Thursday 12 June 2014



Angela McConville, the Irish CEO of the Westway Trust has had great success with the Blarney Stone.....judging from the embarrassingly self promoting guff in her Linkedin entry.

'The Westway Trust was formed in the 1970s, to take on the challenge of regenerating and managing 23 acres of derelict land under the A40 flyover, which had sliced through North Kensington.
That is just the beginning of the story …
I joined the Trust in 2013 and have reinvigorated the Trust’s future strategy – creating a ‘Destination Westway 2030’ strategy, which seeks to establish Westway as one of London’s premier destinations for culture, enterprise, sport, fitness and artisan retail. I am passionately committed to the Trust’s core aim of maximising social impact through improving the health and economic well being of the community in and around Westway.'

So is part of the 'maximisation of social impact' kicking the West London Stables off the site?
Sarah Tuvey has been running the stables for years.
Her work for the disadvantaged, the disabled and local schools has won her Mayoral awards and the praise of the local community. 
And it's that community who are shocked at the underhand ways used by the Trust to remove Sarah

McConville seems not have the foggiest idea about strategic direction: one minute the land is going to be developed....the next the plans are shelved.
What is clear is that Sarah's riding school is an integral part of the strategy of promoting 'sport for all' in the area.
So why is Miss McConville so determined to get rid of a major component of that strategy?
The Dame will be pursuing this one and talking to her friends at Private Eye....she smells the stench of naughtiness!
All information welcomed.


  1. What an appalling way to treat Miss Tuvey....McConville is meant to be running a charity and that, after all, is all she is qualified to do.

    1. Were did McConville get her qualifications from the mafia

  2. The horses benefit the socially deprived. There is a very real danger that all the recent 'improvements' across the whole of K & C will destroy the social fabric of the borough, rendering it unfit for human habitation.

  3. And on the subject of Westway - it may not be within the Westway (Amenity) Trust's control, but let me relate my recent experience re Malton Road which runs under Westway from Ladbroke Grove to St Mark's Road. Frankly it is a terrible hole, and after the repair garages and builder's merchants close at night and weekends a dangerous area best avoided. The problem is that when the 'Ion Bar' mark 1 was developed in the vacant bay adjoining Ladbroke Grove some deluded planner or road engineer thought it would be a good idea to block the junction of Malton Road with Ladbroke Grove (not in itself a bad idea) by PHYSICALLY extending the building across Malton Road, leaving a narrow pathway on the right. Thus what was previously a perfectly visible, open road, became a secret hidden dead end against all the principles of 'defensible space'. Of course it immediately attracted drunks, drug dealers, vagrants and rough sleepers.

    Recently, the Council had a glossy consultation on the 'regeneration' of the Westway land (presumably in conjunction with the Trust) asking for comments on the proposals. I commented that it had been a fundamental mistake to block Malton Road off visually from Ladbroke Grove, and that as fortuitously the Council was at that moment gutting the former EPICS Centre in the next bay, it was a once in lifetime opportunity to get rid of the (now Sainsbury's Metro) extension blocking Malton Road by offering them an equivalent space in the new development adjoining and behind them.

    Of course I heard nothing and the EPICS development is well advanced and Malton Road remains a threatening and unpleasant place.

    1. The blocking of the entrance to Malton Road was carried out by Vince Power, who was running the Ion Bar. Now he is running the old KPH, so expect the worst there. The Council appealed this but it was supported by the Planning Inspectorate. It had the opportunity to unblock it later on but Mr. Bore decided that it should stay. Nuff said.

    2. The main issue with Malton Road is the number of men using it as their personal toilet of an evening. Also, the access onto Ladbroke Grove is a Russian Roulette when it's raining, vis-à-vis getting suddenly drenched with dirty water from the motorway above as you walk through.

  4. I am saddened and shocked by this news in equal measure. I don't think there are that many inner city community sports centres that can boast a riding stables. Why would the Trust turn on such a unique and charitable member of our local sporting community? This is just incomprehensible...

  5. As a resident of RBKC, a regular horse rider at the West London Stables and a trustee of the charity West London Community Riding Centre (WLCRC), I am stunned and appalled to learn of this situation.
    WLCRC is a new charity set up to help disadvantaged children of West London by improving self-esteem & motivating through horse riding. We have just secured funding from the Olympic legacy charity Sported! to get our first major project off the ground – aimed at benefitting local teenagers from the poorest and most deprived estates on the borough. We have worked long and hard to make this charity a success. Sarah Tuvey and her 20 plus years’ experience of work with children that can be difficult to handle is crucial to our success. What will happen to our charity now? How can we fund raise when our sustainability is in question?
    And that’s just the tip of the iceberg – on a personal note, losing the West London Stables means I will no longer be able to ride regularly in west London!
    Please take a look at the audited accounts of the Westway Trust and you can’t miss the millions they are holding in cash and liquid assets on their balance sheet. Why do they not use surplus funds to actually help the local community instead of focusing on profit maximization? They are a trust afterall and a charity NOT a property development company!!

  6. I've been at the stables for over 10 years now and seen the way the horses and ponies have helped disadvantaged children gain confidence and have so much fun, even those that cannot speak you can see a thousand words through their smile and laughs when they are around and riding horses.
    I believe that Sarah is being unfairly treated in this matter and withdrawing her from the westway trust isn't going to benefit the local community in any way in fact, in anything it is depriving inner city people the opportunity to ride and be around horses where they wouldn't be able to any other way.
    The trust should be focused on being a charity instead of profit margins.

  7. The west way trust sound like dodgy scam merchants. Not a proper charity. I know of the stables and its a much needed resource for the community. I hope someone can help ms tuvey against these corrupt west way trust rogues. It would be a disgrace to lose such a needed amenity in an inner city area.

  8. Oh here we go again. Westway Trust/Charity..nothing trustworthy or charitable about them at all. They are core to destroying the vision of land beneath the motorway being used for local people. They demolished Acklam Playspace which was used by hundreds of local children from all backgrounds and abilities. What's there now? Nothing. They have no interest or concern for local people. The stables should be allowed to stay, it's a total disgrace that this short sighted Irish woman is allowed to get away with this. It's about time local people rebelled enough is enough. Sarah and her staff work hard to keep the stables going, they love the horses and the work they do. I hope the dame investigates Westway thoroughly they are and always have been a bunch of meeley minded thugs.

  9. Cllr Moylan has been learning to ride with Sarah - time for him to don his knight's kit and ride in on the white (grey) horse Daisy to save these stables.

  10. Yes, I hear that not only does Cllr Moylan plan to ride out with the Pytchley, but has been discussing with Cllr Marshall the possibility of sheathing himself in some skintight jodphurs and getting into out all young Argentinian players....

    1. Go Daniel he had martin freeman on the run scared to death of Daniel was mr freeman

  11. This doesn't make any sense at all...
    I'm an RBKC resident and have been riding at West London Stables twice a week for the last 2 years and have seen first hand how Sarah Tuvey and her horses are helping local disadvantaged and disabled children and young adults.
    Through teaching them to ride and how to care for these amazing animals - they learn how to take responsibility and they gain confidence as well as having a lot of fun.
    This has led to a very active volunteer programme at the stables, with local young people giving their free time to come and care for and groom the horses and to help out after school and at weekends.

    Why is the Westway Trust depriving all those people of a chance to learn to ride, to be with horses and to personally grow?
    This is one of the few places in London to offer this kind of access to these service users.

  12. THE MARQUIS OF LENNOX13 June 2014 at 23:37

    Moylan is the sort of bounder who calls it 'horseback' riding and talks about ASCOT not ASCUT

  13. EX CLLR LAMENT13 June 2014 at 23:43

    One hopes that Cllr Moylan refrains from 'bareback' riding

  14. Trust is not above all and places it self untouchable money was given to make a walk way for travellers on stable way they even brought a part. Of arena were we ride from. Me .question why buy your land from your tenant or pay for what's yours with council funded money and never do project how much more funding have they. Received over years for projects and not completed no one will ever know because who will challenge they ethos. Being carried out read they ethos. And find it in they work maybe you need to pay more back handers to be in the know because i have scene. A lot in my time on stable way which clearly shows one rule for one not for another you may have tripped me over with your bully. Like behaviour yet someone will untangle your web of deceit in time keep employing more people to push out and local resources for your property business but maintain your righteousness good though that ethos you stand behind

  15. I could not have asked for a better, more beneficial way to spend my childhood than I had growing up at West London Stables, and to hear that it could be taken away is shocking. The stables is an integral part of the community; Sarah has always been there to help those who wanted it. Where else in London could you find affordable riding that is not purely for the privileged?

    I have been a part of this community for about 15 years and I have seen the real benefits that this stables has brought to children with disabilities. Some of the most touching moments has been being able to provide activities to these children who otherwise would have never thought that they could be able to do such. The stables and the horses have also helped young teenagers who come from less privileged backgrounds, with many going on to become valued workers at the stables itself.

    To think it OK to take this site away from the community disturbs me. McConville needs to think about who she is truly damaging by removing the stables, because it is not just Sarah and her horses, but the the entire surrounding borough as well.

  16. I have been riding at West London Stables for 7 years and spent countless happy days as a teenager at the stables with Sarah and all the lovely and fantastically cared for horses and ponies. I have witnessed the amazing work that the stables has done for disadvantaged and disabled young people from the local community.

    As a young resident of inner-city London, West London Stables was the only opportunity for me (and many, many others) to fulfill our dreams of riding and caring for horses. I am shocked and sickened to think that other young people may now be denied of this opportunity. West London Stables is utterly unique in terms of it's urban London location and accesibility/affordability which has enabled it to touch the lives of so many who may otherwise never had the chance to be around horses.

  17. brenda mylchreest15 June 2014 at 15:11

    Sarah and her horses have done so much for the local community. My daughter went riding there and later helped out. It gave her and many others the opportunity to interact with horses as well as people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, to grow in confidence, taught responsibility and hard work, all in a safe and fun environment. Experiences that will stand, the many young people who spent time at the stables, in good stead for life - and for which they (and we parents) will be indebted to the hard work and vision of Sara & her horses.
    The thing I find very hard to comprehend is how one charity can do this to another?? When Ebony did not have their own premises or horses, Sara welcomed them to her stables and an Ebony group used to ride there - now it seems like they are stabbing her in the back! Not very charitable!

  18. Charles Gordon15 June 2014 at 15:24

    The West London Stables are a local enterprise helping vulnerable local people in the community the Development Trust exists to serve. This is exactly the kind of activity it should be helping to thrive. Instead of pushing them out, apparently in favour of an outside organisation, the Trust would do well to devote some of its substantial resources to providing advice and support.

  19. This is absolutely appalling and flies in the face of the policy espoused by the Trust .

    Example one :

    From the westway trust website : We believe that everyone should have access to learning, regardless of age or circumstance. Our adult learning programmes and supplementary schools are tailored to reflect our diverse community's needs; to meet each individual requirement and at the same time bring local people together to share knowledge, skills and friendship. It’s never too late, or too early, to learn something new.

    Sarah and her stables are one of the most inclusive places you could ask for, with everyone welcomed , encouraged and nurtured .

    The diversity of people that benefit from this local institution is incredible, from the disabled, children in care, and adults with learning disabilities , to enthusiastic horse lovers , up and coming film makers and just about everyone in between.

    No one is turned away and every bodies individual circumstances are respected and incorporated.

    Surely in an urban environment the stables provides a place to learn something new which according to its own website is exactly what the trust is legally obliged to encourage ?

  20. How can it happen that two charaties that are established can come in, link together and crush a new charity! Aswell as this, how can represenatvites from Ebony riding school visit Sarah Tuvey face to face with a pack of lies, wanting to know how she kept and looked after her ponies and have the audactiy to look around the yard when all they were actually doing was looking around knowing what was in the pipe line with absoilte disceit to its fulliest.
    I also think that the patrioints and trustees of ebony riding school should know the decietful type of people they are dealing with and Sarah Tuvey is able to quite easily identify the people that came to her stables on that day. Its discusting to know how charities who are all trying to do the same thing, help communites, the dis-advatnaged and less able children to have the exerpeince to be around horses to try and crush them. Surely this isnt right?!

  21. I am a resident of Kensington and Chelsea and have been to west London stable many times, It gives great opportunities for many people both old and young. I think its a great part of the area as it has given myself and my children opportunities to be around horses in built up London. I think the way that ms McConville has made the decision to throw west London stables out is appalling and shouldn't be allowed to happen.

  22. Georgie Compton16 June 2014 at 17:44

    I recently completed my work experince down at West London Stables and a great exeprience it was. Sarah and the other members of staff down there were very kind, helpful and patient with me as i didnt have much experince around horses and they taught me so much and they also boosted up my confidence as by the end of the week i felt very comfortable working with and around a majority of the horses. The horses down at the yard are all very well looked after and all have a kind nature with all there different personalties and characters. Now to hear that the stables is to be shut down comes as a great shock, to know that they will be getting rid of a place that does so good to a community and has helped me and i bet many others comes to a great supprise. I do not agree with this descision that has been made and think it should be re thinked about in a more realistic way.

  23. I have been helping and riding at the stables for the last 10 years, and have spent most of my childhood down the yard. The horses are very well cared for and looked after. What i have seen Sarah do for the community and all the children that come to ride is truely amazing. If there is any question of sarah tuvey`s horses that represent west way riding not being in tip top condition, they have been entered in 3 top shows around England and Wales multiple times which were the Royal Welsh, Royal Windsor and New Forest shows which they all did very well in winning 1st a number of times. which is all documented in their records, and they got there with the love and dedication of Sarah and her helpers. I feel assured miss Tuvey would withstand any veterinary inspections of her horses, if there are any questions or doubts to the condtions or care of her horses.

  24. The whole situation amounts to pure and simple bullying, which I find utterly shocking. I've been riding out of the stables for four years and quite frequently send friends and acquaintances there. The horses are extremely well looked after and I've never found a person who is familiar with the stables to have a bad word to say. Westway Trust should be ashamed of themselves for try to put out such a solid charitable and local community organisation.

  25. Well - it's taken them six month's but the Westway Trust led by Angela McConville - forces out West London Stables now they say for a skateboard park - according to ES:

  26. Westway Trusts CEOs tweet. This weekend is Sarah's eviction date. How flippant and how unjust .Shame on you - you're not spending any time on serving the community - that is what the Westway Trust charity was set up for Angela McConville.
    And so with this flippant tweet we see the demise of a much loved community asset West London Stables - after 20 years serving the ‪#‎NottingHill‬ community
    Trust CEO..any time for community matters in your busy day Ms McConville?


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