Sunday 17 November 2013


The Dame visits the depths of Norfolk where our highly paid deputy leader, forced upon Nick Paget-Brown by the 'yoof' element of the Council, is up to tricks....
Rock Feilding Mellen is busily trying to make a buck or two bulldozing ancient Norfolk woodlands in order to build some socially conscious housing! 
These beautiful woodlands form part of a historic County Wildlife site and are a magnet for visitors from far and wide. 
The woods are also home to a variety of interesting wildlife.
This seasonal picture of the woodland gives dramatic impact to the threat posed by Feilding Mellen and his developer friends. 

Rocky is noted for being a hectoring bully-prone to losing his temper and screaming like a petulant child when crossed. 
But his tactics are not working in Norfolk and local bumpkins are telling him to take a hike back to London.

A campaigner tells the Dame,"after a previous attempt by the landowners, fronted by DPZ and an expensive American Development and PR firm to convince the local people and Councillors of the sense of building on Thorpe Woodlands, Rock has taken the lead, saying his plans for building will give people what they want:this despite a record response to Broadland District Council's Public consultation which showed almost total opposition to any building in the woodlands." 

Rock's company 'Socially Conscious Capital', like DPZ and their landowning employers arrogantly ignore local opinion and local campaigners have taken a violent dislike to Rock if one reads THIS
Rock and his Jersey based friends at DPZ commissioned their own survey aimed at reversing the Ancient Woodlands declaration, but their conclusions are totally opposed to those drawn by Norfolk Wildlife Trust, RSPB, CPRE and Natural England....
Feilding Mellen is an arrogant, jumped know all. 
It's time Nick P-B took him to one side and told him his business activities are an embarrassment to the Royal Borough.


  1. Plenty of space in North Kensington for one of his socially conscious builds if he really cares about ordinary people that is! I am sure the way this council operates with other planning and building issues there is a deal to be done.

    1. Rock's little money making scheme is about as "socially conscious" as the sacking of Rome.

  2. Paget-Brown should not be wasting his breath on this juvenile. Rock should retire quietly and gracefully and look after his kids. He is of no use to anyone in Hornton Street. A distraction and a waste of time.

  3. It is sad to have to observe that too many of the kids with an expensive education are only interested in getting rich quick. If they are not bright enough to make it into banking then they dabble in property. Cllr Fielding-Mellen needs to find a proper career, get a proper job, and set off on the long haul. At the moment he is an embarrassment to himself, to his family and to all around him

  4. Three years ago the owners of these woodlands, Thorpe and Felthorpe Trust, told us that if local people were opposed to development they would walk away. Three weeks ago they sent us Rocky. I have emailed Socially Conscious Capital twice in the last week asking for information about the Trust. Apparently their consciousness does not extend to a reply or an acknowledgement of receipt. The people of the RBKC have my sympathy.

    1. Oh dear Bumpkin, don't you understand, he's busy with his 'business'. And if you want to know more about it, you only need to look here, it will tell you everything you need:

      'Rock Feilding-Mellen holds 4 current appointment, has resigned from 4 companies and held appointments at 3 dissolved companies. Rock began their first appointment at the age of 24 and their longest current appointment spans 8 years and 4 months at MELFIELD DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED. '

    2. Melfield is a joint company with his mum who finances all of his ventures. The boy is not "bankable"

    3. As in: "not actually made any money" then?

      Another expensive education wasted.

    4. Is there a lawyer in the house? If I owned some land, perhaps covered in trees, for instance in the county of Bumpkinshire, and wanted to create a Trust for the benefit of my progeny, would I need to set up some form of legal document? If not, how would my progeny (or any other interested parties) know what my intentions for that land were?

    5. A reply from Rock to my emails. He couldn't get back to me sooner as he was in Scotland last week "on business". I thought the Dame and friends would be interested in this link
      This all sounds terribly familiar to the straw-chewing peasants of Bumpkinshire. Arrogant? Patronising? Surely not.

    6. All very familiar.

      And they say that when the plans were criticised at a public meeting attended by about 300 people, the earl’s stepson, Rock Fielding, who is a Tory councillor in Kensington and Chelsea, told them: “The estate will not be dictated to by the village.”

      followed by some back-pedalling:

      “My comment in terms of saying that we would not be dictated to by the village has been taken wholly out of context. What I was referring to was that we would not be taking a decision based solely on those assembled in the hall that evening, a fraction of the population of the village as a whole.” The Princes Foundation said it aimed to plan for Longniddry’s sustainable future “while retaining the unique appeal and character its residents cherish”.

      Rock is fond of letting the truth slip and then trying to cover it up afterwards. It wasn't so long ago he referred to the north of the borough as a "dung heap" during a Council meeting.

      But this is all hardly surprising. One of his colleagues suggested bulldozing all the social housing in St. Charles Ward after the 2010 election (during which Rock lost hist seat).

      Give this lot enough rope and they do eventually hang themselves.

  5. We live in a strange world. Only a few days ago I watched the hopeless Rev Paul Flowers (ex Chairman of the Co Op Bank) giving evidence to the Public Accounts Committee of the House Of Commons. I kept thinking that this was not only an accident that had already happened but clearly another was on the way. No surprise then to read the stories in the weekend press. Cracking! Lifestyle of gay websites and drug orgies. And a Reverend.

    Obviously a glittering career beckons with Kensington Tories as a Councillor and if he is also a Mason he will progress to big allowances quickly.

    1. 22.13 must get his/her facts right. The Rev Flanders appeared before the Treasury Select Committee, not the Public Accounts Committee. And scandalous speculation about Kensington Tories is without foundation and spurious. And there is no basis for implicating the Masons

  6. When will Cllr Cockell be hauled up before the Public Accounts Committee to explain why he spent £100 million on a £30 million school?

  7. Could bloggers get back to Cllt Fielding-Mellen please?

    1. Cracking suggestion.....

    2. The plural of Rock might be more appropriate.

  8. Person Familiar With The Situation17 November 2013 at 22:24

    Rock has told close friends that he wants to be a Member of Parliament


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