Sunday 14 February 2016


The comment made below needs addressing. 
No, nothing to do with the bizarre grammar and spelling(The Dame went to a Swiss finishing school where she was taught only to sew and make souffle, so she is no grammarian).
The Dame highlights the comment because the content is so far removed from reality one is forced to wonder who the author might be. 
No, it surely cannot be Cllr Palmer, though the spelling and grammar might point that way. 
So, who is this odd person? 
The only two RA's which ever get 100% plaudits are run by Amanda Frame and Caryl Harris.
These two must be major irritants to lazy councillors and opportunistic officers.
We are blessed to have them serving us.
Whoever wrote the weird rubbish below should hang his/her head in shame.....

What complete and utter rubbish. Kensington Society MAY help you if you pay a subscription, and then if they can be bothered.
Amanda Frame is too busy cosying up to the council.
As for Caryl Harris, if popping her head up above a parapet means her attendance at numerous council functions, and as she has said that the residednts association is their to support council officers, then she sure as hell does that.
They are a hindrance, and take the recognition that other people if they are successful.
If residents want to action, inevitably they have to fight for it for themselves, becauze Caryl will certainly not help them, and the Kensington Society, particularly Amanda Frame, are ineffect5ive.


  1. Thank you for addressing this as I tried to do in reply to the comment on the previous blog.

  2. The comment did seem out of place especially as on other posts Kensington society, Frame and Harris have had nothing but good things said about them.

  3. "I consider Caryl and Amanda to be two of the most diligent and committed people in Kensington and Chelsea. We are fortunate enough to have them work for our borough and its residents tirelessly and honestly - and for no gain but for the good of our community. They deserve our thanks, not sniping by an individual that does not have the courage to give their name."

  4. Well someone got the bile off their chest. The Dame provides a valuable safety valve for the bitter and twisted to empty their veins. Caryl and Amanda do nothing but good. In fact they would make first class Councillors.

    1. Kensington Resident16 February 2016 at 08:29

      Well said Scribe. These ladies are two of the most impressive public spirited residents of the Royal Borough. Selfless, knowledgeable, and determined to fight their corner.

      Fearless warriors

  5. I don't have the pleasure of Ms Harris's acquaintance, but Ms Frame and Mr Bach deal with literally thousands of applications every year. The Kensington Society is smart, professional and above all, on the side of residents. It's a pity RBKC is not remotely as smart, professional and helpful as KS.

    So what's bugging 8.30? It makes no sense.

  6. I don't have the pleasure of Ms Harris's acquaintance, but Ms Frame and Mr Bach deal with literally thousands of applications every year. The Kensington Society is smart, professional and above all, on the side of residents. It's a pity RBKC is not remotely as smart, professional and helpful as KS.

    So what's bugging 8.30? It makes no sense.

    This comment appeared to be published, then decided it wasn't. Also very odd.

  7. Based on this post, I think it's time for me to renew my membership in the KS which I have let lapse due solely to my inattention. They do good work and often with little thanks.

    1. Too many of us take the Kensington Society for granted. Membership is only £15 a year. Peanuts. And there is an active social programme of talks and visits (eg guided tour of Kensington Palace).

      Its a no brainer.

  8. Kensington Society Member18 February 2016 at 08:00

    See what the Society is about.....

  9. Ken Soc is the nearest the rotten borough has to a government in exile.


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