Tuesday 12 January 2016


Running a council should be a simple affair....providing high-quality education and social services are two staples and collecting rubbish, another.
But some councils cannot resist straying into areas they have no right to be in.
Our council splurged money on loss-making Opera Holland Park, until pressured to stop.  
More topically, 'pseudo' local newspapers, like the Royal Borer newspaper are now in the sights of Central Government
Does anyone ever read the turgid Royal Borer? The answer must be a resounding NO.
Go into any block of flats and you find piles of the Borer waiting to be popped into recycling bags.
Production costs are in excess of £250,000 a year and its sole purpose the self-aggrandisement of certain councillors.
Rahman: Nasty Piece of Work

Even that villainous council, Tower Hamlets, are progressively cutting back on their ludicrous FREESHEET

Come on Nick, chop it now! You know it makes sense.


  1. Given that it undermines the local papers with actual local news, rather than mediacoN bilge, thus destroying local business and jobs, it's a disgrace. It gets as close as it cares to looking like a real newspaper. Listen to the Dame. Shut it down!

    1. Another piece of the Fitzpatrick empire on the way out. Part of the gigantic PR waste of money in Hornton Street.

    2. Hard to believe that Fitzpatrick is still employed in Hornton Street. With all the big PR cock up at the Rivers Authority and the resignation of the Chairman after the PR blurb that the reptile was in Barbados during the flooding because his wife was from there (she is not) I assumed that Fitzpatrick had moved there and was responsible for his usual incompetence.

  2. RBKC Pravda is self serving drivel. It serves no useful purpose beyond its recycling value, except in RBKC it has none. While most UK councils sell their recyclate, RBKC and its neighbours are contracted to spend residents' funds paying contractors to recycle waste at the WRWA. A double whammy! Moylan apparently took some interest in setting up the Western Riverside Waste Authority. So it's a triple whammy!

    1. Supporter of Moylan13 January 2016 at 09:38

      If Tory councillors had had the good sense to elect Daniel Moylan as Leader the Borough would have been a cleaned up and efficient machine by now

    2. Excellent to see that Daniel's personal transporter (DHL 1) has been reinstated to its rightful place in the Dame's website

  3. Don't forget that before the 2014 council elections the local paper ceased publication so no bad news about councillors could be fed to the electorate. Two of the journalists also left the paper one going to BBC the other Dept of Education.

  4. I see another triumph for the Dame in the not too distant future. The old thing has long campaigned against the Royal Borer - a complete waste of tax payers money and an indulgence of self important councillors.

    The days are numbered. High time too

  5. Now we have three locals, which can only print the information they are given, the days of roaming reporters are long gone! K&C Toady concentrates on the south, very la-di-da but has printed some decent local articles. Then there's the Gazette, which for some mysterious reason gets nearly all the Council's advertising, thereby making up for its woeful 25,000 print run but also has some good reporting. Then the newer free K&C News with much larger circulation, which still seems to be finding its way but has a weekly PR report from Piglet-Brown.

    We can only make these papers better by sending them our news, so let's commit - and stop the Borer now!

    1. And the free K+C News has a new start reporter.

  6. Cllr Paget-Brown has turned into a heal tortoise of a Leader of the Royal Borough. Took him years to close down the inappropriate Holland Park Opera (garden music for puffer councillors) and he still has not canned the Borer. This is low hanging fruit that should have been stuffed in a nano second to save tax payers money.

    The guy is a true pedestrian.....

  7. Could a Rahman happen in Kensington and Chelsea?

    1. Nothing but a 'cult of personalities' well done our Dame..

    2. Moylan for Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea!

  8. Further to Rapture's comment. Mayor? Please pass the vomit bowl.

    What's needed is for residents to vote out the rotten borough's most rotten councillors.


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