Wednesday 16 October 2013


The Dame is an naive old thing and politics are a mystery to her.
When sixteen year old Rock Feilding-Mellen impudently pushed himself forward as leader he was encouraged by Pooter Cockell and the 'youngsters' led by polo playing Quentin Marshall. 

Pooter clearly thought some Downton style weekends would be coming his way.....courtesy of Rocky's stepfather....(sorry, Pooter you can't use the Bentley!)

In order to avoid the catastrophe of Danny Boys Moylan, Nick Paget-Brown, the Dame's choice, was forced to do a deal with Rocky. 
Anyway, that boring old cliche about a week being a long time in politics serves us well here.

The grown ups....the two Nicks and Tim Coleridge are doing a workmanlike job redressing the damage done by Pooter and Danny Boys so maybe it's time Nick Paget-Brown flexed his muscles and told Rocky to step aside and make way for a grown up. 
This would allow him to strengthen the top team by replacing him with Coleridge and others more capable than Rocky.

Boundary  changes and the pending departures of the young 'Bouji Buck' supporters, plus, Rocky's own lamentable performance to date mean he no longer has a power base. Chop him. Nick!


  1. A very well timed intervention by the Dame

    1. Cllr Feilding Mellen has a new young family and is finding it difficult to combine the jobs of Deputy Leader and fatherhood. He should put the Council on the back burner and take a few years off and concentrate on the children. Cllr Coleridge is the obvious candidate for the Deputy Leader's job. He and Paget-Brown work well together and would be a dream team.

  2. Cracking idea, Dame

  3. Rock F-M is an embarrassment and should be taken down a peg or two. He certainly needs to learn how to speak to residents with a bit of respect. Fortunately, F-M does not have the personality to bully and control like Cllr Moylan.
    However, F-M does have some similar traits to the over-paid thug Moylan, in that, he has made it known that he is not at all keen on poor people.
    Get rid asap.

    1. Politics is not a good fit for Cllr Mellen. His talents would be better deployed elsewhere

    2. Charming boy. Old BMW. New twins. Dotty mum. Private income. The OE network should easily find him a new spot to nest in.

  4. This is a very perceptive piece by the Dame. The idea of teaming Cllr Paget-Brown with Cllr Coleridge as Leader and Deputy Leader would broaden the dignity and appeal of the Leadership of K&C and inject the maturity that Cllr Fielding-Mellen currently lacks into dealings with Officers and outside bodies like the Resident Associations.

  5. There is much work to do in Hornton Street in order to "recover" the organisation from the disastrous rule of disgraced ex Leader Cllr Cockell. A Leadership team of Cllr Paget-Brown with Cllr Coleridge as Deputy and Nicholas Holgate as Chief Executive would complete the formation of a heavyweight team and much needed "new broom".

    1. Tired Tory Councillor17 October 2013 at 09:46

      Cockell's speech on D Myers at Council last night said it all. It was rambling, idiotic, nonsense, went on for far too long and showed us all just what we are missing - nothing.

  6. A crack free administration! And perhaps the courage to introduce long overdue spending controls on fripperies such as Holland Park Opera and the Nour Festival

  7. I know that officers would welcome a move to replace FM or as they more often refer to him, FU. With the obvious exceptions, the calibre of the officer team at RBKC is well above average and they don't like having to work with wet behind the ears little boys who have been given power that they don't understand but do use.

    Definitely time for a change.

  8. RFM will face the Tory selection panel later this month, let’s hope they vote him out like they did with Donaldson and Neal.


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