Tuesday 12 November 2013


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So it takes a Labour MP to fight the corner of Conservative residents.
Basements are an issue that transcend party lines, yet Malcolm Rifkind-possibly one of the UK's most indolent constituency MP's and Greg Hands, whom the Dame normally praises, have chosen to absent themselves from a debate that directly impinges on the lives and welfare of those who vote for these two on autopilot.

The Dame is no supporter of Karen Buck, but on this one she deserves all our praise.

It's is astonishing that the leadership of this Borough did not take the opportunity to support Buck's Ten Minute Motion and show they actually cared about out of control basement development in our Borough.
This is from the Dame's Lobby Correspondent....
"Buck then introduced a bill to tame the basement craze now gripping the capital's most salubrious neighbourhoods as Russian oligarchs' loot, French funk money, ill-gotten gains of the Arab elite and Greek tax-dodgers all pour into the supposedly safe haven known as the London property bubble.
Buck was talking about cavernous 14,000 sq ft bunkers for ballrooms, gyms, cinemas, staff rooms, games rooms, spas, gun rooms, garages and plant rooms, far bigger than the above-ground house. Even local duchesses protest that "no one needs that much space" – only "marginally smaller than Westminster cathedral" in one planning application.
Yet rich neighbours and planning restrictions in posh Westminster and Kensington are powerless to resist the lawyers and money which loutish developers deploy to destroy once-lovely streets that survived the Luftwaffe. The poor know dispossession only too well, but it is a novelty for duchesses.

Buck's bid to cap cellar mania was backed by dangerous leftists such as Kensington's Tory MP, Sir Malcolm Rifkind. Red Riffo's hour has come."


  1. This is proof positive that Rifkind is the most terrible affliction on Kensington and Chelsea residents that it is possible to find. A totally useless constituency MP

    1. What an opportunity for the MPs of Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith and Westminster to rally behind the lead that has been given by Karen Buck. Basements are not a Party Political matter. And at last there as an MP who has recognised the need for political action and she is getting exposure in the media. It is time for Cllr Coleridge and Cllr Paget-Brown to urge Malcolm Rifkind MP to do something for his constituents

    2. Karen Buck has given the lead. Now the other Central London MPs need to come in behind her. At last an MP doing her job and speaking up for her constituents. Democracy needs more of this. Much more.

  2. Well said. This is a truly cross party issue; since those affected by nuisance, subsidence and flooding etc support all the political parties and none. Serious damage is being done daily to the homes of people of all ages and income levels. Meanwhile RBKC continues to ignore its residents. There is no evidence of leadership from Hornton Street.

    As for Rifkind, we'll wait forever till he acknowledge his constituents' existence; let alone act to defend them. The man's a disgrace.

    1. Those afflicted by nuisance, subsidence and flooding should probably have a long hard think about which political parties they support.

      Your vote is only worth something if the incumbent thinks you might take it away and give it to someone else.

  3. The idea of The Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind, KCMG, QC, PC, MP having anything to do with Karen Buck, the Member of Parliament for North Westminster, is out of the question. The stratosphere inhabited by Malcom is out of site and mind to the dungeon terrain occupied by the miserable Karen.

    Kensington needs a new Member of Parliament. Urgently.

    1. A Bucks Fizz for Karen. The drink is ion me.

  4. Sir Malcolm has missed an opportunity to serve his constituents. He needs to go the extra mile to make up for this.

  5. As we have always said, this is not something that councillors in one borough can deal with. It requires a change in legislation - but the Coalition government is benefiting very well from the foreign investors and money launderers who are mainly responsible for these horrors being inflicting on Central London. Since most of the affected residents would vote Tory anyway, there is no mileage for Conservative or Lib Dem MPs joining a cross-party alliance to get rid of this scandal. Hats off to Karen Buck!

  6. Apologies to the dame! I just found this from Sir Malcolm Rifkind lurking in my spam folder. What say you? "Thank you for your e-mail.
    Do not believe everything you read in Hornets Nest!
    If you care to look at Hansard, for last Tuesday, you will see that I was one of the co-sponsor’s of Karen Buck’s 10 minute rule Bill. This was a joint effort by a number of London MPs. The proposals in the Bill are very similar to those being put forward by RBKC which has my full support, and which I have discussed with Councillors.
    Kind regards
    Malcolm Rifkind"


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