Thursday 14 November 2013



A Reader Writes.....

My Dear Dame
As fury mounts at the continued obstruction by Holland Park School over access to its palatial new  sports facilities the one Councillor who has nothing to say on the matter is Cllr Elizabeth Rutherford. This is curious as not only is Cllr. Rutherford the Council’s one remaining representative  on The Holland Park School Academy Board of Governors but she is also the Vice Chair of the Family and Children’s Scrutiny Committee.

At last night’s unusually animated F & C scrutiny committee meeting, as other members fulminated at the failure of the New Academy to meet its legal obligations to its community, Cllr Rutherford sat there in stony silence. The only hint of her general discomfort being the rigidity of her upper lip and her slightly pink complexion.
Rutherford was handpicked as a ‘model candidate ‘ by the unlamented  Pooter but the potential he saw in her  seem invisible to everyone else.

Cllr Rutherford’s  job is to represent the views of the Council and Community to the school and to explain the School’s actions and policy to the Council. If she is not going to do this at this time of crisis in Holland Park School’s relationship with the local authority she should simply make way for someone who will do the job.


Sam Prescott


  1. It takes time for Cllr Rutherford to figure out what is going on. But she will get thee in the end. Then it will occur to her that she has to resign from the school and make a resignation statement that makes it clear to the Governors of the School that she cannot be a part of dishonesty

    1. This will be very hard for Elizabeth. She does not like to make waves. A peaceful life is what she craves.

    2. One of life's timid souls. Not a bone in her body.

  2. Cllr Rutherford enjoys busying herself around Council meetings and activities. She loves to dress up and be charming to everyone. And has little coffee mornings for her favourites at her home. She has a particular soft spot for Cllr Coleridge. Now getting on in years, this Councillor who represents Courtfield Ward but lives in Campden Ward hoped to swap seats at the next election in order to be" closer to home". But her ambitions were blocked by Conservative Agent Jonathan Fraser-Howels (who she hates with a passion) and the old girl is stuck in Courtfield until the travel becomes too much for her.

    1. It is quite unfair to put Cllr Rutherford in the field of cross fire and conflict. It will cost the State more in A&E. Not her forte at all

  3. Liz is a dear - but quite unsuited to coping with the machinations of a devious and determined Headmaster against a weak and ineffectual Director of Planning. Conflict is about to become very hot after the Chairman of the Campden Hill Residents Association takes off the gloves in support of his members rights. This is becoming a test of "Who Governs Kensington". The Town Hall Leadership has been strangely quiet.......

    1. The Leadership seems to be running scared. Cllr Coleridge has refused many invitations by the Chairman of one of our major Resident Associations to meet and discuss the issue.

    2. Watch Cllr Lindsay. He was shafted by the Cabinet three years ago when, as Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, he attempted to stop Cockell's express train to sell the school playing field. Lindsay is once again a Committee Chairman and on Tuesday night there was a certain glint in his eye when he made it clear that the maneuvering to sidestep a planning condition is out of the question.

  4. Person Familiar With The Situation14 November 2013 at 21:18

    Cllr Rutherford is thrilled with excitement. She is a regular reader of the Hornet and has at last made "the front page". Her good friend Cllr Holt has sent her warm congratulations (he too is a Hornet fan). Elizabeth will consider her next move in the fullness of time but for now she is absolutely thrilled and tingling in a way that has not happened for many years

  5. Ha Ha. Cllr Rutherford now in the Hornet Hall Of Fame

  6. Head Teacher Colin Hall hand-picked Cllr Rutherford to be his Council nominated Governor because he knew she was supine and would do nothing to rock the boat. She even condemned Holland Park's terrible policy on school uniforms in the Council Chamber, probably without even realising that the school she was condemning was the one of whom she is a Governor!

    1. Silly old woman. Past her sell by date


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