Saturday 14 June 2014


The Dame is getting super steamed up!
She has just heard that Ebony Riding Club has had its beady and greedy eyes on Sarah Turvey's stables for many months. 
A year ago Ebony paid a visit surreptitiously 'casing the joint' before reporting back to McConville that her site would suit them 'just nicely'!
So the Dame took a look at the powerful patrons behind Ebony and discovered that the Duchess of Cornwall was one patron and Val Shawcross another.
Now Val is a member of the London Assembly. The Dame expects every reader to email Val to express their disgust that her charity could collude in the destruction of Sarah's Stable. You can email her

Clara Hoalim Jones writes......

I am disgusted and appalled by the actions of the Westway Development Trust towards Sarah Tuvey and her stables. 
I cannot believe the decision not to renew her lease simply because of the Trust's CEO's bloody mindedness, and/or that of her advisors. 
Angela McConville is the new CEO of this so called charity and may be unaware of all the facts that resulted in her poor decision. 
I have been involved with the stables for some 8 years and it has been a haven for some of the most deprived, the disabled and the local community in West London. 
Despite the odds, Ms Tuvey has transformed this site into wonderful place in the centre of London with her animals allowing many who could only dream of relating with the horses and learning to ride in an urban environment. The delight and joy on the young faces speak volumes. Has anyone at the Trust even bothered to visit the stables?
This has taken years of hard work, perseverance and dedication to get this far, why would anyone with a heart not allow Ms Tuvey to carry on the good work. 

Ms McConville states the option to exercise the renewal of the lease between 13 Sept 2012 and 21 May 2014 is incorrect. 

As far as I am aware the final draft was only signed towards the end of September. I even sent an email to the lawyers who were making changes to the final document dated 12 September 2012. 
In any event if the Trust's intensions were honourable, could they not have sent a reminder to Ms Tuvey as promptly as they did with the notice under the Landlord and Tenant Act? Notice was sent out on the 22nd May 2014 precisely a day after the deadline!!

I also wish to state that in all my dealings and subsequent conversations with the management team of the Trust none said that the lease would not be renewed. 
I have attended meetings and even then the outgoing CEO assured me that there would be stables as part of the regeneration programme. 
I was even told that the lease offers greater protection for the lessee etc. etc. and that the Trust were always willing to work with Ms Tuvey going forward. 
My understanding too was the trust had been tardy in reviewing and renewing the present lease. It took months to get an initial response simply to agree the heads of terms. 
Then again months to submit the requested documents to the lawyers. 

Could Ms Conville clarify whether the scrapyard merchants, garages and music studio all around the area would be denied renewal of their leases or could stay in the area?
Could she also clarify when this regeneration would take place as the supplementary planning does require stables and arena. 
Lastly she maintains there is not a viable future in the current location.
Well, of course, there will not be as the land is being regenerated and the stables relocated. 
Will the trust fund the relocation costs?
As time is short should there not be proposals in place if you seriously have the intension to help retain the wonderful services of Ms Tuvey's yard?

I personally have a pony there for children and adults to ride where do you suggest I liver him?
 It has been home to him for over 5 years. 
I am hoping that you would reconsider your decision. I appeal to your better nature. 
The stables will work and I hope the trust will give it the opportunity to do so. 
I fully agree with Paula's take on this. 


  1. McConville on taking over Westway stated “The land and area surrounding the Westway is full of character and heritage. More importantly, it belongs to the local community,” Currently Westway as usual is not listening to the local community which is no great surprise. This stable is embedded in the local community and this time we should make sure that Westway listens.The councillors who are trustees of Westway should stand up for this resource. Westway have a balance sheet of over 20 Million money made sometimes at the expense of the local community.

    1. McConville is a Change Agent. A very nasty Change Agent. They are the best. The locals will notice the difference. Sarah is dust.

    2. Oh do stop showing off your 'sophistication' with nonsensical terms like 'change agent'. This is a pan community asset, not a playground for the ludicrous McConville to play 'property developer'.
      This will end in tears. The travellers will see themselves under threat and cause trouble if the Stables are taken from Tuvey.

    3. Bring them on

    4. Were did or has McConville worked before did she have any connection to any one in this ebony riding club this i wonder

  2. So it seems. Those two nice respect able ladys who came calling pretending to want to know were i get my ponies from were so part of plan no wonder has anyone checked this Angela is not Rodger Maitland reincarnation as it would appear she works just like him another nice respect able good person for community or well anyone who wants press coverage get your new outfit ready Elizabeth

    1. Spot on. The whole area needs to be spruced up. Smart people are moving in. Long overdue. The residue need to pull their socks up

    2. You really need to stop talking arrant nonsense

  3. This is part of the long overdue regeneration of North Kensington. The tacky past is being replaced and upgraded by more genteel facilities. And a bit of Royal patronage in the Royal Borough is fitting. Lets hope that the movers and shakers can find some meaningful role for Ms Turvey. Maybe Hon President of something or other?

  4. Does more genteel facilities also mean getting rid of the travellers. McConville may be devoid of any community commitment but for her the travellers would be a step too far so maybe Sarah should solicit the help of her neighbours including the travellers and take McConville on. It is about time that Westway were taught that they cannot shout the local community out of their decision making. So maybe Sarah could organise some pop up direct action.

  5. The travellers definitely need to go. Absolutely unsuited to the Royal Borough. Ghastly, dirty people.

    1. Go back under the rock from which you have crawled. This borough is corrupt has had paedophiles running the royal ness of it all. It's now employing a bus company that used to operate a porn channel to transport vulnerable people. The Royal Borough is a laughing stock and it's run by whom? Ghastly, dirty ignorant people.

    2. FAN OF THE OLD DAME15 June 2014 at 11:29

      This is a Council where members of the ruling group have beeb beset by sex related scandals. The ex Mayor Barry Phelps was forced by the good old Dame to resign for sending out emails on the council server of twelve year old boys with disgusting, sexually suggestive captions. Then Andrew Lamont, another Tory Councillor narrowly escaped jail for possession of thousands of images of children(he said someone downloaded them!!!)
      Another ex Mayor, now deceased and supposedly happily married kept a young boy lover in a West End flat(he as a well know preacher when not working in the City) Another cllr resigned for receiving Filthy Phelps images.
      So 10:49 tell us who the 'dirty. filthy people' are? Looks like the Town Hall!!

    3. Who ever you are you are a nasty despicable person. You are the one that is dirty and unsuited to this Borough.

  6. Very charitable comment is charity to help or remove what you class as scum

  7. The travellers mind their own business and keep themselves to themselves. What this post is doing is outing the deep rooted prejudice that still prevails in this borough. Working class people....know your place, people in grateful....and live somewhere else. It's disgusting. The Westway land was supposed to be used for the benefit of local people it has failed miserably and needs to be made accountable. Local people are becoming very very angry. Sarah's stables support and work with local people rich financially and rich in other ways. It's everything this government say should be supported. The devil will be in the detail of this nonsense, a pro bono lawyer who cares about people will kick Westway hard and it's about time, is there anyone out there?

    1. Travellers look bad, smell bad, live bad and are bad. Move them out. Messy people

    2. Palmer...say it to their great gormless thing

    3. Travellers have as much rights to be here as stable has. Because we were on land no value or use to anyone but know is wanted by people who feel are self and travellers are real not under cover. Do good people who are out of touch with every day hardship of life the stables is a organic apple not a processed packet of powers. That be

  8. brenda mylchreest15 June 2014 at 15:02

    Sarah and her horses have done so much for the local community. My daughter went riding there and later helped out. It gave her and many others the opportunity to interact with horses as well as people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, to grow in confidence, taught responsibility and hard work, all in a safe and fun environment. Experiences that will stand, the many young people who spent time at the stables, in good stead for life - and for which they (and we parents) will be indebted to the hard work and vision of Sara & her horses.
    The thing I find very hard to comprehend is how one charity can do this to another?? When Ebony did not have their own premises or horses, Sara welcomed them to her stables and an Ebony group used to ride there - now it seems like they are stabbing her in the back! Not very charitable!

  9. Sarah's stables benefit everyone she and her staff are caring patient and understanding. The stables are a valuable resource for the young people that Full of Life provide services to. Please have a look at the images on the following webpage

    Frank Redmond

    1. Correction the direct link to the horse riding images on the Full of Life website is

      Frank Redmond

  10. More deafening silence from the useless Cllr Blakeman and her pathetic Labour Group.

    1. AH but for those who have the ears to listen and they eyes to see, listen and watch this space

    2. Judith Blakeman is very much on top of this so unfair to infer otherwise

    3. Totally agree with the HornetsNest

    4. Is it true ebony only work with people who live in only 1 ward in Brixton not Borough wide or other boroughs a incredible amount of money raised but small part Brixton to only use will westway fund new centre or ebony

  11. Have the trust lost their sight or are they too consumed by their self importance to see further than their egos and their balance sheet.
    No decent landlord behaves this way and their inappropriate behaviour will be exposed as it once was.
    Remember bullies never pick on one their own size, but to have 2 against a humble area such as stable way is a wonder. Is there a pot of gold at the end of that area? Just take a look at some if the articles on this land, polluted, ill maintained, under the flyover. Will they move the flyover too to accommodate the incoming ebony riding horses? Surely A feat too far even for the Great McConville

  12. The west way trust absolutly jumped at the chance to give Sarah her notice, due to 1 small oversight and a clause in the lease, they were legally able to give her notice. They must have been jumping with joy with the thought they they can now hob nob with the ebony riding club, and they always wanted the chance to revoke the lease on the stables. I wonder if the ebony club would have the same close ties and trust with the travellers that Sarah has?
    Sarah has run the stables for almost 20 years for the benifit of the community, underprivelged children, and many other groups. It is appaling that 2 charities would collude in such an underhand way to evict a very hardworking, honest, person, and the peole who work and volunteer there. Not to say what will happen to the ponies.
    This should not be allowed to happen.
    Angela Mc (Con)ville said when she took over at the trust she wanted it all to be more transparent and honest, doing a deal beforehand and then grasping the oppertunity over a small detail is not honest.
    If this were allowed to happen it would be morally unjust.

  13. From the Trustees and Director of Ebony Horse Club:

    We wish to make clear that Ebony Horse Club have no interest whatsoever in Westway Stables.

    We are led to believe that somebody claiming to have a connection with Ebony Horse Club did visit Westway Stables some time ago but we have no idea who that person was and they had no authority to claim to represent us in any capacity.

    Ebony Horse Club wish Sarah well and are aware of the loss to West London if she were unable to continue.

  14. So were did all this info came from what are trust going to do with stable land


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