Friday 15 November 2013


When you are 'Lord' Allen of Kensington and a friend of 'R'Ed Miliband you can ignore the 'Little People' whining about their lives being ruined by your multi level basement excavations.

Karen Buck needs to have quiet word in the ear of the obnoxious and smug Allen.
His team of workers say that residents can expect another nightmare year in South Edwardes Square.




  1. This is just the kind of evidence that needs to be sent to Malcolm Rifkind MP and Karen Buck MP. Pictures tell a thousand words

    1. Kensington Resident15 November 2013 at 11:02

      It is curious how many residents bleat about the hardships that they are experiencing from basement excavations and yet they are not prepared to lift a finger to write to their MP or Ward Councillor and ask for help. And it is unbelievable that they still remain quiet even after an opportunity to bring about the kind of change offered by Karen Buck MP is available.

      This apathy is not confined to residents. Even the hopeless Cllr Husband whose house is falling down around him because of a basement excavation next door, refuses to make a public fuss. With Councillors like this, what hope is there?

    2. Cllr Husband has probably fallen for the lie that these basements are "a good thing".

      You don't have to listen to members of the majority party for very long to realise that whatever the Council are currently doing to curtail basement excavations, very few of them seem to believe in it.

      And they certainly won't be lectured by the minority parties about it, even if the minority parties are correct and they're (rather aptly) just digging themselves a rather large hole.

  2. One Councillor who will not be writing to Karen Buck MP is the odious Jonathan Read. This contrarian is anti resident, pro basement and hates the old. As he frequently remind colleagues. A member of the Children and Schools Scrutiny Committee, the reptile is even supporting Holland Park School in their efforts to reverse the Planning Condition that allows residents to use the school pool. The guy obviously has serious personal problems.

    1. Another one for de selection

  3. Cllr Read has seriously screwed up mental processes. Not so long ago he attacked a LAbour motion in the Council Chamber to outlaw the gas guzzling MAyor's Bentley by claiming that a Toyota Prius is LES environmentally friendly than the 6 liter Bentley. He laboured on about this for 23 minutes. Whatever can the idiot be smoking?

    1. Cllr. Read's response was based on the repeated use of an Internet search engine on his iPad whilst the motions were proposed. As a result he was perfectly able to fire off "facts" for minutes on end whilst simultaneously demonstrating a complete lack of understanding. He's certainly not the only backbencher to confuse facts, knowledge and understanding but he has made a habit of demonstrating it .

      As far as the Bentley is concerned: forget the Prius. It was a very good idea but clearly offends the sensibilities of too many in the majority party like our dear Cllr. Read. Just buy a Ford Focus or any other medium sized family car. Should save on both fuel and tax.

    2. The very sensible Provost of Aberdeen uses a Skoda

    3. A Skoda is not appropriate for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

    4. Neither is a Bentley with a high performance engine that consumes fuel like there's no tomorrow. It spends most of it's time roaming the borough, where the speed limit is a mere 30mph.

    5. My Dear Kensington....I suspect, like the Dame, you have only recently acquired your title. However, you must not allow your social insecurity to drive your choice of conveyance. If one is secure socially, it matters not a jot whether you drive a Skoda or a Bentley. You are clearly of a milieu that feels the 'car maketh the man'. In that respect you are no different to any other Bentley driving property developer or 'celebrity'.
      If a Skoda is good enough for the Provost of that great city, Aberdeen, it is quite good enough for a jumped up fag salesman such as Pooter Cockell.

    6. Bested by the Dame!



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