Wednesday 27 November 2013


The whispers are that Cllr Faulks is getting into her stride and becoming a force to be reckoned with. 
Nick Paget-Brown could no worse than replace the liability that is Rock Feilding-Mellen with this intelligent and forceful newcomer....
Clever and personable, Cllr Faulks is a breath of fresh air.


  1. What an excellent idea

    1. Tired Tory Councillor28 November 2013 at 09:13

      It was just a matter of time before something stirred her to action; but please, not Dep Leader, she'd be compromised and couldn't speak out.

      Far better to have a lion on the back benches, than a lamb on the front.

    2. The Dame agrees and withdraws the dep. leader idea

  2. Fielding Mellen represents the direction Pooter wanted the Council to follow and his appointment brings great discredit to our Borough. This will be more revealed in due course.
    Cllr Faulks, on the other hand, is the direction that RBKC needs to bring them out of the Dark Ages.
    Time the new Leader woke up to this reality.

  3. Can we have some examples of how Cllr. Faulks "is getting into her stride and becoming a force to be reckoned with"?

    I remain unconvinced she's all that different to her colleagues. I doubt I'm the only one.

  4. The point you make is a fair one and to be truthful the evidence that her approach is different is anecdotal. However, she should be egged on.

  5. Faulks is no lion. Just a well healed Kensington lass who thinks rather a lot of herself and is currently enthralled with her new "councilor activity". The new job goes down well at dinner parties.

    Maybe she will be a good Councillor (ie more than ballast) but we are yet to find
    out. The residents of Campden Ward (where she was just adopted) are waiting to see what this ex Norland Nanny comes up with. She takes over from Africa "Buffy".

  6. Impressive? I think not. More like a vixen

  7. Just the tiniest bit sexist. However, she's yet to make her mark. In fact, I was under the strong impression that she does not intend to stand next time round.

    1. She was one of two candidates competing for the vacancy in Campden Ward created by the retirement of Cllr Buckmaster. She made a spirited and very Sloanish presentation which went down well with the small number of Party Members present. Who were then given a steer by Cllr PAget-Brown of how they should vote.

    2. The other candidate competing for Cllr Buckmaster's seat was an enthusiastic, energetic and likable Young Conservative. The vixen won. But a better balance might have been the youngster (who lives in the middle of the Ward, has done so all his life, and is a Govenor of Fox School) because he would have joined a team of two experienced but long in the tooth sitting Councillors (Cllr Freeman and Cllr Ahern) and would have been able to learn from them and contribute some energy. All organisations need to be refreshed.

    3. Silly carping! The new Lady is married to a Lord - a great comfort and reassurance for the Tory residents.

    4. The young Tory lad would have been fantastic. But Lady Faulks is an old friend of Cllr EDC so who knows, she may be influenced by Emma's uncompromising approach?

  8. EDC friendly with a Lady? Has the world gone mad??

    1. A life peer's wife is hardly like being a friend of a Cecil. There are so many life peers that a friend-an old Catholic aristo tell me that the red benches are so crowded they have to sit on each others laps. One hope they can squeeze up for a 'little 'un' in the shape of our Pooter....if he gets his lifelong wish.

    2. EDC used to be a Lady too.

    3. I hope that Pooter is not hoping for an elevation (apologies to disgraced ex Cllr Phelps) With all the stuff swirling around about Rev Flowers (every Minister is saying "I did not know") there can be no similar excuse for the elevation of disgraced ex Leader Cllr Cockell. The Dame has well and truly exposed Cockell's profligate and irresponsible past.

    4. I would like to think I'm not so shallow that I'd refuse to befriend someone because of their unfortunate background. Character and integrity are for more important, and Catherine is blessed with both.

      Her politics, however, continue to be a source of great disappointment.

    5. What a wonderful cosy little Club Hornton Street must be for our Councillors.


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