Thursday 7 January 2016


The racket from Arab-owned supercars continues to shatter the peace of residents living around Harrods and surrounding streets.
With great palaver, Cllr Ahern, prophesied the Public Spaces Protection Order, with its £1000 fines, would stop the menace. 
As predicted, it's been a total waste of time and money.
These rich, selfish brats sneer at the futile attempts to stop their anti-social behaviour.

The Dame made three suggestions which would have halted these people in their tracks:

1. Insist their cars are subject to a full DVLA inspection immediately upon landing in the UK. This would take at least two weeks to complete.
2. Insist their vehicles have temporary UK plates whilst on our streets
3. Demand the police provide mobile radar speed traps on the mains drags of Sloane and Pont Street's


  1. If we are to believe RBKC, there is precious little that can be done about this luxurious menace.
    1. Inspection at point of entry? Must apply to all other cars. As many are air freighted in, Heathrow would be congested. I would also suggest that quite a few European HGVs do not comply with our regulations.
    2. Again, must apply to all other cars. Why should Lamborghinis etc be singled out?
    3.Do these cars actually break the speed limits? Maybe. Sound limits, certainly. This seems to be the main problem with these peace loving gents. Note: gents ONLY...
    There is very little that can be done, as our legislation does not provide for these eccentricities...

  2. If we are to believe RBKC, there is precious little that can be done about this luxurious menace.
    1. Inspection at point of entry? Must apply to all other cars. As many are air freighted in, Heathrow would be congested. I would also suggest that quite a few European HGVs do not comply with our regulations.
    2. Again, must apply to all other cars. Why should Lamborghinis etc be singled out?
    3.Do these cars actually break the speed limits? Maybe. Sound limits, certainly. This seems to be the main problem with these peace loving gents. Note: gents ONLY...
    There is very little that can be done, as our legislation does not provide for these eccentricities...


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