Saturday 23 January 2016


Victoria Borwick, both as ward councillor and MP, worked hard to help Jim Vickers and became his good friend.

She had this to say about Jim.... 

"I feel so sad that Major Vickers was not able to die in his own home, surrounded by those who loved him, and all his possessions that represented every stage of his varied and long life.  
The glamorous photos of this youth, his friends and his service days..... then on to tea planting and the good friends he made in that time, and throughout his life.

He was always helpful, courteous, a fund of fascinating stories, and always interested in what was going on in the world.

In his later years, he very much enjoyed the internet and following the news, and had been an avid crossword doer, with his sharp brain.

He was one of the most interesting of my constituents and I shall treasure my memories of him"


  1. This is a caring and involved MP. Exactly as it should be. Kensington is lucky.

  2. Borwick, New Broom23 January 2016 at 21:12

    From what I heard she was going to Jim's very messy flat and tidying up and bringing him meals.

    1. This is vintage Borwick. No matter how busy she is there is always time for constituents who need understanding and help. It was the hallmark of her time as a Councillor and good to see that she carries these values through to her current job as Member of Parliament for Kensington

  3. Just imagine if the ghastly Weale had been elected and not VB.....

  4. Simply the best ...where was Weale in all of this? Her silence yet again is deafening.

  5. These cases are very difficult. The interplay of ownership and greed, possession and human rights, and the law. With bit players like Stella Baillie caught up in between. The result is often determined by power and in this case the Italians have the high ground.

    But when a councillor or MP enters the fray, it makes a difference. It really does. Not only immediately, but it sets the tone. It changes the culture. It alters the power balance. Stella Baillie and the bullies behave differently.

    It takes time to make the shift. But Victoria Borwick is doing it. Good for her and lucky for residents. We need more like her in public life.

    1. Scribe is right. The law should be the last resort. We need people to show compassion and fairness and behave accordingly. And it is just fantastic when a person in public life quietly demonstrates these values.

  6. Weale is basically there for the dough

  7. First this was a Labour blog. And now it is a Borwick blog. Pafthetic

    1. When will Cllr Palmer tire of looking at his navel?

    2. 1) Labour 2) Borwick 3) plug hole

    3. Cllr Palmer continues to brief against his colleague, Cllr Borwick. It has become very tiresome. Matthew, please find a new cause to worry about.

  8. Dear Cllr Palmer
    Had you ever thought of taking one of the Council's literacy courses?
    I have yet to see PATHETIC spelt as PAFHETIC. You really are truly, and sadly, PAFETIC!!
    For someone as erudite as I, it is truly shaming to have to share ward duties with a fool like you. Now zip it up!

  9. Borwick could have done something sooner, this is pure PR from her, she could have contacted multiple media institutions and publications to advetise Jim's plight as well as expose and hopefully shame the Italians. London Live is not mainstream media.

    If you read the comment above it is pure PR, she did not do anything! Meals and tidying are fine but she did not and has not used her powerfull influence and position.

    It should be highlighted how much she has done to the help the likes of the Italian developers in London when working in the GLA.

    You notice she has not spoken of the appalling behaviour and treatment by the council & the Italians. Will she reproach them for what they did? No, because these people are her's and the council's bread and butter.

    The Dame has been beyond heroic and tireless in fighting Jim's cause and we all hope Peter will be able to remain in his and Jim's home but we do wish the Dame stopped being Borwick's PR mouthpiece and cheerleader!

    1. Cllr Borwick is modern enough to embrace and use social media. The Hornet welcomes engagement from ANY politician in Hornton Street, and especially Cabinet Members and the Leader, on hot topics.

  10. The Dame takes your point 16:44, but all of us have tried to get mainstream media interested, but sadly only the Evening Standard and London Live, decided to cover it.
    It was not for wont of trying. The Dame does admit she has a high regard for Victoria and knows she could be seen to be partisan. I suppose, it's an accusation that has weight, for she has seen Victoria work very hard for those in need.
    The Dame maintains that she was by far the best choice to represent Kensington.

    1. Dame is a good old girl, very fair!

      I remember when Victoria Borwick used public funds to promote her husbands company. She & her husband are millionaires and could have used their own money. Sadly we have another Rifkind in our midst.

  11. I do not like Victoria Borwick or her politics, but have to agree with the Dame that she was the best choice for Kensington MP. She's experienced. She works hard and she's local.


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