs, whilst the Councillors are totally blinded by continual sales pitches, in the old days we used to say that Cockell was the naked emperor, we now have a cabinet of them who are selling out residents and ignoring their duties. The issue is that whilst this is happening someone is paying the price of it and that will be vulnerable residents such as the Major, the family from Colville Square, disabled children and their families (remember the school bus incompetence) and other vulnerable groups, it is a ticking timebomb that responsible Councillors will eventually be forced to face as it blows up in their face. But they cannot say they haven't been warned.

    1. Tri-borough was an act of wanton vandalism by two vain men (Cockell and Myers) seeking glory. An expensive mistake, it has cost residents dearly in terms of services and many worthy officers (mostly K&C) their jobs.

      RBKC has been used to prop up the failing management and finances of the other two councils (particularly Hammersmith and Fulham which still manages to return a massive annual loss). In return, the influx of H&F officers to Hornton Street with their attendant poor standards and bullying culture has ‘transformed’ K&C council from five-star to second-rate.

      If only it had achieved attention in the national press.

      Too late now though. As we blog it’s being ushered out the back door quietly. Privately acknowledged as a disaster, the ‘T-word’ is now banned in most communications.

  11. 6.19 is absolutely correct. The transport scheme for children with learning difficulties actually costs us more now. It saved a huge amount of money for Westminster and for H&F. Putting it right in RBKC was very expensive.


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